Sword Spirit

Chapter 982: Ye Gong's good dragon

Lu Xuan's words can be said to be greatly unexpected to everyone's expectations, whether it is the onlookers, or the group of people in the strong man are slightly revealing a trace of wrong color.

"I thought I could see a good show again."

"This young man is too tempered."

"The brawny is the leader of a gang in the city. As the saying goes, the king is so irritating, the little devil is difficult, and the young man is afraid of recognizing his identity and simply endure it."

The voice of the whispers of the onlookers continued to come. At this moment, the face of the strong man also showed a hint of color. He just lost his face in the old man. Now he sees Lu Xuan’s face, and he feels very proud. Looking at a few of his friends, it is clear that he is still a little face.

The old man saw Lu Xuan not to say a word, but did not feel surprised, just smiled and looked at Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan did not have the slightest embarrassing appearance at the moment. One of them did not want to make troubles in the Tiansheng City. Second, he also wanted to get rid of the old man, just to find the shackles to get out.

However, Zhai Ze seems to be a bit unscrupulous. As a monster, he has a large amount of food. Although he has just eaten a lot, he is only half full. However, since Lu Xuan chose to give up, Zhai Ze naturally obeys and looks at it. The brawny stood up with a sigh of relief.

It’s just that his eyes are provoked by the brawny. Lu Xuan was so soft before, and the brawny naturally thought that they were bullied, and immediately patted the table and said, “What are you doing, then you will be your eyes. dig it out!"

When this statement came out, Zhai Ze couldn’t stand it anymore. Before Lu Xuan took the initiative to want to go, but now the brawny is equivalent to pointing his nose, as a monster, Zhai Ze originally Some fierceness, not to mention the existence of the demon kingdom, if it is placed in the mountains, it is the existence of the monopoly, where it is to be reprimanded by this strong man.

Takizawa turned to look at Lu Xuan and saw Lu Xuan had no instructions. He immediately snorted. Learning the look of the brawny, slap on the table and slap on the table and say, "How about you?"

As soon as the voice fell, I heard only a bang. The table where Lu Xuan was sitting before was completely broken, and the debris fell to the ground with the bowl on the table.

This hand of Zhai Ze was shocked by the brawny man. He couldn’t speak for a while, and he relied on his hand. Two times, Sanfan’s table was left with a palm print and shocked the Tsing Yi old man and Lu Xuan. I didn’t expect that this shot was immediately smashed by the table.

"This guest officer, the table and chair of the small shop is expensive, you see..." The first floor of the shopkeeper did not know where to drill out, and said to Lu Xuan's body.

Lu Xuan smiled and found a piece of the best stone thrown to the shopkeeper. Said: "Zhu Ze. Let's go."

Takizawa was provocative and took a look at the brawny. He turned and followed Lu Xuan.

The brawny's face was red, and Zhe Zelu's hand was a face that was hit in public, and it was a sly face. Since Zhai Ze dared to do this, it means that Lu Xuan gave up his seat just because he really wanted to leave, but he was not afraid of him.

Looking at the wreckage of the table in front of him, the brawny said with a black face: "Let's go."

This meal could not be eaten, and I had a position. But now it has been crushed by Takizawa. Even if the shopkeeper moves to a table, he has no face to stay here.

"Master, just I am impulsive?" Zhang Ze followed Lu Xuan, and some embarrassed said.

Lu Xuan shook his head and smiled: "There is nothing wrong with this. You can't let you be wronged. Besides, the brawny is not a bad character. Although he sometimes has to be a grandson, it depends on who is wearing it. ""

When Takizawa heard the words, he grinned: "There is no big thing that has broken your master. Where are we going now?"

"go shopping."

"Walk. Go shopping?" Zhang Ze is somewhat puzzled, but Lu Xuan does not say, he can only follow.

As the largest city of the Eight Senses Temple, Tiansheng City has a fight with Jiuhua League. The martial arts atmosphere in the city is very strong. In addition, there has been a major event in the recent Red Flame City, and a large number of military personnel active in Chiyan City have been transferred. In the Tiansheng City, the streets are full of martial arts, so busy.

Although Lu Xuan is the first time to come to the Tiansheng City, but with the map provided by the Shadow Hall, it is not lost. Not far from Tianyu Building, it is the most prosperous area in the eastern part of Tiansheng City. There are not only high-consumption places but also countless shops. For example, Jiuhua City is not only the best in the Eight-Party Temple. Large cities are also the most developed cities.

Walking and stopping along the way, Lu Xuan looked at the situation in the eastern part of the city with great interest. It seemed to be like a person from the field to the Tiansheng City.

Soon, Lu Xuan went to a shop with Yanze, and the shop was called Wanbaolou. It was a cheesy name, but the business was not bad, and the guests coming in and out were in a constant stream.

"Go, go in and see." Lu Xuan said.

Takizawa looked at the front of the doubts. The former convenience is the largest store in the Tiansheng City. It is said that it is the shop opened by the Sikong family. The goods are only you can't think of, and you can't find it. And this Wanbao Building seems to be a good business, but it is still incomparable with the picking star pavilion. Yan Ze knows that Lu Xuan is not short of money. He always goes to the biggest and best shop when he buys things. I didn’t expect Lu Xuan to choose this time. A place that is not surprising.

Perhaps the owner did not want to let the money earned by the empty house, and Zhai Ze secretly thought that he would quickly follow Lu Xuan and walk toward the Wanbao Building.

I saw a singer and a tall walker came in, and stood at the door of Wanbaolou to greet the guests. Xiaoqi suddenly stunned and swayed and looked at Dina’s body and was afraid of other sisters. Be the first to take it.

This is also the attraction of Wanbaolou. All the waiters in the store are all women, and they are beautiful women whose appearance is the best choice, and Wanbaolou does not limit the freedom of these women. Which one, as long as both parties are willing, only need to pay a certain amount of money, they can easily get the freedom.

This is because the women in the Wanbaolou are very enthusiastic about those who are worthy of their own lives. If the other party sees themselves, they will be able to live a better life, and then they will not be able to buy anything. This commission is also quite a lot. As for the customers who are really rich or loaded with money, they can be distinguished at a glance. The young son who is coming forward, at first glance, is born into a family of great families.

Lu Xuan has now reached a six-fold virtual reality, but he has learned a variety of rules. The momentum is completely different from that of ordinary warriors. Although it does not reach the leafless and self-defeating, it is naturally distributed. Breath, but the difference is still big compared to ordinary people.

As soon as he stepped into the Wanbao Building, Lu Xuan saw a tall, slender waist and long legs, and the woman in a pink gauze greeted herself. Zhai Ze also swept the woman, but then there was no interest. His aesthetics are still somewhat different from the human race.

"Welcome to the public to visit our Wanbao Building, our Wanbao Building has a very broad business scope. I believe that the son will be able to find what you need here." Xiaoqi said with a smile.

"Is it?" Lu Xuan smiled and smiled.

"Of course." Xiaoqi showed a confident smile. Wanbaolou could have such a good business so close to the Star Pavilion. In addition to some sales methods, its quality and supply are still excellent.

"I don't know what the son needs, I can take the son to pick you up." Xiao Qi asked.

"I came to sell things, I just don't know if you can't eat them."

Xiaoqi chuckled: "The son said, the financial strength of our Wanbaolou is well known. If there is something that can't be eaten, since the son needs to sell the goods, then I will take the son to identify the value."

Lu Xuan smiled and shook his head: "I can't show this thing to the average person. Please ask your big treasurer to come out."

Xiaoqi heard a slight frown, and the big treasurer of Wanbaolou rarely came out personally. The young man had a big tone. He sold a thing and even dared to come out to receive the big treasurer.

However, the guest is supreme, Xiaoqi does not have any bad attitude, just said: "Our big shopkeeper is busy, and leisurely things are generally not coming out. If the treasure of the son does not want to show people easily, then I can ask our management to come. Receive you."

"Administrative? That's fine." Lu Xuan nodded.

Under the leadership of Xiaoqi, a middle-aged man with a slightly blessed body came over soon, and Lu Xuan arched the archer: "I heard that the son has something to sell?"

"Not bad." Lu Xuan nodded, his right hand seemed to be unintentionally lifted up, posing in a weird posture on the cheek.

Seeing this gesture, the face of the manager was not shocked, but he turned his head and said to Xiaoqi: "Xiao Qi, this son I am coming to receive, you should go to your busy first."

Xiaoqi looked at Lu Xuan with a puzzled look and suddenly nodded and left.

"Gongzi, please come with me." This management once again confessed, but this time I can see him bending slightly, revealing a trace of respectful color.

"Xiao Qi, why are you coming back so soon?"

"Yeah, that son looks very good, and people are handsome, have you let go so easily?"

"Don't mention it, the management personally took over the reception. But you are afraid to look away, he is to sell things, I guess I am afraid that the family is in the middle of the road, take the family treasure to exchange money." Xiao Qi gently shook his head.

Under the leadership of the management, Lu Xuan and Yan Ze were introduced into a guest room. After the two sat down, the manager asked: "I don't know what you want to sell." ?"

"A Kowloon Jade."

"Wu Ding has been in good condition?"

"There is only one dragon left."

"Which dragon?"

"Ye Gong's good dragon."

Zhai Ze’s eyes widened and looked at Lu Xuan’s dialogue with this manager. Where did the owner come from Jiulong Yuding? And still the broken Kowloon Yu Ding?

While he was wondering, he saw that the look of the management became more respectful. He whispered: "Please ask the son to change a room. Go down and ask the big treasurer to come over." (To be continued~^~)

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