Sword Spirit

Chapter 986: What is true?

The Shadow Hall division is clear, although Yi Yong is the division of the Shadow Hall, but the understanding of the Sikong family is not comparable to the intelligence head of Ning Yi. So Lu Xuan and Ning Yi both focused on this small map and carefully discussed the specific offensive issues.

After some discussion, Lu Xuan found that Ning Yi really knew about Sikong’s home. Ning Yi was able to answer in time, and denied many suggestions of Lu Xuan. Most of those proposals were flawed. If you do it as you do, it is almost ten dead.

At this time, Lu Xuan knew how whimsical his original thoughts were. As Ning Yi showed off the layout and defense of Sikong, the small map in front of Lu Xuan’s eyes was almost the same as the Longtan Tiger Cave. It is no wonder that when he first proposed to come to the Temple of Eight, the leaves and other people would be so strongly opposed.

After two hours, Lu Xuan and Ning Yi finally negotiated a plan with the highest success rate, but the so-called highest success rate is only relative to the rest of the program. In fact, want to do something. The odds are still low and scary.

"The time is too tight. We must solve the battle within a fragrant time. Otherwise, once the Sikong family opens the temple, we will become the shackles of the shackles. There is no way to escape." Ning Yi is a little tired. After smashing the temple, in fact, with the help of A raccoon, many troubles are no longer troublesome, but the squad of the Sikong family is a dead knot, completely unsolvable.

With the shadow hall ambushing in the position of the undercover in the Sikong family, it is still impossible to reach the big hall of the temple, not to mention the destruction. Although the large hall of the temple will not open under normal circumstances, Lu Xuan will hold such a big event. Sikong has absolutely no intention of using it once.

Lu Xuan sighed and said: "Ning the treasurer, you have tried your best. If you have not mentioned it, I am afraid I don’t know how many naive decisions I have to make. It’s just that this time I will have to hurt many brothers. I really have it in my heart. ashamed."

Ning Yihe smiled and said: "The special envoy is heavy. If this can be done, the yin and yang of the empty house will be completely useless in a short period of time. I have been waiting under the Eight-Party Temple for so many years. Do you have a big deal? All the shadow cousins, including me, are ready to sacrifice for this. Moreover, since the ally gives the power to you, that is the trust of the special envoy."

Lu Xuan heard a slight smile. He really didn't know that it would be so difficult this time. If you don't know that it was a matter of breaking the emptiness for Jiuhua League, Lu Xuan is not sure if he will choose to use the Shadow Hall. The power because he can meet. There are bound to be countless brothers. In order to save the ice and kill so many people, Lu Xuan is really a bit unbearable.

"This matter is fixed like this. After a few days, I will come back to you. When we are acting, we will remember the things I just told you. I have to do it in the next few days." Don't let Sikong feel it." Lu Xuan stood up and said.

Ning Yi also stood up. Nodded. "I will, but, really want to dismiss everyone? I feel that there has been no accident for so long, should there be no problem?"

Lu Xuan took a deep look at Ning Yi and said: "Ning is credible, it is not credible. I hope that there is no problem, but I dare not take the life of many brothers in Wanbaolou to gamble, let alone people will change... ..."

"Well, I will prepare this matter immediately. In addition, thank you for your special envoy. You can trust me." Ning Yi sincerely looked at Lu Xuandao. As an undercover, trust is a very luxurious thing, because they usually take it with you. With a false mask life, it is almost hard to believe anyone, because if you are not careful, you will catch up with it. Lu Xuan just said something to him, no doubt he really trusts him, because once he is out If there is a problem, the power of the entire Shadow Hall will be in danger of being destroyed.

After leaving Wanbaolou, Lu Xuan did not go straight out of the city, but strolled around the Eastern Market, seemingly leisurely, but the look was full of vigilance, because before the encounter with the Tsing Yi old man, make the land Xuan worried that he was being stared, but fortunately, after Lu Xuan carefully examined and found that no one followed him, it seemed to be a false alarm.

Since there is no tail to follow, Lu Xuan will not delay the time. After buying some things at will, he will go out of the city and go to the temporary residence of Shadow Hall and others.

Because the Tiansheng City is closely monitored here, most of the people in the Shadow Hall live in a false identity on weekdays. It is occasionally that the gathering is only in the Wanbao Building, and there is no fixed gathering place because of this act. The scale is quite large, so everyone has opened up a temporary station in a forest. Although the environment is poor, it does not need to wait long.

Breaking through the illusion of the front, Lu Xuan changed into a valley, and for a time, countless eyes forgot to come over and found that after Lu Xuan came back, everyone was seeing each other.

"Special envoy, what is the situation?" Yi Yong greeted him and asked, Nangong Lie was next to Yi Yong, and now the people of the Nangong family and the warriors of the Shadow Hall are temporarily gathered together.

"I have met with Ning's treasurer and discussed the plan for the downside. Now it has been settled. After a few days of rest, we will act." Lu Xuan nodded.

"Is it settled so quickly?" Yi Yong could not help but swear.

Lu Xuan smiled and smiled: "Ning the treasurer's mastery of the situation of Sikongjia is more detailed than I expected, plus the treasure in my hand, the specific details are similar to the last attack on the Red Flame Palace."

Yi Yong heard a slight frown: "The defensive power of Sikong's family is much stronger than the Red Flame Palace guarded by Fangjia. What's more, the last time we dealt with is only part of the strength of Fangjia, can this really work? Not to mention, even if There is a special singer of your little Ding. If no one leads the way, you can’t get in with the special envoy. Isn’t Wanbao Tower recently developed a new undercover in Sikong’s home?”

Lu Xuan smiled and shook his head: "Which new undercover, but the mountain people have their own tricks, haha, this time the lord gave me a lot of treasures, I naturally have the way to go, well, Yi Tangzhu, you first Go and talk to the brothers, and take a rest in these days. If you need something like a spiritual material, let me talk to me. I took a lot of things from the Wanbaolou."

Although Yi Yong still wants to ask, but see Lu Xuan does not seem to mean, but I am embarrassed to say more. Just nodded, then went to arrange the warriors of the Shadow Hall.

Nangong Lie saw Yi Yong go far, and this smile came to the front: "Liang brother, you should rely on that little fox?"

Nan Gonglie saw the power of the raccoon in the land of the seal. For Lu Xuan to prepare to sneak into the Sikong home, naturally can think of some.

"Not bad." Lu Xuan laughed, then turned to a sigh: "Sikong is stronger than I thought. It is very difficult to act this time, even the tired Nangong brother."

Nangong Lie shook his head: "This is also my repayment for your care of the Nangong family. I thought that as long as I can take a group of descendants of the Nangong family, I would have thought that Ye Xiong, you have sent so many people away. It is."

What Nangong Lie said was what happened in the fire of the fire. After Lu Xuan sent the 150 people of the Nangong family, he suddenly became the master and sent a group of people from the Nangong family to leave, especially Some old and weak people and women, in this way, the Nangong family's ethnic group is almost two-thirds away, and most of the rest are men with good strength.

Lu Xuan made this decision. It can be said that Nangong Lieda was surprised. He did not understand why Lu Xuan suddenly made such a decision. After all, he said that he had to do so, and he needed Nangong to do a good job for Lu Xuan, and he would send more people.

At the beginning, Lu Xuan’s statement was that he couldn’t bear to see so many children’s mothers and sons separated. However, although Nan Gonglie knew that Lu Xuan was a person with a strong feeling, he should not make such a decision because of his heart’s heart. There are other reasons.

But no matter what the reason, Lu Xuan does this. Nangong Lie is grateful. The remaining members of the Nangong family who have stayed here, the relatives have basically left, only one person left alone, no concern, has already prepared for a fight, especially when they know This time the enemy is destroying all the empty houses of the Nangong family. They have no reason to fight.

In an open space in the valley, Nangong Lie, Nangong Tianyou, Yi Yong, Song Jianbai, Yan Ze, and Lu Xuan stood around a stone platform. There was a map on the stone platform. This is Lu Xuan. A copy of the map of Sikong, which was taken back from Ning Yi.

"This time we attacked the land, it is here - the temple, the place where the Sikong family stores supplies." Lu Xuan pointed to a palace on the back of the map.

Nan Gonglie suddenly raised his head and looked at Lu Xuan, Shi Mi Hall? Why is the temple? The purpose of Lu Xuan’s trip was to win the first insect and to save Zhao Binger. The destination should be the worm house.

Compared with the doubts of Nangong Lie, the rest of the people did not have any other thoughts. They stared at the map and waited for Lu Xuan’s following. The temple was the place where Sikong’s storage materials were really important to Sikong’s. One of the few places on the map that is tightly protected, and relatively speaking, the guarding power of the temple is not as strong as the wormhouse and the heavenly palace, and the darkness of the temple is deeper.

"Sikong's ambition has always been great. Now the Nangong family has been defeated by Sikong. The next target is our nine-China alliance." Lu Xuan said: "Sikong wants to carry out such a battle, then it is inevitable. Supplements to materials, if we can destroy the temple, it would be a huge blow to Sikong. Even if they can get resources from the rest, it will not be able to support this battle. Moreover, we may be able to Take the initiative!"

"It can be said that our actions will determine the situation between the Jiuhua League and the Eight Temples. Brothers, it is a success or failure, it depends on everyone!" Lu Xuan smiled and looked at a few humanities.

Yi Yong and Song Jianbai seem to be a little excited. The situation of the two major sects of the Jiuhua League and the Eight Orthodox Church will be decided by them. As an undercover, this is definitely one of the most **** things.

However, Nangong Lie became more and more confused. He felt that Lu Xuan made a lot of sense, but the last time Lu Xuan Ming Ming did not say so, then, which one is true and which is false? (To be continued~^~)

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