Sword Spirit

Chapter 987: Everything is ready

Lu Xuan’s choice of destination in the Sumi Temple is not without reason. It’s important to have a sacred temple for Sikong’s family. Secondly, the guardian power of the sacred temple is relatively weaker than that of Dengtianfu and the wormhouse. The temple is close to an artificial river in the Sikongjia Palace group, and Takizawa can exert more power in this river.

As for the fourth, Lu Xuan did not say it, that is, the distance between the temple and the worm temple is not too far. Once the temple is in trouble, part of the guards in the worm temple will come to help defend, so that it can be invisible. Among them, the defensive power of the worm house is reduced.

This fourth point, in addition to knowing the truth, only two people and two beasts know, that is Lu Xuan, Ning Yi, Zhai Ze and A raccoon, which is why Ning Yi will be the trust of Lu Xuan before. Touched, after all, Zhai Ze and A raccoon are closely related to Lu Xuan, and Ning Yi is relatively an outsider.

In the following time, Lu Xuan carefully explained the whole battle plan to everyone. This plan is the best plan that Lu Xuan and Ning Yi have derived from countless times, but even so, the success rate is only Less than 30%, and the chance of this 30% is still based on the premise that Lu Xuan can enter the vicinity of the Sumi Temple without knowing it.

"Well, the plan is like this. When we are at that time, we will follow the rules. Now let's inform the rest of the brothers. After three days, we will leave!" After Lu Xuan explained, set the departure time, three days. The time should be enough for Ning Yi to finish the things in the Tiansheng City.

No one has raised an objection. As a special envoy, Lu Xuan has mastered the highest rights, and there is really no loophole in this plan.

For three days, Lu Xuan was not easy. First of all, he needed to give enough confidence and encouragement to the many brothers in the Shadow Hall. After all, it was a matter of life and death. In addition, he also distributed some of the materials he brought from the Wanbao Building. Going down, there may be some suspicions of grinding guns, but as the saying goes, there is a gun. Not bright or light, there are really several realms in which the warriors broke through in just three days. Perhaps this is also a breakthrough under pressure.

It is the warrior of the Nangong family. More calm than Lu Xuan’s imagination, everyone’s mood looks very stable. Every time they see Lu Xuan, no matter who they are, they will show a smile of kindness and gratitude. Because they first watched Lu Xuan send their loved ones away, knowing that their wives and children are now in the safe Jiuhua League, they have nothing to worry about, this time the trip to the empty house, they are not only as Help Lu Luxuan as a revenge journey. After all, their parents and children. Many were killed in the hands of the Sikong family.

Three days passed by, and many warriors sneaked out of the caves that were temporarily opened. More than 300 people stood neatly on the open space in the valley, almost filling this area. More than two hundred people live on the left, and more than one hundred people live on the right, with a total population of nearly 350.

Yi Yong and Song Jianbai took the lead in front of the Shadow Hall, and Nangong Lie and Nangong Tianyou stood in front of the Nangong Jiawu. Lu Xuan stood on a huge stone in front of everyone, and Zhai Ze stood behind Lu Xuan, and a chilling breath quietly emerged. After three days of cultivation, everyone's momentum and state were raised to the extreme.

"Bing special envoy, the shadow hall of the Eight-Party Temple Hall belongs to the 216 people, please special envoy orders!" Yi Yong shouted. Nan Gonglie also arched his hand: "One hundred and twenty-eight people from Nangong House waited for Lu’s brother to send."

Lu Xuan’s agile eyes swept over the crowd and took a deep breath. This nearly three hundred and fifty lives will be handed over to his hands.

"Brothers. The enemy of our war is the empty house, the power of the empty house. You must know more than me. This time we need to go deep into the empty house and destroy their vital temple. Call twelve points!"

"There are many people among us who will sacrifice, including me! But for the brothers of Shadow Hall, everything you do is for the countless compatriots in the Jiuhua League. I am here. No matter which brother is in trouble, as long as Lu Xuan is alive, he will return ten times to your family! Your son, you will enjoy the best training and go directly into the Jiuhua League!"

"Many brothers of the Nangong family, you are now a member of the Jiuhua League. Jiuhua League will never forget your contribution. Your trip is not only for me, but also for the nine Huameng, and for revenge! You will let Sikong knows that even if the Nangong family lost the Red Flame City, it is still the Nangong family. The Nangong family will be able to bloom the glory that belongs to you in the Jiuhua League. As long as I am in Lunian, I will definitely To ensure the smooth development of the Nangong family, if this oath is violated, the road of my martial arts will be stagnant!"

"Lu brother does not have to swear this oath, everything you have done, our Nangong family has been very grateful, if the Nangong family really declines, it can only show that the Nangong family is not enough effort." .

Lu Xuan smiled, can't be denied, took a deep breath and said: "I have no other requirements for you in this trip. As long as one request is made, then everything is listening to me! In order to avoid confusion, everything is my The order will prevail. I will not sacrifice your life in vain. Once things are impossible, I will immediately announce the retreat. You can use all means to escape. I will never pursue the case afterwards. If there is something to be done, then I need to be brave. Forward, what can you do?"

"Can!" The shouts of the earthquake filled the valley.

Inspired by the station, Lu Xuan did not pay much attention to it. He took out Tai Yiding and said: "You should not resist my strength. I will put you all into this small tripod. When you appear, you will It will appear directly in the hinterland of Sikongjia, so be prepared to fight at any time."

When the voice fell, Lu Xuan suddenly threw out Taiyi Ding, and a ray of light immediately emanate from the bottom of Taiyi Ding. The soft light shrouded the crowd, and the people shrouded by the light disappeared from the place, and the moment was a big fight. In the valley, there is only Lu Xuan and Takizawa behind him.

"Started." Lu Xuan fainted, seems to be talking to himself, and seems to be talking to Yu Ze.

After a lapse of three days, Lu Xuan once again returned to Tiansheng City. Tiansheng City is still so prosperous, and the traders are walking. The tourists are constantly flowing. This time he did not go to the Wanbao Building. If not expected, the Wanbao Building at this time should Already in the "discontinued renovation".

In the northern part of Tiansheng City, the popularity is much lower than that in the Eastern District. Because it is the entrance to the Sikongjia Mansion, there are not many shops. At this moment, Lu Xuan is a small spirit in the North District. The store looks like a business.

When I walked into the Lingcai store, a buddy walked silently into Luxuan’s body and walked around without saying a word. Lu Xuan followed slowly and walked into the room, a familiar figure. In it.

Ning Yi screamed: "The special envoy, everything is ready, just wait for the order." (To be continued~^~)

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