Sword Spirit

Chapter 995: Smashed the disaster

A chilling breath quietly emerged from Lu Xuan’s body, and people who have been paying attention to Lu Xuan’s people have discovered that Lu Xuan at this moment gives people a feeling of danger. This feeling is like Lu Xuan’s hands. The dust swords are likely to kneel down to them at any time.

And then, this sigh of breath was injected into the field of kendo, and the snowy swords that continually shuttled through the field suddenly cast a layer of blood red, instantly transformed into a **** sword. !

A warrior of the Sikong family has been careful to guard against the attack of the strange swords. Suddenly, in his perception, a sword shadow hit him. Before he felt the power of this sword, he did not dare to slack off. He waved his hand to retreat a shadow martial art. It was a sword that wanted to defeat this sword shadow, but at this time, the bright sword light suddenly turned into a sword. A blood shadow, the speed suddenly skyrocketed!

When I was caught off guard, the Sikong Jiawu did not react at all. I only heard a bang, and the blood shadow swept through his neck, and the blood spurted out like a arrow...

His eyes widened. Before the body fell, his remaining consciousness only echoed a question. Why did this sword suddenly become so powerful?

This kind of situation does not happen in one place. When the power of the kendo field skyrocketed, many unsuspecting Sikong Jiawu people all suffered big losses. The strength was not directly defeated by a sword, and the strength was slightly stronger. However, there are also some people who have been taken over by the shadows of the martial arts to take the knife and take their lives.

"Killing Kendo!" Sikongqing stared at Lu Xuan. At this moment, he recognized Lu Xuan as the kendo. Killing the kendo can be described as a famous name. It is a variant of the killing way, and it is very powerful! There are even a lot of people who have broken into the magic road in order to realize the killing, and they are killing, but there are very few successful ones. In the history of the Tianjian mainland, there are almost few people who have realized the killing of kendo.

In the past 20,000 years, the most famous one is Ye Xiu, the ancestor of Ye Ji, who founded Jiuhua League. Lu Xuan’s killing kendo is also realized from the stone tablets left by Ye Xiu.

However, at the time of Si Kongqing’s murder, a breath of silence appeared again from Lu Xuan’s body. As this dead breath is introduced into the field of kendo, the power of the kendo field, which has just experienced a power increase, has once again skyrocketed by three points! The direct result of the skyrocketing power is that at least in this moment there are at least 30 warriors who have died directly or indirectly in the field of kendo.

"This... this is..." Si Kongqing's eyes were once again widened, this dead breath. There is no doubt that it is also a force of law, and the power of this law is clearly more high-end than the killing. How high is Lu Xuan’s talent? When a young age reaches such a strength, it still has so many powerful laws.

To be honest, Si Kongqing does not really understand Lu Xuan. In the battle of the land, Lu Xuan was a big hit. But the people of the empty house of the First World War were all destroyed. Si Kongqing could not know the specific details. At that time, Lu Xuan’s identity was only a pro-disciple of a four-product Zongmen in the district, and naturally he could not enter Sikong’s eyes.

It was only after he learned that Lu Xuan was the birth son of Ye Zhixie for many years before he began to notice Lu Xuan, but that was all. He was more interested in Lu Xuan’s identity, so he has always been They did not put Lu Xuan's strength too much in the eyes, but now the strength shown by Lu Xuan is completely shocking Si Kongqing. Is this really the strength that the younger generation can have?

The power of the law of death and silence that Lu Xuan just showed is naturally the power of Shura. The road to killing and the road to Shura complement each other, but the road to Shura is higher than the road to killing. The killing of Shura can be said that the road to killing is only a means for Shura.

Lu Xuan’s Shura’s way was also after he learned the killing path, and then experienced countless battles and slaughter in the Shuro Mountain. Now, when he came out, the power did not disappoint him.

Under the double blessing of Shura Kendo and Killing Kendo, the power of the Kendo field has almost reached its limit. The powerful power and the speed of the singularity make all the warriors of the Sikong family feel the feeling of being shackled. They simply do not dare to try their best to start the shadow martial arts. Otherwise, a carelessness is taken away by the strange sword. .

"Kids, give the old man a life!" A loud voice rang, I saw a white-haired old man who was angry and rushed to the crown and took Lu Xuan. Although the power of the kendo field is strong, but after the expansion of Lu Xuan to a wide range of two hundred feet, it will not have much effect on the real strong, and the discerning eye can see clearly, only need to destroy Lu Xuan, this The field of kendo is naturally unbreakable.

In the face of this old man’s attack, Lu Xuan was not afraid. After taking the nine-yang red blood Dan, he felt that his strength was extremely high. Even if the martial arts field consumed a lot of power, he did not have any power. sense.

"The falling star!" Lu Xuan screamed, the dusty sword headed down to the old guy, and a sword gas carrying an unstoppable momentum went straight away, containing a sword of destructive power, the ordinary warrior no one dared Its edge.

However, this old man is not an ordinary person. He stretches out a hand, and a blue-colored force instantly condenses out. He does not evade and fights with Lu Xuan. The powerful power of the star-studded sword suddenly failed to make meritorious deeds.

Seeing this familiar scene, Lu Xuan swept the old man coldly and said: "What is your relationship with Sikong North?"

"Old man Sikong South!"

"It turned out to be an old man. Sikong North has been shackled by me. Are you eager to accompany him?" Lu Xuan sneered out, he already knew that there were several hidden elders in Sikong. Known as the east and the west, Sikong North was killed by his seal in the land. I did not expect to be alarmed by these old and undead.

However, after hearing Lu Xuan's words, Sikongan witnessed the cracking of the time, and the sky shouted, and the strength of the nine-fold emptiness suddenly broke out. He stared at Lu Xuandao: "I really want to break through the iron shoes." At the same time, the original four brothers died in the hands of your little beast. Today I will let you go to the four brothers to bury them!"

"Aoki Xuantian Jin!" The enemy met, extraordinarily jealous, did not hesitate, after learning that Lu Xuan actually killed the murderer of Si Kongbei, Si Kongan directly broke out the strongest strength, and said nothing to use the killer, His character was originally the most violent of the four elders of the East, the West and the North.

At the time of the seal, Lu Xuan used the power of Jin Leizhu to kill Sikong North. Now the strength has reached the sixfold of the virtual world. He also took the medicinal herbs of Jiuyang Red Blood Dan, and he will be afraid of the area. A Sikong South?

Seeing a huge blue light rushing in, Lu Xuan was not afraid. When he was about to shoot, he saw a huge flame of light descending from the sky and directly slamming on the strength of Sikongan. This martial arts Lu Xuan is no stranger, and it is the burning of the sky.

"Shangnan, this is not your time, I want to move Lu Xuan, let me pass this before!" Nan Gonglie's figure slowly descended from the sky and landed in front of Lu Xuan.

Si Kong Nan heard the words of anger and laughed: "Little and younger generations, but also dare to go crazy! Look at the old husband to take your life!"

"Let's manage it yourself!" Nangong Lie snorted, his hands flicking in an instant, and a huge flame fireball suddenly appeared: "Fire dance Yaoyang!"

Feeling the power of Nangong Lie, Si Kongan's face changed slightly. Obviously, he also noticed that Nangong Lie was not good. But at this time, Si Kongan did something that nobody had thought of, only to hear him drink a long voice: "Big brother, brother, the murderer of the four brothers is here, come to revenge!"

As soon as this statement came out, Nan Gonglie and Nangong Tianyou and others changed their faces! Nowadays, the number of people who are besieging their squadrons is already strong enough. If there are two real powerhouses, how can this be played?

Like the sinister elders of Sikongan, they will not be dispatched when they are ordinary, just as the Sage family sent people to go to Jiuhua City to make trouble. Ye Wenyan and Ye Wenjun will not be free to do so. This is why Nowadays, there are not many strong people in the Sikong family who are besieging Lu Xuan and others. The elders of the world are not easy to take out. The elders of the world have their own tasks. Most of Sikongqing’s mobilizations are the guards of the resident power.

But now, Sikong Nan’s voice is different. Lu Xuan is the murderer who killed Sikong North. The two brothers, Sikongdong and Sikongxi, will never stand by!

Sure enough, as the voice of Sikongan spread far away, the sound of two angry voices rang from a distant place, followed by a thick voice: "The murderer took a break! The old man wants to cramp, one I hate my heart!"

Hearing this voice, Nangong Lie, who was fighting with Sikongnan, could not help but secretly complained. He just sighed why Lu Xuan had to sigh and expose himself to killing Sikongbei. There is no doubt that there is no need to take a moment to practice the practice of Kongdong and Sikongxi. People will come here, Nangong Tianyou can help to withstand Sikongxi, but Si Kongdong is said to be unfathomable, is the strongest of the four elders, and there is still one yet to do, but the same is Si Kongqing, who is too strong in the peak of the peak, how can Lu Xuan respond?

At this moment, Lu Xuan also seemed to realize that he was in a disaster. Before he was stunned by anger, he did not think so much. Only then did he know that he had made a mistake.

However, Sikong Qingzui’s mouth showed a sneer, but it was really a day to help him. Although he was the owner of the family, he could not order Si Kongdong’s ancestors, and killed a little guy. He did not dare to ask for the sake of the king. However, Lu Xuan said that he directly led both Sikongdong and Sikongxi.

"Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan, God is going to die, can you help me? Hahahaha!" (To be continued~^~)

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