Sword Spirit

Chapter 996: Strong infested

Listening to the laughter of Sikongqing, Nangong Lie turned to look at Nangong Tianyou Road: "Guard Lu Lu escape!"

Song Jianbai also reacted at this moment. It is not a good deal for Si Kongxi and Sikongdong to be old. Sikong North and Sikong South are only too virtual and nine strengths, but both Sikongxi and Sikongdong are real and too real. The peaks of the border, especially the Sikongdong, reached the peak of the virtual world before the secluded world, and sprinted the extraordinary situation. Now that so many years have passed, who knows how terrible the strength will be.

"Brothers, Hugh to fight, open the way for the Lord!" Song Jianbai shouted.

Hearing this statement, he is using the shadow martial arts in the kendo field of Lu Xuan to fight the shadows of the martial artists who are indifferent to each other, and they are forced to retreat from the squadrons who fought with them, and quickly approached Lu Xuan.

Nangong Tianyou couldn't speak, so he showed it in the most direct way. The thick force was poured on the rifle. With a sweep of the army, the endless flames suddenly swept out.

The Sikong family, who was about to resist, was forced to retreat in the face of Nangong Tianyou’s attack. This is a real thing that is too imaginary and strong, far from what they can resist.

Seeing this scene, Nangong Tianyou did not say a word, slanting the long gun and rushing forward toward the front, looking at the appearance, apparently wants to kill a **** way by himself.

The shadow hall and the warriors of the Nangong family are not stupid. When they saw the Nangong Tianyou as a pioneer, they all rushed forward.


"Crush a **** road!"

"Guarding the Lord to evacuate!"

At this moment, everyone seems to have become a long shot. Nangong Tianyou is the gun head. Many warriors form the gun body, and Lu Xuan is wrapped in the crowd and rushes forward. This feeling makes Lu Xuan very embarrassed. Qu, especially the medicinal properties of Jiuyang Red Blood Dan is constantly on the rise, so that he can not wait for a vigorous war!

"Give me back!" Si Kongqing's angry voice came, he has not shot, and now it is finally hands-on, this shot is a thunder blow.

The endless Yuanli rushed to Sikongqing. It was immediately turned into a piece of green leaves of the Yuanli, accompanied by a slap in the air, and countless leaves shot like Lu Xuan and others.

"Drink!" Nangong Tianyou screamed. Hold the guns tightly with both hands, such as slamming the mountains and rivers from top to bottom!

The strong moment of strength is to break away the attack of Si Kongqing, and Lu Xuan’s kendo field has not stopped at this moment, and numerous swords and shadows are flying fast. Accurately defeat the leaves of a piece of force. After these two layers of attacks, the Shadow Hall has to face a lot of attacks, one by one, waving weapons to defeat the leaves of Yuanli, except that some people are scratched by the leaves, there is not much damage.

However, in this way, the purpose of Si Kongqing has also been achieved. He successfully prevented Lu Xuan and others from fleeing.

And it is at this time. A burst of sound came, a sharp knife suddenly shot from afar, and rushed directly to the place where the shadow hall gathered.


A few screams rang, and it was too late to prevent it. This knife was directly wounding four people and killing two people!

Seeing the bodies of the two brothers falling straight, Lu Xuan red box was red, suddenly turned to look at the direction of the knife flying, screamed: "Who is it? Ghostly do not dare to show up? The ability is coming to me!"

The voice fell. An old man wearing a gray robe and white hair fluttered in the air and reached out. Before that, the knife flew back quickly and fell back into his hands. At this moment, the talents saw it. It turned out that the knife light was actually a sharp lancet. After the four people were killed and the two were killed, the knife was still very bright, and a drop of blood was never contaminated.

"You are the murderer of the fourth brother?" The old man in the gray robe stared at Lu Xuan. In addition to the endless silence of his gaze, there is no trace of his gaze.

Song Jianbai grabbed Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan directly opened his hand, looking directly at the gray robe old man without fear: "Not bad! Sikong North is what I killed, which old do you die?" ”

If it is normal, Lu Xuan may not be so impulsive, but after taking the qiyang force of Jiuyang Red Blood Dan, and watching the countless shadow cousins ​​die in front of him, he has become very arrogant. .

The old man in the gray robe gently nodded: "Since it is you, then it will be fine. Remember, the priest Sikongxi, when you go underground, don't forget to say something to the four brothers, the second brother revenge for him!"

Si Kongxi's voice was a bit low, and his tone was very dull. It seemed to be a fact. Although he had not killed Lu Xuan, it was obviously not a thing in his eyes.

"My life is here, have the ability, come over and take it!" Lu Xuan Yang Mengjian pointed directly to Si Kongxi, the tone is full of provocation.

"Don't you say, the deity will come and take it!" Sikongxi slowly opened his mouth, only to hear his voice fall, the whole person disappeared from the place.

Lu Xuan’s heart was warning the big man, and he felt the release of his power. Before he saw this, the space was very different. Lu Xuan guessed that he should have realized a certain amount of space law. Now it seems so.

The law of space is almost the first opportunity in the battle. It may be extremely difficult for ordinary people to deal with it, but Lu Xuan is not too taboo, is not the law of space, he has already got started! The whereabouts of Si Kongxi is not completely unpredictable for him!


Lu Xuan suddenly felt a slight space fluctuation in his right side of the three feet. Although it was weak, he was caught by him in an instant. Without hesitation, Lu Xuan directly waved the dust of the full force and moved toward the space fluctuations. The place to go is gone.

But some people are faster than him, people are not there, and the shooting is over!


The appearance of Nangong Tianyou and Sikongxi appeared at that point almost at the same time. I saw that the gunpoint of Nangong Tianyou arrived at the lancet of Sikongxi, and the seemingly thin blade of the lancet could not be attacked. The front side greeted Nangong Tianyou's full-strength blow. There was no slight damage, even a slight bend. There is no doubt that the strength of Sikong West is never under Nangong Tianyou.

"Go to the deity!" Sikong Xi slashed out and forced the Nangong Tianyou to open. Then he quickly rushed to Lu Xuan and broke the sword that Lu Xuan attacked. Si Kongxi's two knives are almost at the very end. The attack from the Nangong Tianyou to the next Lu Xuan is almost an instant, and even his words are not finished.

However, Nangong Tianyou is the same as the existence of the peak of Taixujing, and it is so easy to be suppressed by Sikongxi, and his body shape flashes like a solid wall in front of Lu Xuan, staring at Sikongxi. He also understands that Sikong West is definitely a big enemy.

There was no chance for Lu Xuan, who was shot by Lu Xuan, to look at Nangong Tianyou. The corner of his mouth finally outlined a slight curvature. It seemed to be ridiculing and said: "The little dumb of the Nangong family?"

Nangong Tianyou heard a sudden burst of light in his eyes, and violently rushed to Sikongxi. He really couldn’t speak, and he didn’t care what others thought, but Sikongxi’s obvious ridicule was something he couldn’t bear!

"Do you think you can protect the kid? You alone, not enough!" Sikong Xi slashed his knife against Nangong Tianyou's attack, and smiled coldly. In a short period of time, he really couldn't break through the protection of Nangong Tianyou to kill Lu Xuan. However, Sikong has more than one person here.

A "slow" figure that seemed to be slow and fast flew over the air. Everyone felt that he was still far away when he saw him at first sight, but the next moment, he came to himself and suddenly waited. Not far from the front.

The law of time!

Lu Xuan stared at the hearts of the people and said silently.

"Who is killing the murderer of the fourth brother, come out and lead to death!" The gaze of the eyes of the people, his tone is not the kind of plain, but full of irresistible taste, as if it is the next order, One thing that should be done in general.

This person's identity has not need to say much, except for the former elders of Sikong, the unfathomable Si Kongdong, who else?

Perhaps it is the free induction in the darkness, and Si Kongdong’s gaze directly falls on Lu Xuan’s body.

On the eyes of the boss, Kong Xuan, Lu Xuan could not help but have some acceleration in the heartbeat. A feeling of being suppressed came from this feeling. Lu Xuan did not have it when he was just on the boss. In the face of Si Kongxi, Lu Xuan still has the courage to swear, but in the face of Si Kongdong, Lu Xuan actually feels that he has no arrogance.

This is completely brought about by the crushing of the realm of strength. There is no doubt that the strength of Sikongdong is far stronger than that of Sikong West. It is strong enough that Lu Xuan can feel the strength that he has no resistance at all!

It’s not just Lu Xuan, but the shadow temples and the Nangong warriors who surround Lu Xuan are still unable to speak at this moment. The scene is in a strange silence, as if no one dares to resist the words of Si Kongdong.

Just when the atmosphere was so depressed, a light and bleak voice broke the repression: "Sky old ghosts, bullying juniors can be meaningless."

With this voice coming, everyone feels that the world has returned to brightness, the air has returned to flow, and the air is greedily breathing. Is this the terrible thing of the real powerhouse?

However, many people have looked at the direction of the voice. Who is capable of breaking the suppression of Si Kongdong and has the ability to confront Sikongdong? And more importantly, this person seems to be on his side.

When Lu Xuan’s gaze fell on the slowly coming person, his heart slowly jumped, this person... Isn’t it the old man who was met by the Sikong family who was called the elder of Tian? (To be continued~^~)

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