Sword Spirit

Chapter 997: The word unpacking is for the leaves!

The appearance of the elders of the field is indeed the expectation of the big out of Lu Xuan. Although the elders of Tian helped Lu Xuan hide his whereabouts, Lu Xuan only guessed that he might be old with Jiuhua League. It should not be a person of Jiuhua League. After all, if The people who have nine Huameng are in such a high position among the Sikong family, and the Shadow Hall cannot be unknown.

What's more, before the elders of Tian said, they will not help themselves too much. It is precisely because of this that Lu Xuan will be surprised by the appearance of the elders of Tian, ​​and openly confronted Si Kongdong. This can be described as a complete break with Sikong, and it is also a very powerful enemy. This is not a trivial matter.

However, what really surprised Lu Xuan was the strength of Tian Chang’s elders. The power of the power displayed by Si Kongdong was undoubted. However, this elder of the field was able to break the momentum of Si Kongdong with an understatement. Not under Sikongdong...

"Isn't this an elder of Tian?"

"How can the elders of Tian be against the elders of the East?"

"Could it be that……"

At one time, the squadrons of the squadrons whispered in secret. Obviously, their surprise was not smaller than Lu Xuan and others.

"Tian Chang, what do you mean?" Sikong Qing stared coldly at the elder Tian, ​​and he just noticed that Tian Chang called Sikong East as the old ghost, although the age of Sikongdong was indeed "old ghost." "This title, but it is undeniable, this is not a good word."

Tian Changchang smiled and smiled. He saw Si Kongqing and said: "In your empty house, you have to eat something for so many years. You have to do something."

Sikong Qing angered and laughed: "Are you doing this to help the empty house?"

“No, no.” Tian Chang’s hand waved: “I just said that I want to do something, but I don’t have to say that I’m doing things for the empty house, for example... temporarily destroying the large-scale guardian of the Sikong’s house, such as helping to stop the old ghosts now. ""

As soon as this statement came out, Si Kongqing was as sinking as water, and the Shadow Hall and the Nangong House were all surprised!

It turned out that the squad of the Sikong family suddenly could not be opened, and it was actually the elder of the field! And at this moment, the elders of Tian are clearly standing on their side!

For a time, the martial artists who had been somewhat declining had renewed their fighting spirit. Before their momentum, they were not called fighting spirits. They could only call death sorrow, because they only hoped to fight their lives and send Lu Xuan safely. . Now, the emergence of the elders of Tian is nothing more than adding a backbone to them. No one will doubt the strength of Tian Chang.

"Who are you?" Sikong Qing asked quietly.

Si Kongdong's eyes are also staring at the elders of the field: "On the Tianjian continent, it is rare to have such strengths, revealing the original appearance. Presumably we should know."

Si Kongdong is not worthy of this statement. He used to be a generation of people, and he can be said to be at the top level of Tianjian mainland. The strength displayed by the elders of Tian is not under him. Tianjian’s top strength is just a group of people. Most of them have dealt with each other.

Tian Changchang heard a haha ​​smile, only to see him shrugging his shoulders, a burst of bones creaking sounds, under the eyes of everyone, I suddenly found that the face and body of the elders have quietly changed!

I saw that his face became younger and his body became taller. If the elders of Tian looked at at least seventy years old. It seems to be at most fifty years old now, of course, just looking at it.

After seeing the true face of Elder Qingtian, Si Kongqing suddenly showed a hint of shock, while Si Kongdong was a sinking face, both of which said at the same time: "It turned out to be you!"

Obviously, the two have fully recognized the identity of the elders of Tian! And Lu Xuan looked at the appearance of the elders of Tian, ​​and his heart could not help but reveal a strange emotion, no...

"Haha. It seems that the old man’s lurking ability is not bad. You haven’t recognized me for so many years.” Tian’s tone is quite pleasant, even... with a sense of smugness, obviously for his own hidden ability. I feel very proud.

"Field elders, huh, huh, a field elder!" Si Kongqing is almost gnashing his teeth, the other side is almost hidden under his nose for more than ten years, but he has not noticed!

"The word is unpacked, not Ye, I have already told you already." Tian Chang said with a smile.

Listen to the elders of the field to reveal their surnames. At this moment, Lu Xuan finally affirmed his inner guess, the respectable Elder Toda, oh no, it should be a ritual to Ye Ruida.

"Suner Lu Xuan, I have seen my grandfather."

As soon as this statement came out, the whole audience was in a state of utter disappointment, especially in the shadow hall. Almost all of them showed an unbelievable look. Lu Xuan was the lord of the Jiuhua League, but at the moment he called the "field elder" as his grandfather. Prove that this person turned out to be the old lord? !

At the moment when I recognized Ye Ruida, all the doubts in Lu Xuan’s heart were answered all the time. Why did my father fiercely oppose himself coming to the Eight Temples and then suddenly agreed? Why would he and Ye Ruida in Tianyu Building? In the "coincidence" meeting; why Ye Ruida will help him hide his tracks, destroy the big hall of the temple, and at this moment come out to stop Si Kongdong, all the reasons are just because he is his grandfather!

Previously, Ye Wuxun once told Lu Xuan that he had not collapsed with Ye Ruida because he refused to marry his wife and children. Ye Ruida threatened to see his grandson and would not return. From then on, he left the Jiuhua League to travel the world. He did not know where he went, but he did not expect Ye Ruida to come to Sikong's home, and also turned his name to Tian, ​​and became the "field elder" who was in the middle of the Sikong family.

However, although Ye Ruida does not want to see Ye Wusuo, this is not a filial son, but it does not mean that he has broken contact with Jiuhua League. At least Lu Xuan’s grandfather, Ye Ruida’s father, Ye Guangjian, knows Ye Ruida’s whereabouts. It was Ye Guangjian who came out of Jiuhua Mountain and told Ye Ruida’s whereabouts that there was no trace. Ye Wuxun would agree to Lu Xuan’s arrival, and also let Ye Ruida look at his grandson who had never met in 20 years. .

In the eyes of the Shadow Hall, Ye Ruida smiled and looked at Lu Xuan and said: "Good grandson, wait for Grandpa to send this empty ghost, let's talk about the old and the old."

"Ye Ruida, you are really a big talk." Si Kongdong smiled coldly: "When the old man is in the world, you are just a little baby, and now dare to play in front of me? You really are my empty family is your leaf The back garden of the home? Calling your father Ye Guangjian and talking to the old man is almost the same!"

Ye Ruida's smile on his face converges. He looks at Sikong Dongdao: "This cultivation industry is not old. Now even my grandson can be alone. I will stir up your chickens and dogs. What good are you?"

"Very good, then let the old man come to teach you this junior, what is the crazy capital!" Sikongdong screamed, a green cane appeared in the hands, when the head came to Ye Ruida, came from Sikongdong When I look at it, I know that he does not care about Ye Ruida as in the words. Otherwise, he will not come up with weapons.

In fact, as Ye Ruida said, this cultivation industry is really not old. There may be a big gap between 50 and 20, but the gap between 100 and 200 has been significantly reduced. .

"Sword out!" Ye Ruida screamed, only to see his hands raised, hey, the ten-handed sword turned into ten swords light instantly appeared, and the moment was clothed into a sword array, such as the streamer usually went straight to the sky .

At the moment, the ten long swords shimmered with different colors of brilliance. Looking at the swords formed by the ten swords, Lu Xuan’s eyes flashed a glimmer of color. This grandfather is also a genius of kendo, and the original ten swords can still Use it like this!

The ten swords are the martial arts that Ye Tian passed down. Although it is not the most powerful swordsmanship in Ye’s accumulation for so many years, it has always been regarded as the unique secret of Ye’s family. A sword and a sword shot, the ten powers to the extreme.

However, Ye Ruida is another way to sneak out, and at the same time, it is the ten swords, and these ten swords represent one of the ten best, which can be said to be ten at the same time!

If the ordinary warrior is arbitrarily unable to control it, but with the strength of Ye Ruida, at this moment, the power of the ten must be thoroughly exerted, and the ten must be shot at the same time, the power is so great, and the moment is the battle with Sikong. Equally divided.

Feel the power exerted by Ye Ruida, and Si Kongdong’s heart is slightly sinking. The set of ten swords made by Ye Ruida is not so simple on the surface. Since Ye Ruida has changed the ten swords to the sword array, then will he not master the rest of the sword array?

Nowadays, this ten-handed sword can be said to be like an arm in the hands of Ye Ruida. In a short period of time, Sikongdong saw no change in the four sword arrays from Ye Ruida’s hands. Not only is the incomparable miracle unpredictable, the power It is also very powerful. In a short period of time, he would like to completely suppress Ye Ruida.

Seeing that the old lord was so powerful, he played very fiercely with Si Kongdong. The shadow hall was very excited. They were hidden in the dark on weekdays. I didn’t expect that today, not only will there be a chance to fight alongside the Shaomeng master, but even The old lord also came out, and it was unbelievable.

But at this time, Ye Ruida’s voice was quietly introduced into Lu Xuan’s ear: “Xuan Er, this empty ghost is not a good deal. Although he can’t help me, I can’t help him. Opportunity, you evacuate quickly!"

Lu Xuan heard a glimpse of his heart and suddenly woke up. Although the emergence of Ye Ruida solved the crisis of the arrival of Si Kongdong, they are still in a dilemma at the moment.

At this time, Si Kongdong also opened.

"Qinger, Ye Ruida alone can't turn the sky. Nowadays, several strong players in the Jiuhua League are entangled in me, and you quickly squat down Lu Xuan's children!" (To be continued~^~)

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