Sword Spirit

Chapter 1006: The Kirin arm is now breaking the sky!

"This treasure, it is too wasteful to put it in your hands, let me take it!" Si Kongqing did not hide his coveted color, and his body flashed rapidly and reached out to Lu Xuan. The goal was positive. It is the tree of life in Lu Xuan’s hands.

Lu Xuan naturally cannot make Si Kongqing so easy to succeed. The preciousness of the tree of life is enough to rank the top five among all the treasures in him, because every tree of life has cultivated into a complete life. The possibility of the tree.

Quickly put away the tree of life, this time facing the attack of Si Kongqing, Lu Xuan is not the normal sword, but the left hand to make a fist to fight, without any gorgeous moves, is such a straight punch.

Seeing Lu Xuan responding like this, Si Kongqing was slightly surprised, but then he responded, and his mouth was sneer, and his strength was not enough. Without the magical swordsmanship, what can Lu Xuan take to fight him?

Si Kongqing guessed it is not bad. He used to lose the vitality of Lu Xuan. It not only took the vitality of Lu Xuan, but also caused the consumption of Lu Xuan Yuan to be very large, especially the disintegration of Shenlong, which led to Lu Xuan’s failure to move now. The power of Qinglong blood. Although the tree of life helped Lu Xuan to restore his vitality, Qinglong Jingxue could not recover from it.

Just because of this kind of reason, Si Kongqing is not afraid to touch Lu Xuan at all. In his eyes, Lu Xuan only let him be jealous that only three kinds of swords are enough to provoke the power of heaven and earth.

Many thoughts flashed in an instant. In an instant, Sikongqing came to Luxuan in front of him and punched him with fists. This time he used this punch to completely defeat Lu Xuan from psychologically to physiologically!


At the moment when the two punches intersected, the sound of the explosion caused by the violent impact rang, and the strong boxing wind almost blew the surrounding air, and at the same time, Si Kongqing’s face suddenly changed!

"How... will it be so strong?" Only the thoughts flashed through my mind, and Si Kongqing’s figure instantly retreated! This is not his initiative to retreat, but was repulsed by Lu Xuan!

If it is not the pain of the upload of the fist, it reminds us that Sikongqing is all true. He couldn't believe it, he was just hit hard by himself, and his power was extremely depleted. Lu Xuan, whose power of blood has disappeared, will only force him back by a punch!

Si Kongqing raised his right hand and glanced at it. The flesh and blood on the back of his hand was blurred, if he did not know it. I am afraid that Si Kongqing just slammed this fist on a huge stone. No, even if it is a huge stone, the strength of Sikongqing is enough to crush it, but Lu Xuan in front of him does not have the slightest thing. On the contrary, even the footsteps did not fall back half a point.

Standing in the same place, Lu Xuan did not pay attention to Si Kongqing. The same is to raise his left hand and glance at it. His eyes are thoughtfully looked at. The moment he just punched, he barely thought too much, but his heart seemed to have a voice reminding him that this Punch, enough to defeat Si Kongqing!

Nowadays, after this boxing retreats to the world, Lu Xuan’s heart finally flashed a glimpse of the realization, and put down his fist and looked up at the sky. Muttered to himself: "It turned out to be like this... Thank you, the fire unicorn predecessor."

Si Kongqing didn't listen to Lu Xuan's whisper, but Lu Xuan's attitude at the moment made him feel very dissatisfied. Didn't he put him in the eye? He immediately slammed his voice: "Have a ghost! Do you think that with this brute force, is it enough to turn the sky?!"

Lu Xuan finally bowed his head and looked at Si Kongqing with a smile. He taunted the voice: "How about brute force? I am only left with this brute force, you... can you help me?"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Xuan slowly stepped forward and stepped down with this step. The squally wind swept through, and a powerful momentum rose from the sky to Lu Xuan, but it was not inferior to the day before Lu Xuan played the sword nine heavy three! At this moment, Lu Xuan seems to be filled with the arrogance of a mad tyrant. Long hair flutters in the air, and the clothes are wandering, and a look falls. There is a sense of the world!

The heart of Si Kongqing suddenly jumped at this moment. Lu Xuan’s foot seemed to be directly on his heart. He doesn't know why Lu Xuan can still explode this kind of power under such circumstances, but the fool knows that this is definitely not a good thing.

Without hesitation, Sikongqing even temporarily let go of the idea of ​​robbing the tree of life. Once again, he slammed the law and screamed: "The dead wood is ruined!"

The three laws will be applied at the same time. The powerful time will be passed on again. Si Kongqing is trying to reinvent the tactics and wants to take the opportunity again! With the lessons of the past, he will never give Lu Xuan any chance to turn over.

Feeling the power of this imprisonment, Lu Xuan has no panic this time, but it has revealed a hint of ridicule. Seeing him like this, Si Kongqing’s heart is slightly sinking. Is Lu Xuan not afraid of his own? Is the technique of residual flower defeated Liu? No, impossible!

"I said, I have to thank you." Lu Xuan was not salty and not light, and Si Kongqing’s face had become ugly. Under this imprisonment, Lu Xuan could still speak, which proved that Lu Xuan was afraid. There is really a way to crack, just, what can he resist? Si Kongqing is absolutely not convinced that Lu Xuan's time rule can be compared with himself.

Soon, the next moment, Si Kongqing is completely clear.

Lu Xuan slowly raised his left hand, and a piece of black scales slowly grew out of his skin, shining in the sun with a heart-rending luster, and it seemed to resemble the previous Qinglong. The scales are the same, but a closer look reveals that this is completely different from the two scales.

Finally, when the black scales completely covered Lu Xuan’s left hand, a fiery flame suddenly broke out from Lu Xuan’s left hand. At the same time, Lu Xuan’s majestic voice sounded seven words. Words and sounds!

"麒 - Lin - arm - now, broken - Cang - hehe!"

Just as Lu Xuan’s voice fell, a roar of roaring sounds.


A huge monster covered with a solid scale, and a huge monster with a raging flame appeared in the back of Lu Xuan without warning. Even if it was just a shadow, everyone could feel the momentum of the world in its eyes. What is even more shocking is that the position of the monocle on the forehead of this monster is exactly the same as the left hand that Lu Xuan raised!

The huge snoring and the shocking vision made everyone stunned in an instant, and everyone couldn’t help but watch it.

"Fire, fire, fire unicorn?!" Si Kongqing's face is almost twisted, this scene brought him shock, even more than Lu Xuan's previous Tianjian Jiuzhong! This kind of beast of fire unicorn is almost only in the legend. I did not expect that he actually saw the shadow of the fire unicorn today, and this fire unicorn is still made by Lu Xuan!

Compared to the company, the Nangong Shuo and Nangong Tianyou are full of fanaticism. They all know that their bodies are filled with meager fire unicorns, but in addition to their talents for the flames, it seems There is no other role. If someone from the past ancestors got the inheritance of the fire unicorn, they almost always doubt whether they are really descendants of the fire unicorn.

But at the moment, when I saw the shadow of the fire unicorn, Nan Gonglie had no doubt in their hearts.

"It is the ancestor of the Fire Kirin, the ancestor of the Fire Kirin! Hahahaha!" Nangong Lie could not help but laugh out loud.

The seven words that Lu Xuan had just shouted, Nan Gonglie also heard clearly, that is the most powerful trick of Qilin blood talent - Kirin arm!

He had already known from Lu Xuan's mouth that Lu Xuan had received the inheritance of the fire unicorn, but he did not expect that Lu Xuan was not a general inheritance, but that there were not many people who received the Xeon talent in the history of Nangongjia. arm!

Although Nangong Lie had such a moment of regret, why did he get the unicorn arm is not himself, but it was quickly overshadowed by the excitement of the fire unicorn virtual shadow, which means that their Nangong family is really from the fire unicorn, now it is land Xuan is an outsider who can get the talent of Qilin Arm. As long as the blood of Nangong Lie is passed down, is it afraid that future generations will not be able to inherit the talent of the ancestral ancestors? (To be continued~^~)

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