Sword Spirit

Chapter 1007: One person

Although Si Kongqing was photographed by Lu Xuan suddenly showing the smoldering momentum, but soon it was once again coming back, biting his teeth, reaching out and struggling on the left middle fingertips, a drop Yin Hong’s blood leaped out quickly.

"Go! Give me a crack!" Si Kongqing's left hand struggled, and the three drops of blood were instantly smashed by him. Soon the three drops of blood were turned into three **** fogs, which were integrated into the blue light. Turned into a light curtain of green and red.

With the three drops of Si Kongqing's blood, the power of this remnant flower and the willows suddenly increased, and the light curtains of the green and red were born and the pressure from the Lu Xuan body was gone.

"I want to suppress me with three drops of blood?" Lu Xuan smiled and said: "I will take you as a sharpening stone in the first battle of this type of Kirin arm!"

"Give me broken!"

Lu Xuan screamed loudly, his left hand clenched his fists, and the flames on his arms burned even more fiercely. He finally struck out with a punch!

The Kirin arm is the hardest part of Kirin's body. It is all-encompassing and breaks all visible or invisible things!

The restraint of the time rule of Sikongqing's stagnation of flowers and flowers will not pose any threat to Lu Xuan. As he punches out, the light curtain of the green and red is only resisting the moment, it is As the same group of bubbles burst into pieces.


A strong blood spurted out from the Sikongqing mouth. This attack is a blow that condenses the blood. Now it is so rude that it was broken by Lu Xuan, which naturally brought him some anti-phagic damage, but this is still Not enough to seriously hurt him.

However, Lu Xuan is not promising, running and thundering, and his body is like a thunder. He once again throws his fist and carries a domineering momentum to attack Sikong.

Si Kongqing, who had been pressing Lu Xuan before, has finally begun to show signs of retreat. He has already seen the strength of the Kirin arm. These are the most powerful martial arts of the beast, which is essentially stronger than the general martial arts. Too much.

"Give me a stop!" Sikong Qing sighed. With both hands drawn an arc, the endless power rushed out. However, in the face of Si Kongqing's resistance, Lu Xuan is regarded as nothing. Now his left hand is the strongest, no one can stop it!

broken! broken! broken!

Si Kongqing's look has become more and more horrified, he has changed three martial arts. But none of them can stop Lu Xuan's attack. At this moment, he fled back and forth, and he has almost retired more than ten feet. Lu Xuan is still rapidly pulling in the distance. If this continues, no time will be allowed. Lu Xuan’s fist will hit his face!

I want him to be a master of the house. When was it forced to be so embarrassed? If the opponent is a long-lost, old-fashioned monster, but he is just a boy in his early twenties. This is a grievance, and the non-being is completely incomprehensible.

"Lu Xuan, you forced me!" Si Kongqing angry roaring out loud: "The beginning of the body fit!"

A very strange shape of the locust crawled silently to the top of Sikongqing, and accurately came to the Baihui point at the top of Sikongqing, and then slowly merged into the body of Sikongqing!

"The beginning of the worm?!" Lu Xuan could not help but see the light, what is he for the vacant home? It is to save the ice! And want to save the ice. It is the only way to win a worm from the empty house.

Although he has sent Ashi to sneak into the wormhouse to steal the first worm, but he can't guarantee that A racco can succeed. I didn't expect Sikongqing to carry a worm, if it can get it in his hands, Even if the raccoon failed, the purpose of the trip has already been reached.

"Give me death!" Lu Xuan suddenly broke out again in the body. The left arm, which has become extremely strong, is now expanding again by three points. In terms of a single appearance, it is infinitely close to the real unicorn. Arms.

Just as Lu Xuan was about to hit Si Kongqing, a fist that was also covered by scales stretched out.


Another two-handed collision. But this time, the two of them are all still moving!

Undoubtedly, this punch is naturally waved by Si Kongqing. Lu Xuan looked up and saw that Sikongqing has become completely different from the previous one.

That Chinese costume has long since disappeared. Instead, it is a layer of scales with a strange luster. One section is followed by a scale, which is wrapped in a tight and sturdy look. It looks like a huge hundred. In general, the worms give people a strange and heartfelt feeling.

"People are one?" Lu Xuan withdrew two steps and stared at Si Kongqing with a slight frown. Since the Sikong family is good at raising cockroaches, there must be other means besides driving the locusts, but now that Sikongqing has exhibited it, I am afraid that the person will combine it.

"Lu Xuan, you forced me, you forced me!" Si Kongqing's gnashing teeth came from under the scales, and a pair of eyes exudes a vicious color, which makes people shudder.

"I want you to die!" Sikongqing screamed, and suddenly took the initiative to shoot, only to see him suddenly rushed toward Lu Xuan, a pair of palms under the cover of the scales has already become a pair of odd-shaped claws, reaching out is Grab the neck of Lu Xuan.

In the face of such a strange situation, Lu Xuan could not help but take a step back. He had a feeling that if he was caught by the claw, he would never feel good.

Lu Xuan’s weak performance has once again encouraged Si Kongqing’s arrogance. After successive attacks, it seems that after using this person’s unity, Si Kongqing became general to the sculpt, and each claw crossed the air. They all brought a burst of violent sound.

After more than a dozen tricks, Si Kongqing couldn't help but say: "Is this afraid? Are you not very arrogant? Have a skill to fight against me!"

Perhaps it was really Sikongqing's radical approach that played a role. Lu Xuan no longer evaded, and saw Si Kongqing attack again. Lu Xuan left his hand in front of him and lifted his arm to resist.


Si Kongqing's claws were caught on Lu Xuan's left arm, and they made a sharp and sharp rubbing sound, which was extremely unpleasant.

Lu Xuan chilled out: "A worm in a district, I want to turn over the sky? Go back to me!"

As soon as the voice fell, Lu Xuan struggled with his left hand and suddenly opened Sikongqing. But then, Si Kongqing once again rushed to the top, and this time, Lu Xuan has no longer plans to continue to avoid.

boom! boom! boom!

The two attacked and attacked each other. Just like the two humanoid beasts generally fight with the flesh, Sikongqing is almost omnipotent, scratching, tearing, biting, kicking, all kinds of means emerge in an endless stream, but Lu Xuan is constantly changing. It’s just a simple punch, with a boxing attack and a boxing block.

After attacking a dozen strokes, Lu Xuan found that Si Kongqing was not a general anti-crime. Although he could not help himself, he did not have any way to take him.

However, at this moment, Si Kongqing is already mad, and he almost has done the cards. The tree of the spirits, the flowers and the flowers, and the combination of people and people have come out. Even there is no way to win Lu Xuan? !

At this time, Lu Xuan suddenly stepped back two steps, took a deep breath, staring at Sikong Qingdao: "Do not play with you, this punch, teach you to be a man!"

"The unicorn arm is now, breaking the sky!" (To be continued~^~)

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