Sword Spirit

Chapter 1009: Sikong ancestors

Lu Xuan’s last set of this array was not a thing. When he left the Jiuhua League, Ye Wushen naturally gave him a lot of life-saving things. This set is one of them.

However, it is the leaves without traces and it is not expected that Lu Xuan will make such a big trouble this time. One opponent is almost always the top presence on Tianjian mainland, which leads to many things that are not useful at all.

Entrapped by this array of methods, Si Kongdong three people attacked several times, but they failed to break open. They could only watch Ye Ruida fleeing with Lu Xuan.

Shortly after Lu Xuan disappeared, the four figures suddenly appeared next to Sikongdong. These four people, all of them are white hair, obviously all old monsters, maybe Ye Wenyan The existence of a generation, only one person is still a black hair, but the face is also not young.

Although these four people have great strength at first glance, they don't have the kind of imposing manner. They seem to be plain and unremarkable. They have a sense of returning to nature. If you don’t say anything else, you can already talk about this temperament. More than a few people in Sikongdong.

At the moment, the old-fashioned old man turned to look at the trapped Sikongdong three people, slightly frowning, and then faintly said: "Shuwen, get them out."

A white-haired old man came out and saw that he had stepped forward before he reached the law. He closed his eyes slightly and reached out to press on the road. After a moment of time, this white The old man suddenly blinked, and he reached out and pushed hard. He vomited, and this road that trapped Sikongdong for a long time was suddenly broken.

The discerning person knows at a glance that this old man is not violently broken, but directly finds the array of the law, which is easy to break it. In just ten minutes, this method was broken. Obviously, this old man has studied deeply about the formation.

The unrestrained Sikong Dongyu came to the front of the black-haired old man and respectfully said: "I have seen my ancestors."

This black-haired old man is the oldest and the most powerful Si Kong Zhengqing! In front of him, Si Kongdong is still like this. Sikongan and Sikongxi are the only ones who are arrogant and vocal.

"Okay." Sikong Zhengqing gently waved his hand and asked: "Let's say. What is going on? Qinger, used a homeowner's call in his own home, isn't it shameful?"

"Oh... this is the case." Si Kongdong sorted out his thoughts and explained things to Si Kong Zhengqing.

And at the moment. Si Kongqing finally woke up and rushed back. After Sikongdong finished speaking, he quickly added a sentence: "The ancestors, Jiuhua League is too much. It is so arrogant in our company's site. We are doing this. Never give up!"

Si Kong Zhengqing glanced at him. Calm way: "Qinger. You make me very disappointed."

When this statement came out, Sikong Qingdun, who was full of stomach, was excited and never dared to speak out.

On the affection of family affair, Sikongjia is far from being able to compare with Yejia. Sikongjia has always been adhering to the rule of survival of the fittest, which can be seen from the original renunciation of the scorpion. Now, Sikong Zhengqing is very disappointed to say that he is not afraid of Sikongqing. As long as Sikong Zhengqing has a word, his master’s position will have to be let out.

Instead, Sikongdong said a word to the company at the moment: "The ancestor. This matter can not blame the owner. That Lu Xuan is really a bit strange, not to mention that Ye Ruida suddenly shot and completely broke the plan of the owner."

Si Kongqing heard the words, and immediately thanked Sikongdong for nodding his head to show his gratitude. At the same time, his heart was secretly pondering. If the position of the owner is not lost, the resources should be tilted to the division of Sikongdong. Well.

Si Kong Zhengqing smiled lightly. The words of Si Kongdong are undecidable, but after all, they did not let Si Kongqing surrender the position of the homeowner. After a short while, he slowly said: "Although according to the rules, I should not intervene in this level of affairs, but the empty house After all, face can't be lost like this. Qinger, you should first deal with these chaos, Xiuwen, you will repair the temple, as for the two juniors of Yejia..."

"Oh, since it is out, you can't go back like this." Si Kong Zhengqing's eyes drifted into the distance, with a hint of ecstasy: "Okay, just like this."

As soon as the voice fell, Si Kong Zhengqing’s figure suddenly disappeared. The next moment, he had already appeared in the dozens of feet.

Si Kongqing swallowed quietly, did not expect this ancestor to personally shot! But then he was excited again, and there were ancestors, not to mention Lu Xuan and Ye Ruida, even if Lu Xuan and Ye Ruida were not enough! When the ancestors brought them back, they had to let them know their means!

However, the excitement is excited, and Si Kongqing has not forgotten his responsibility. This time he is playing the trick of asking for a slap in the face. In order to ambush Lu Xuan and others, he simply did not pay attention to some small means that the Shadow Hall came up with. Now it is scattered. There are still a lot of chaos, he has to deal with these things quickly, at least let the ancestors see that although this calculation failed, but the ability is still there.

Si Kongdong looked at his two brothers and bite his teeth: "Go, let's go up and see how the ancestors deal with Ye Ruida and Lu Xuan. If there is a chance, the two fish from the Nangong family will be caught back. !"

"Come on!" Back in the main hall of Sikongjia, Si Kongqing suddenly slammed the table and screamed, and it was completely different before Sikong Zhengqing. In front of Sikong Zhengqing, he is a grandson, and he must be pretending to be arrogant, but his anger is in urgent need of venting.

The original plan was actually so popular by Lu Xuan, and the anger in Sikong Qing’s heart almost reached the apex of this life. Even when he learned that his sister Si Kongxin was killed by Ye Wushen, he did not I’m so angry.

Several of the subordinates flew halfway to the main hall, waiting for the command of Si Kongqing.

"Extract all the bases of the Jiuhua League in the Tiansheng City! All the shadow halls hidden in the Fuchu are all under the five horses!" Sikongqing's face is gloomy: "There is also the Wanbaolou, completely destroying me, all One of the people in the Wanbao Building, one does not stay, kills innocent!"

"Yes, the subordinates are leading! Oh... what about those who have not yet determined whether they are undercover?"

"Kill! I would rather kill a thousand, don't let go!"

Listening to the cold and murderous in the tone of Si Kongqing, this Sikong Jiawu could not help but tremble, and quickly said: "I understand it!"

This time, Sikongqing was a big killer. He had deliberately kept these people. He wanted to give them some wrong information from time to time, but now he doesn't want to make so many bends. He needs to kill and vent his anger!

However, Si Kongqing was destined to be disappointed this time. When the martial artists of Sikong’s house broke into the hidden secrets of the Shadow Hall, they found that all the places had already gone to the empty space. The dark shadows in the Sikong’s home had already been smashed. Run away, as for Wanbaolou, when they arrived here, Wanbaolou had already become a sea of ​​fire, and all the personnel disappeared...

Although the scattered and scattered people were still caught by the warriors of Sikong, some of the gaps between Sikong and Qing’s expectations were too big. It was like a fierce punch hitting cotton. However, even so, Si Kongqing had to force the anger in his heart and deal with a pile of things, but at this time, a small golden figure slipped out of the wormhouse quietly, small There is still a long-awaited cockroach in his paw, and he is doing a bug that is meaningless. (To be continued~^~)

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