Sword Spirit

Chapter 1010: Weak vitality

After leaving Sikong, Ye Ruida ran with Lu Xuan all the way, and did not dare to stay at all. At this moment, Lu Xuan's breath began to gradually become disordered, and many sequelae finally began to break out completely.

Don't look at Lu Xuan's strength shown this time is extraordinary and powerful. Even Shi Kongqing, who is really a virtual imaginary peak, has been suppressed by him, but actually Lu Xuan has released all his cards, and Almost all the power is overdrawn.

He first burned all the dragons and blood, and used the dragon to change. He greatly improved his strength, and then Sikongqing’s one-man move was a forest, and his Tianjian nine-and-three style was forced out. The residual flower was defeated, and it was the unicorn arm that Lu Xuan did not know.

A **** secret technique, a super-strong martial arts, plus a supernatural power, these three are all one-on-one. It is with the power of these three, Lu Xuan will barely win the game. green.

However, the extraordinary power also means abnormal power. The dragon has changed his blood. The Kirin arm has overstretched his strength, and don't forget that at the beginning, Lu Xuan took a nine. Yang Chixue Dan, at the moment also came to the time of the sequelae of this drug.

Now Lu Xuan feels so weak and weak, and Dan Tian’s Yuan Li is extremely incompetent, and he can’t use it at all. The strength is almost less than 30%. Now, let’s say Sikongqing, even if you come to a medium-sized warrior, I’m afraid it’s enough. Kill Lu Xuan.

"Xuan Er, how do you feel?" Ye Ruida asked with concern.

"I'm fine, I just need to rest for a while and I will recover." Lu Xuan shook his head gently, said with a slight weakness.

Ye Ruida heard the words and smiled. If he was in peacetime, it would not be a problem to rest for a while. But now they are in the site of the Eight-Party Temple. According to Ye Ruida’s personality to Sikong’s family, Sikong’s will never be so laissez-faire. If they leave, they will definitely send in pursuits. He only hopes that the old monsters of the Sikong family will not chase them out. Otherwise, it will be really difficult.

Run on the side. Ye Ruida felt with emotion in his heart. He was too satisfied with Lu Xuan. He had such strength in his young age, and he was too strong in the virtual world. It’s unbelievable to say it, and more importantly, Lu Xuan’s potential has not yet fully erupted.

It doesn't take long, just need to give Lu Xuan a ten-year time. At that time, he will reach a certain height. Ye Ruida can't imagine it. Now he really regrets letting Lu Xuan come here to take risks. If you know that Lu Xuan is so good. Where will he let him come out and practice at this time, at least he must train for ten years, and thoroughly consolidate the foundation.

But now that everything is too late, I can only listen to the fate of people, but even if it is to fight his life, he must also protect Lu Xuan.

After all, Ye Ruida is a strong man who has stayed at the peak of Taixu for many years. Even after a big battle with Sikongdong, and after some hard work, the Yuanli is not exhausted at the moment. The body is like an electric rush to Chongyancheng. He has been undercover for many years in Sikong, and he knows the terrain of the Eight Temples. He naturally knows to find the most remote path and avoid being discovered.

He has a flying treasure, but now he does not dare to use it. The goal of the flying treasure is too great. Once it is gaped, it will face the full containment of the Eight Temples. Even if his strength is strong, he will definitely not run. chance.

As for his choice to escape to the direction of Red Flame City. It is also well-known. Red Flame City used to be the home base of the Nangong family. It is also the weakest place for the control of the Skong family. It is harder to find it there. After the Red Flame City, you only need to escape to the south. It will enter the site of Wansha Island, and Wansha Island is a solid ally of Jiuhua League.

Just as Ye Ruida was holding this line and hoping to run wild, a voice suddenly came.

"Ye's kid, who wants to leave the face of my empty house? Is it not so cheap under the sun?"

The tone of the person who speaks is very dull, no anger, no blame, as if it were an ordinary conversation. But this sentence fell into the ear of Ye Ruida, but Ye Ruida felt that the hair was blown up and the roots were erected!

Was discovered! Not only was it discovered, but Ye Ruida was sure that the strength of the pursuer was far beyond his imagination! Because no one is found in his perception, but the other party can find himself and pass it over, it only shows that the other party's perception is far greater than him.

Lu Xuan quickly noticed the abnormality of Ye Ruida, and asked with a light cough: "Grandpa, what happened?"

"Someone caught up, the strength is far stronger than me." Ye Ruida Shen Shen.

"Someone is chasing it?" Lu Xuan brow could not help but wrinkle deeply. For the huge Sikong family, the two of them are almost like a boat on the sea. Moreover, Ye Ruida also concluded that the strength of the coming person is far more than that of him. That means that the two are not the opponents of the coming people. Don't say that his current strength is greatly damaged. Even if he has the peak strength, I am afraid it will not help.

At this time, Ye Ruida suddenly threw a flying Ling Zhou, holding Lu Xuan instantly into the flying Ling Zhou, since it has been discovered, then he has not considered hiding his whereabouts.

"Xuan Er, listen to Grandpa." Ye Ruida cautiously said: "I will stay behind for you later, and you don't want to think about anything, don't look back, keep running forward!"

"Grandpa, you..."

"Nothing to say." Ye Ruida showed a kind of loving color, and reached out to Lu Xuan's head and gently stroked the road: "Grandpa is not too young, and living for so many years, it is enough to live, not to mention, I have seen you, my best grandson. If you can survive, I am also under the Jiuquan."

Lu Xuan silently, but his heart is very uncomfortable. He knows that his current state is only cumbersome. If he wants to stay, he will not be able to help Ye Ruida any more, but will become his constraint. It’s just... although he said so, he is very uncomfortable.

To put it bluntly, he has only seen Ye Ruida on both sides, once in the Tianyu Building, once in today, and even knowing his true identity is less than two hours. But this does not prevent Lu Xuan from feeling Ye Ruida's love for him. This is the purest, and there is no interest in it.

"I... I want to stay with you." Lu Xuan finally spoke.

"Noisy!" Ye Ruida immediately turned a face, "I am your grandfather! You have to listen to me, don't you still listen?"

Lu Xuan shook his head: "Although you didn't say Grandpa, you and I know that I am in this state. In fact, there is no chance to escape. It is better to die than to die on the road to death."

Ye Ruida was a slogan. It is true that although he let Lu Xuan flee, in fact he also understands that the probability of wanting to escape is less than one percent. But soon, Ye Ruida’s heart has hardened again, staying, and certainly will die, but escape, at least a little faint vitality! If... can really hit the faint vitality? (To be continued~^~)

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