Sword Spirit

Chapter 1011: Another version of the ten swords

"In any case, you must escape! This matter, no discussion!" Ye Ruida's firm opening, just after he finished this sentence, suddenly his face changed, and he picked up Lu Xuan from the flying spirit boat. The spurt came out.


Just as the two men escaped from the flight of the sacred boat, the flying squad exploded completely, countless parts scattered and scattered, and not far from their front, stood a black-haired old man, at the moment his palm has not yet Withdrew it, obviously, it was this person who just destroyed the flying spirit boat.

Si Kong Zhengqing was so quietly standing in the air, there was no movement, but Ye Ruida’s eyes were full of dignified colors. Don't look at Sikong Zhengqing's momentum, but he can clearly feel that everything around this is under the control of Sikong Zhengqing.

Ye Ruida’s mouth twitched slightly, and said bitterly: “I didn’t expect you to be alarmed.”

"Who is he?" Lu Xuan asked softly, he did not know Si Kong Zhengqing.

Ye Ruida took a deep breath: "The empty brother of the empty family, Kong Zhengqing, is... the existence of my grandfather."

Lu Xuan suddenly took a breath of cold, Ye Ruida grandfather's generation, isn't that this is the strongman of Ye Wenyan's Ye Wenjun contemporaries? Ye Wenyan has a strong mainland porch is not clear, but he knows how powerful Ye Wenjun is, but that was the existence of the sword magic in that year. In the Jiuhua Mountain, Lu Xuan saw Ye Wenjun’s numerous powerful and complicated swordsmanship. The arm makes the finger generally used.

This time, it’s really a horse’s nest. If you are a strongman like Sikong Zhengqing, you won’t be able to do anything in peace. If it’s not for Si Kongqing’s call for the homeowner’s call, he’ll not necessarily pay attention to Lu Xuan’s troubles at Sikong’s home. However, Lu Xuan still won the prize.

Si Kong Zhengqing did not pay attention to Ye Ruida’s words. He just smiled. He turned to the head and looked at Ye Xuan, who was behind Ye Ruida. “This is the Lu Xuan that Qinger said? You Ye’s younger generation?”

Ye Ruida warned Lu Xuan behind him and said: "According to the rules, shouldn't you intervene in this kind of thing? Is it true that Sikong really decided to go to war with our Ye family?"

Sikong Zhengqing laughed happily: "The rules? The rules are set by people. Moreover, your Ye family is making a big trouble in our empty house, so let you go. What makes others think?"

"Oh, that can only prove that the younger generations of your vacant family are incompetent!" Ye Ruida sneered: "Even the youngest generation of my family is enough to turn your vacant homes upside down, and forced Sergeant to use the homeowner's call order. Would you give me a long face?"

The smile on Sikong Zhengqing’s face gradually disappeared. Ye Ruida’s words poked his pain. Don’t look at him and he didn’t get angry with Sikongqing, but that doesn’t mean he is not angry. For Si Kongqing and Sikongdong, he is really angry. It’s just that he understands that there is no one in Sikong’s home that is more suitable for the homeowner than Sikongqing, so he did not change Sikongqing.

"What about the outstanding younger generation? Just need to kill, isn't that a hundred?" Sikong Zhengqing said.

"You dare!" Ye Ruida said: "Sikong Zhengqing, don't lean in front of me and sell old! I can guarantee. As long as Xuan Er has something on the boundary of the Eight Temples. Jiuhua League will immediately try its best, not dead, endless! ”

Si Kong Zhengqing gave a slight glimpse. Seeing his look like this, Ye Ruida’s heart was slightly happy. If he could scare Si Kong Zhengqing, it would be better.

But soon Ye Ruida was disappointed. I saw that Sikong Zhengqing waved his hand: "Don't take these words to swear at me. Since you dare to come to the vacant site to make trouble, then prepare for the price. As for the full battle. Hehe, do you think that my empty family is still afraid of it? Our empty family can sit on this status today, never rely on it!"

"Then you are ironic to leave us? Big deal, fight a fish to die!" Ye Ruida face cold.

Si Kong Zhengqing sneered: "You a junior, what qualifications to say this in front of me, it is almost the same for Ye Wenyan. The fish will die, but the net will not break."

At this time, Ye Ruida suddenly grabbed Lu Xuan’s shoulder and suddenly slammed back and shouted: “Xuan Er. Go!”

"Want to go? Not so easy!" Sikong Zhengqing snorted and waved his hand, and a huge palm condensed out of the air, directly grabbing Lu Xuan.

"Hey!" Ye Ruida instantly took out the long sword and suddenly slammed into the air with a sword. The palm of the force that was condensed was immediately completely broken.

A sword shot, Ye Ruida turned to look back, but saw Lu Xuan hesitantly stood in the same place. This time he was really angry, and said: "Mother-in-law's work! Never leave, I don't have your grandson! If you survive, you will have the opportunity to avenge me!"

Lived down, survived... Lu Xuan’s mind continually echoed these three words, took a deep breath, finally looked at Ye Ruida, moved his lips, seemed to want to say something, but in the end he did not say a word. I waved out the hurricane and took a quick rush.

Seeing Lu Xuan’s departure from the hurricane, Zhou Ruida’s eyes showed a hint of relief. He finally had no worries. What he could do next was to do everything to drag Sikong Zhengqing, every time he took a break. Xuan will have more chances to escape.

Si Kong Zhengqing frowned slightly, then shook his head again: "What is the use of escape, it is nothing more than a late death, I will send you down first."

When the voice fell, Sikong Zhengqing once again extended his hand. He reached out and the surrounding forces suddenly rolled up. The flowers and trees in the forest all trembled fiercely.

"Destroy the soul!"

The soul is the root of the spirit, and the pulse is the foundation of man! Si Kong Zhengqing's style of breaking the soul is the direct force to extract the vitality of the enemy, and the end is extremely hot. Compared with the residual flower used by the company, it relies on the power of the law of time to consume the vitality of the enemy, which is even stronger.

Ye Ruida only felt a force that could not be resisted, as if a breath of death completely enveloped himself. It is cold. But his face did not have the slightest fear, but instead showed a different smile.

"Ten swords! The soul! The pulse!"

Eight words spit out from Ye Ruida's mouth, and Si Kong Zhengqing could not help but reveal a strange color. He clearly felt that Ye Ruida had no more soul fluctuations, and there was no slight pulse beat. Ye Ruida actually took the initiative to cut it off!

Ten swords, in fact, there are two versions, one is the orthodox ten swords, which is passed down by Ye Tian, ​​based on the five behaviors, and will not cause harm to the body. There is also a set of ten swords, which is the improvement of a former ancestor of the Ye family on the basis of the orthodox ten swords. It is based on the injury, first hurts himself, then hurts people. In terms of power, it is more orthodox. Ten swords must be stronger and more.

Now, Sikong Zhengqing wants to break the soul of Ye Ruida. It really means that he has followed his mind. He took the initiative to use the ten swords to break the soul. How can Sikong Zhengqing get him? (To be continued~^~)

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