Sword Spirit

Chapter 1013: To die, you have to pull back

Just as Lu Xuan seized all the time to adjust the interest rate, suddenly a burst of shouting came, Lu Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

"Here! I saw his flying spirit!"

"Stop him, don't let him run!"

"He is already the end of the strong, if he can kneel down, the family will have a reward!"

More than a dozen martial artists brushed in front of the hurricane, and looked at the eyes of the hurricane, all filled with joy and greed, as if they were in front of them. On the treasures in general.

"Hands! Shoot this flying spirit boat down!" Seeing that the Hurricane Ling Zhou did not stop, one of the warriors shouted.

After all, the warrior took the lead in shooting, and a strong spirit rushed toward the hurricane, and the rest of the warriors shot, and more than a dozen brilliant lights shot at the hurricane.

At this time, the Hurricane Lingzhou suddenly disappeared, and the attacks of the people fell through, and a figure appeared in the place where the Hurricane Lingzhou had just disappeared.

When Lu Xuan appeared, the former warrior who was talking before laughed and said: "Is it finally come out? Brothers, it’s time to make meritorious deeds!"



A group of martial arts have waved their weapons, and they rushed over to the front of the land. They have already used Lu Xuan as a fish on the cutting board, for fear of being preempted by others.

Lu Xuan’s cold eyes swept over them and slowly spit out a few words: “No self-reliance!”

Among these warriors, one is too imaginary in the middle of the period, the strongest is too imaginary, and the lowest is only the eighth. Although Lu Xuan is now suffering from damage, the tiger is falling to Pingyang, but the dead camel is still bigger than Ma, and is this group of good and bad guys able to deal with it?

"Soul soldiers!" Lu Xuan sighed lightly, and two pieces of Soul Lake suddenly burst into waves, and the power of the soul surging. A long sword condensed by the soul force appeared quietly in front of him.

The technique of the Soul Forces was used by Buon, the soul of the soul who was dealt with by Lu Xuan, after using Soul Eater to engulf the soul of Buno. Lu Xuan naturally mastered the skills of the soul force, but with his soul power at the time, it was impossible to condense the soul of the soldiers, but now his soul is comparable to the six-star magician. It is not difficult to unite a soldier.

Although these warriors felt the powerful soul fluctuations uploaded by Lu Xuan, they did not take it seriously. When they got the notice from Sikong, they knew that Lu Xuan had already been hit hard, and he had no strength in one. There will be some taboos. but. This is undoubtedly the final regret decision made in their lifetime.

"Destroy the soul!"

Lu Xuan reached out and pointed. This unskilled soul sword suddenly shot, those who rushed to Lu Xuan only felt a flower in front of them, and even felt a sharp pain in their minds.


"My head... it hurts!"

"This is... what tricks... oh..."

The soul of the soldiers is formed by the power of pure souls. Unlike ordinary attacks, the soul soldiers are aimed at the soul! If these people have the strength of the late virtual world, they may be able to resist one or two, but the strongest among them is only the three virtual worlds. What can be used to resist the soul of a six-star mistress?

The few warriors who returned to the Yuan dynasty had almost no chance to even hear it. The soul of Lu Xuan’s soul sword instantly wiped out the soul and fell straight.

Only those who have reached the virtual state can still scream out painfully, but that's all. With the soul of Lu Xuan's soul attacking again, Soul Eater shoots and instantly devours their souls.

The sound of tragic disappeared instantly, only to hear a few plops, and everyone turned into a body and fell from the air.

The power of these people's souls is not strong, Lu Xuan simply does not look up, even too lazy to waste time to incorporate their soul into the soul lake. After all, everyone has different impurities in their souls. It is not the power of pure soul. If it is swallowed too much, it will affect its own soul.

After cleaning up these warriors, Lu Xuan did not stop at all, and once again called out the hurricane spirit boat, turned into a stream of light and quickly detached. But this is not the end, but just the beginning...

Tianshengcheng is the old nest of Sikongjia. The rigor of its defense is really not blown out. After the announcement of the flight of Lu Xuan by Sikongdong, all the warriors who got the news rushed over Lu Xuan’s marching Luxuan. . Hurricane Lingzhou has such a big goal that it can't be concealed. Almost every flight, Lu Xuan will encounter a team of warriors who come to intercept.

The strengths of these warriors are all inconsistent, and they are owned by the Yuan martial warriors, those who are too imaginary, and even those who are too imaginary. The following warriors in the early days of Taixu are not in the eyes of Lu Xuan. With the power of this powerful soul, it is almost all the way to crush, but those who are too imaginary in the middle of the war can still cause some trouble to Lu Xuan, one of them. Too virtual and six strong, fully blocked Lu Xuan's time for a tea, and finally he used the shadowless sneak attack to get the person to kill.

The only thing that makes Lu Xuan happy is that there is no such thing as a martial art in the middle of the war. The warriors in this level are not Chinese cabbage.

However, even so, it is enough to make Lu Xuan upset, because the continuous interception, his escape speed is greatly reduced. For such a long time, he did not escape from the realm of Tiansheng City, let alone arrive at Chiyan City. Go to Wansha Island.

Hey! Hey! Hey!

The three figures whizzed past, and the words lined up on the road ahead of Lu Xuan. Seeing these three people, Lu Xuan’s heart suddenly sinks and finally comes...

"Kids, I can run very well!" Sikongan stared at the stagnant snorkeling sneer.

"I still can't come out, do you want me to ask?" Sikongdong faintly said that he successfully caught up with Lu Xuan and let him breathe a sigh of relief. At least the task that his ancestors handed over to him could be successfully completed. But then again, he also had a hint of admiration for Lu Xuan in his heart. After the battle of the Sikong family for so long, he was able to break through so many interceptions and escape here. It is really not something that ordinary people can do.

After hesitating, Lu Xuan finally put away the hurricane, and chose to face Sikongdong. Besides, he had no other way. Although he knew clearly, he did not have a chance to defeat Sikongdong three. .

"I will be able to leave you with a small life, I believe you will make the right choice." Si Kongdong looked at Lu Xuan again.

"How is my grandfather?" Lu Xuan asked.

Si Kongdong sneaked a little and shook his head: "Although he is desperate to intercept his ancestors, there is no chance of winning. At this moment, I am afraid that I have already been captured by my ancestors."

Upon hearing this, Lu Xuan’s eyelids shook slightly, but his face was still calm and waveless. He nodded and said: “You said, if I am desperate with you, can I have a chance to pull back?” (To be continued) ~^~)

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