Sword Spirit

Chapter 1014: The power of the world

Lu Xuan’s plain words, but in a moment, a wave of waves in the hearts of Sikongdong, especially the lowest strength of Sikongan, after breathing slightly stagnation, strong self-satisfaction: "Hurricane! Who do you think you are, In the presence of our three brothers, what kind of tricks can you play? If you are a shackle, you can still save a small life. If you are stubborn, you can’t stop ruthlessly!”

When Si Kongan’s words were so strong, he showed his guilty conscience. Among their three brothers, his strength is the worst. If Lu Xuan really wants to pull a back, he is undoubtedly the best. The goal. Although he knows that Lu Xuan has been greatly damaged, but thinks of Lu Xuan’s scene in Sikong’s home, Si Kongan still has some feelings, so at this moment he only hopes to be able to scare Lu Xuan with this.

Listening to Si Kongan’s words, Lu Xuan’s mouth showed a hint of sarcasm and said: “Have you heard a word called Li Ligui? It’s what you describe.”

Seeing that Lu Xuan dared to ridicule his inner weakness, Sikong Nan could not help but be furious. He was a grumpy person, and he could endure such a slut. But at this moment, Sikongdong is holding his hand and holding down Sikongan’s shoulder. How can he not see Lu Xuan’s use of the radical method, and only Shi Kongnan’s character weakness will be recruited, otherwise they will After living for so many years, nothing can be seen.

"Second second, you are on the sidelines, I am going to see, what kind of tricks can this kid play?" Sikong Dong Shen Sheng, his strength is not comparable to Sikongxi and Sikongan, he is confident It’s Lu Xuan’s desperate life, but I can’t help myself.

Si Kongxi did not say anything, took the initiative to retreat a certain distance, and handed the battlefield to Sikongdong, but faintly blocked Lu Xuan’s escape route. Although Si Kongan is not awkward now, he also knows that Sikongdong is good for himself and he is taking the initiative to step back.

Staring at Lu Xuan, Sikong Dongdao: "What is the meaning of fighting the beastly beast, how to struggle again. Can not escape the fate of the arrangement, I am going back to listen to the orders of my ancestors."

"How do you know that fate is letting me live, or let me die?" Lu Xuan slightly narrowed his eyes. Raise the right hand and open the five fingers slowly across the air, and if there are no black and white fluctuations, there will be.

Si Kongdong's eyebrows jumped slightly. He felt a little familiar with this feeling, but he couldn't remember what it was. Therefore, he also let Lu Xuan pretend to be a ghost, but in his view, no matter how Lu Xuan toss, he also wants to escape his hand! After all, there are still two squadrons on the side. Even if they lose their foreheads, can Lun Xuan also deal with three people at the same time?

Just at this time. Lu Xuan’s left hand was drawn. In the air completely different from the right hand posture, gradually, Lu Xuan's hands like a butterfly, constantly changing the fingerprints, the mysterious feeling makes Si Kongdong more and more puzzled.

What is the trick? Look at Lu Xuan's appearance, it should be the martial arts of the handprints, but all the martial arts of the handprints, all of them are powerful and powerful, and they are the best in the world. This is the case with the type of burning of the Nangong family. At the moment, the handprints displayed by Lu Xuan are incomparably complex, but they do not have any strong atmosphere. If it is the kind of mysterious feeling that exists all the time, I am afraid that Sikong will think that Lu Xuan is making a fool of himself.

"Hey, no matter what you do, I just need to change it all the time!" Sikongdong made up his mind not to shoot easily. After all, the power that Lu Xuan showed before remains in their hearts, in case he reveals the flaws. Xuan organic can take advantage of it, it will not be worth the loss.

But at this time, Sikong West suddenly shouted: "Big brother. Quick hands! This is the power of the field! No, this is not the field... This is the power of the world! The world of the road!"

Si Kongxi shouted, and instantly woke up Sikongdong. He was a fan of the authorities. He only thought that Lu Xuan wanted to confuse himself in his own illusion, but he did not expect Lu Xuan to be building a world!

It is no wonder that Sikongdong did not think that the power of the world is a higher level than the field. For example, Lu Xuan can only use the power of the kendo field and cannot build his own kendo world. The field is single, and the world is pluralistic, a single kendo can constitute the power of the field, and countless kendo can only be built into the world of kendo, just as Lu Xuan feels in the Enlightenment Hall of the Emperor's Palace. The kendo world is average.

Looking at the steep awakening of Si Kongdong, Lu Xuan slightly grinned, revealing a stubborn smile: "Finally ... realized? Or, it is already late... the world, condensate!"


With Lu Xuan's words, if a gust of wind blows, countless runes suddenly emerge, and a line of lines is connected in series, almost forming a large net.

Even more so that Si Kongxi and Sikong Nan are stunned, and they are unconsciously, they have all been caught by Lu Xuan in this world!

"Look at the old man to tear this broken thing!" Sikongan can not manage so much, a big bang is to condense a net force to the surrounding rune net to grab.

"No!" Sikong West has not had time to remind, Si Kongnan has encountered several runes.


Suddenly a few thunderous bucket-like thunder suddenly slammed down to Sikong, and this sudden scene made Sikongan stay a little, but soon he returned, crying, disdainful: "Drums For a long time, is it only this level? Give it to me!"

I saw that Si Kongan suddenly rushed to the thunder and rushed to the thunder, but it was hard to shatter the thunder! However, Sikongan had not had a good time yet, and the pupil suddenly enlarged. I saw that behind the thunder, the seven seventy-four-seven-handed sword condensed into a sword array and swiftly attacked!

"Dry-you-old-mother!" When Sikongnan was in a hurry, he couldn't help but scream. He tried to vent, and he did not dare to resist this sword array. He subconsciously withdrew two steps, but at this time, Sikongxi The voice sounded again: "The third child, no!"

Soon, Sikongan knew why Sikongxi couldn’t say it again and again. On his withdrawal, he once again touched three runes...

Almost at the same time, an array of unknown flames, a battle of mysterious ice, and a different array of soul swings simultaneously fell.

In this scene, Si Kongan was shocked and stunned, and he seemed to have given himself a pit...

"The third child, stupid standing and doing, don't move any more, use all the power to harden the next!" Sikongxi's voice promptly awakened Sikongan. (To be continued~^~)

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