Sword Spirit

Chapter 1015: graft

In theory, as long as you reach the realm of the miraculous teacher, there is a power to condense the world of the world. But in fact, in addition to the need to reach the realm of the miraculous, the world needs to have enough sentiment and understanding. Understanding.

Because of this, in fact, there are very few ecscerists who can consolidate the world of the world. Even many people who are too imaginary are not necessarily aware of the existence of the world of the road, and it is also a long-term inheritance of the Sikong family. The big family knows the power of the world.

There is no doubt that Si Kongxi has a lot of understanding about the world of the road, but Sikongan is no more than a sneak peek. From his slapstick move, he can see that he is not clear about the power and principle of the world. . I can't blame him. Today, the wind of the Tianjian Continental Warrior is prevailing. The veins of the refining body and the spirit of refining the spirit are extremely weak. It is not easy to encounter a sacred teacher who knows how to condense the world. How can Sikongan spend? Thinking about these things.

Lu Xuan Ruofei personally realized the core array of Ye Jianbai, who was known as the "Fu Sheng" in the Wannian Mountains, and I am afraid that I could not comprehend the depiction of the world.

The world of Fu Dao is a means of using his own understanding of Fu Dao and making the essence of countless cultures as a matter of fact. It is a powerful and incomparable multi-runk array!

In today's rune array of the three brothers of the Sikong family, almost every place has a line of law. Once touched, it will immediately trigger the attack of the array. Now, Sky Kongnan is facing this situation.

He first tried to destroy the rune array, directly ignited the attack of the Thunder and the sword array, and then re-introduced the three big arrays, and immediately placed himself in the attack of several large arrays, you know, These large arrays are all learned by Lu Xuan from the Wanhua Mountain in Jiuhua Mountain. Even if the power is not up to the top, it is not comparable to the general array.

If it is not for Si Kongxi to remind Si Kongnan in time, once Si Kongan continues to struggle in this rune, he will spur more strikes. At that time, with the strength of Sikongan, there is no other possibility than drinking and hating the spot.

"Ah! Block the old man!" Sikong south witnessed. The speed of the running force, all efforts to block the attack of the upcoming four-line method.

This time, he finally learned the lesson, did not dare to move half a point, but even dare not take the initiative to attack. It’s just hard to bear the power of the four-line method.

At first, the attack of the sword array first came, and countless swordsmen poked on the body of Sikongan. Sikongan only felt severe pain and could only be patient.

Then the red flame array, Xuan Bing's array once again let Si Kongnan feel the taste of two days of ice and fire, the last soul attack. Suddenly slammed on the soul of Sikongan. He felt a sense of dizziness, almost unable to stand, if it was not for so many years of accumulation, at this moment, Sikongan may have been paralyzed, and forcibly resisting the attack of four big arrays, it is definitely not a joke.

Looking at the wolf's incomparable Sikong South, Lu Xuan felt a little pity in his heart. If Si Kongnan was a little more reckless, he would provoke two more methods. He is sure to kill Sikong South directly here.

However, Lu Xuan is not very good at the moment. It is also a strong and weak point in the world of the world. In order to trap the three brothers of the Sikong Dong, this time, he has made a force of 10%, and he has taken his own way from the Wanfeng Mountain. All of the learning and learning in the middle were taken out. If this is not the case, then you can easily trap the two peaks of the emptiness, a strong and powerful typhoon.

In order to lay down this world of grace, Lu Xuan can only be said to have consumed his own soul power, but Sikongdong three people also want to break out in a short time.

"Three people still stay here to see the scenery. I will take a step first." Lu Xuan slammed a smile, once again called out the hurricane spirit boat galloping away.

"Damn!" Si Xuan looked at the distant Lu Xuan could not help but scream, this Lu Xuan has a lot of cards, the power has been exhausted, I did not expect that he can still make the world Strong means.

Seeing the prey of the hand ran away, how can Sikongdong not hate, more importantly, this is the task that Sikong Zhengqing gave them, and the three people can even let Lu Xuan run, what do they look like? Going to see Sikong Zhengqing?

"Big brother, you must not let Lu Xuan run! Otherwise, no one can afford the anger of the ancestors." Si Kongxi calmly said.

Sikong East nodded and took a deep breath: "I know, but Lu Xuan can't run, there is an ancestor, he can escape to where. But if a district Lu Xuan still needs the ancestors to personally take it, we The prestige of the three men in Sikong’s family is afraid that they will plummet."

"The third child, cheer up a little! I want to prepare for the break!" Looking at the stunned look of Sikongan, Si Kongdong shouted slightly.

Some of the dizzy Si Kongnan heard the words of Si Kongdong, suddenly strong spirits, the hate value of Lu Xuan in the heart has burst, and even made him so embarrassed, this hate does not swear not to be human!

"The power of the world is strong, but Lu Xuan's fire is still obviously not clear." Sikong Dong gaze from the rune trapped by himself and others, sweeping through the cold road: "I will illuminate the whole character later." Wen Dazhen, the second child, you quickly separated from the third."

Si Kongxi's face changed slightly and asked: "Is it sure?"

No, he does not worry, Si Kongdong provokes the entire rune, which means that he will bear the power of the entire rune, and the five-field law will make Sikong Nan like this, although it is because Sikongan can’t avoid it. The reason for hard resistance, but also enough to watch the power of these big arrays.

"Reassured, can't die."

Listening to Si Kongdong said that Sikongxi can only be used by him. After all, they must find a way to break the battle. They can’t be trapped here, let Lu Xuan escape.

A strong wave of force rose from the east of Sikong, only to see him take out a long sword in an instant, then suddenly screamed out loud: "Broken!"

The long sword swept across, the huge sword light swept out, and the sly squatting on the rune array, the entire rune burst was instantly smashed!

coming! Sikongxi’s heart was tight, and with the moment of running the broken rune, he moved to the position where Sikongnan was in the middle, and he took a copy of Sikong’s speed from the range of the rune, just on the occasion of his departure. , the world is discolored!

The arrays that Lu Xuan contained in the rune array were all spurred by Sikongdong at this moment, and the formation of the formation, the battle of heaven and earth, the array of swords and swords... the brushed sergeant Sikongdong came.

Boom! Si Kongdong said nothing, his eyes were gloomy and continually swaying the long sword. With the strength of the illusory world, all the roads were broken, but it was far from being able to withstand all attacks.

Several attacks fell directly on Sikongdong, only to hear him screaming, apparently injured, and seeing more attacks are coming, Sikongdong no longer dares to resist, and screams and screams: " graft!"

As soon as this statement came out, a strange scene appeared. The attack that attacked Sikongdong actually changed the target at this moment, and all of them rushed over the long sword that Sikongdong held high.

When countless attacks were bombarded on the sword, Si Kongdong’s face suddenly became white, followed by a **** spurt.

This attack came quickly and went fast. In less than three times, all the attacks of the array were completely eliminated, and the sword of Sikongdong could not see the original color at the moment.


The long sword that withstood the entire rune of the rune, this moment completely turned into ashes and disappeared into invisible.

"Big Brother, is it okay?" Sikong West quickly rushed over to help Sikong East.

"I'm fine... Hey!" Sikongdong waved his hand, but if he hadn't finished talking, he spurted another blood again, and the whole person's breath was languishing.

Although the transfer of flowers can transfer the attack, but not everything can be transferred, the target of the transfer must have a certain relationship with the person, such as the life locust is a kind.

Si Kongdong does not have a life-threatening locust, but he has his own weapon that has spent countless efforts to consolidate himself. Just this wooden sword is his life weapon. When the weapon is attacked, the body will suffer a certain degree of trauma, and now Si Kongdong’s life weapon was directly destroyed, and the injuries he suffered were conceivable.

"Lu Xuan, I will kill you!" The empty roar of Sikongdong! (To be continued~^~)

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