Sword Spirit

Chapter 1016: Sword magic is born!

At this moment, Sikongxi left Sikongnan with his left hand and Shikongdong with his right hand. He felt that there was some big head, and the three men were full of confidence to chase Lu Xuan. As a result, the two lost most of their combat power.

Si Kongan's situation is slightly better. Although he has been attacked by the four-line method, he has not hurt his roots. He can recover a lot after a little adjustment. However, Si Kongdong was not hurt at this time. He was facing the counterattack of the entire world. Although he used the transfer of flowers to transfer most of the attacks to his own weapons, the destruction of his weapon was already hurting the roots of Sikongdong. I don’t spend a year and a half to nurse, and I want to recover.

"Big Brother, how do you feel now, or let me send you back first," said Sikongxi.

Si Kongdong used force to wave his hand: "No! I still can't die, continue to chase! Lu Xuan has now completely become the end of the strong, just catch up with him, with the strength of the second child you can easily take him!"

Seeing that Sikongdong insisted so much, Sikongxi no longer said anything. He knew that Sikongdong was taking a sigh of relief and was made by Lu Xuan in the district. If he did not personally arrest Lu Xuan, he could not be willing.

However, Lu Xuan’s situation at the time of his departure was in the eyes. At least for now, they also have complete combat power, and Lu Xuan has almost lost all combat power.

Sikong West immediately recruited a flying treasure, and took the boss and the two men to the south to chase after the hurricane. In the case of Lu Xuan, in addition to desperately fleeing to the Red Flame City, there is no other choice, so Sikongxi Not afraid to trace the way.

Just as Lu Xuan was escaping, the battle between Sikong Zhengqing and Ye Ruida has begun to come to an end.

I have to say that Ye Ruida’s desperate play has brought some troubles to Si Kongzheng, and he has already hurt his opponent’s ten swords first, and fully exerted its power in his hands. As the saying goes, there is no big deal except death, and Ye Ruida is not ready for life now. Sikong Zhengqing has something to fear.

Once and for all, the crazy attack. Once again and again, Ye Ruida’s performance is not like a person who is over 100 years old. I am afraid that even when he was young and vigorous, he had never done such a crazy move. But now, for Ye’s most talented younger generation, he is willing to dedicate himself to everything.

Once again, Sikong Zhengqing was boxing back. Ye Ruida struggled to get up from the ground. The fleshy and fuzzy right hand was still holding a long sword. After taking a breather, the gaze glared at Sikong Zhengqing: "again... eat me a sword!"

Regardless of the body that has been traumatized, Ye Ruida is in the shape of electricity, and the long sword is waving, turning into a sky of swords. Even if it is in today's situation, Ye Ruida's strength is still not inferior. However, what he is facing now is not an ordinary person. In the eyes of Si Kong Zhengqing, the power of Ye Ruida’s sword has been greatly reduced.

"It's over..." Sikong Zhengqing stared at the sky's Jianguang himself.

Ye Ruida blocked himself for so long, and he was proud of it, but it was destined to be futile, because Ye Ruida did not know that he had asked Si Kongdong and others to arrest Lu Xuan. Although it was said that Sikongdong and others had done things before, and they had lost the face of Sikong’s family, Sikong Zhengqing did not think that Sikongdong’s three men could not take Lu Xuan’s descendants.

I saw that Sikong Zhengqing stretched out his right hand, and the surrounding forces swept over and turned into a blue vortex. This style is one of Sikong’s school, and Aoki’s mysterious!

"Resident!" Sikong Zhengqing suddenly slammed his strength, and the strong strength immediately swallowed the shadow of the sky, and then the unrelenting rush to Ye Ruida as the chest.

Looking at the strength, Ye Ruida swayed the sword and tried to block the strength of Si Kong Zhengqing. However, he used the self-mutilated ten swords to stick to the present, almost close to the exhaustion of the oil, and the speed of the body has already Can't keep up with the reaction speed.

"Can't stop... Xuaner. Grandpa has done his best, you...you must escape the birth!" Looking at the powerful Aoki Xuan Tianjin, the Ye Ruida flashed in his mind. This last thought, completely gave up the struggle, closed his eyes and waited quietly for the coming of death.


The sound of a huge explosion sounded, and Aoki's mysterious power burst completely. The powerful energy swept through it. Under the power of this force, Ye Ruida's body was like a boat in the sea, without any resistance. The fly back.

But at this moment, Ye Ruida is puzzled and opened his eyes. How... is it different from what he imagined? He seems to have only been affected by the green wood Xuan Tian Jin Yu Wei, did not face it down, otherwise, at this moment he has already been cut off.

At this time, a big hand held his back firmly, and a warm breath continued to flow into his body along the palm of his hand. Ye Ruida’s pale face was a wonderful one. The blood color, the oil in the light of the meridian veins, once again injected a touch of vitality, like a long dry and sunny, making him feel extremely comfortable.

"I am... was saved?" Ye Ruida had some unbelievable flashing thoughts. He immediately looked up and looked at the people who supported him.

The first thing that was printed in his eyes was a silver hair with a waste of waste. A breeze blew through, and the man’s silver hair was blown up, finally revealing his true face.

Ye Ruida’s eyes suddenly widened. It seems that some people couldn’t believe it. After watching the two-time period, I decided that I didn’t read it correctly and then slowly began to say: “Wen Jun’s uncle?!”

Ye Ruida feels that his brain is a little bad, how can this man appear here? To be honest, his memory of Ye Wenjun has been a long time. When he was still very young, he once had a deep memory of the uncle's heroic attitude. When he was known as the sword magic, he was so chic and domineering!

Later, because of some changes, the strong man who once smashed the sword of the mainland was among the Jiuhua Mountain, and studied the swordsmanship. He never showed up again, so that Ye Ruida’s memory of Ye Wenjun was blurred, but when he was a child. The deep impression left, finally let him recognize it at a glance.

Come, it is the sword magic - Ye Wenjun!

Ye Wenjun's sly hair, watching Ye Ruida smiled: "Good boy, never seen in a hundred years, you have reached such strength, good, did not smash the prestige of my Ye family! But the old ghost of the empty but with my generation Guy, you don't need your juniors to take a break, let's rest for a while, ten swords, oh, it's really hard."

After all, Ye Wenjun’s hand was sent to Ye Ruida on the ground. After reading Ye Wenjun deeply, Ye Ruida was able to adjust his interest even if he passed the power that Ye Wenjun passed, although it was only a drop in the bucket compared to the trauma of his body, at least... able to temporarily save his life. It is.

"Uncle is coming, Xuan children have been saved." Ye Ruida could not help but show a smile on his face, closing his eyes and adjusting his breath.

At this moment, Ye Wenjun finally turned around and looked at Sikong Zhengqing in front. He did not see any movements, but he stood there quietly. A arrogant atmosphere was naturally cast out.

The hidden swordsman of the past century has re-emerged, and the power has never changed, just like the year! (To be continued~^~)

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