Sword Spirit

Chapter 1019: Golden light

Just as Ye Wenjun broke out completely, Lu Xuan was still dying. The hurricane hurried over the mountains and flew on the most remote path, while Lu Xuan, who was sitting in the hurricane, was not very it is good.

A burst of strong sense of weakness continued to come, Lu Xuan now only wants to sleep well, he is too tired. Although he just portrayed the world to be trapped by Sikongdong, in fact, it is still very reluctant for him to portray the world, especially in continuous battles.

Therefore, at this moment, not only does his power disappear, but it is a emptiness in the soul lake. It is really suitable to use Lu Xun’s light to describe the state of Lu Xuan at this moment. If it is a strong will to survive Supporting him, I am afraid he has already fallen.

Live! Live!

Ye Ruida’s words are constantly echoing in Lu Xuan’s ear. It is because of these three words that he has been holding up until now. Fortunately, since the escape from Sikongdong’s three hands, Lu Xuan has never met again. The warriors who went to Sikong’s house stopped the road. After all, it was already very remote. Those who got the news to block Lu Xuan could not easily reach this remote place to block him.

"No one has caught up, should it be temporarily safe?" Lu Xuan thought unconsciously, he has already taken a few remedies to restore the power of the soul, all brought out from the Jiuhua League. , the quality is good. However, for his current state, it can only be said that it is a drop in the bucket. It is a fantasy to fight this soul.

Just as Lu Xuan relaxed his tight nerves, suddenly a boom came! He only felt a violent shock in the hurricane, as if he had suffered a certain kind of strong attack. The double fatigue brought by the body and the soul was forcibly expelled by Lu Xuan at this moment. He realized that he was in trouble. .

But did not give him more reaction time, but also a fierce attack fell on the hurricane, this time more fierce than the first attack, Lu Xuan has heard a few squeaks, no doubt This is the sound of the damage of the Hurricane Ling Zhou!

Lu Xuan became sober at this moment. Without hesitation, he immediately took a bit of strength and emerged from the hurricane, just before he left the hurricane. The third attack followed it to the next level.


The sound of a huge explosion sounded, Lu Xuan stared at the hurricane of the sea of ​​fire, and he was brought out of the Emperor's Palace, following his own hurricane. Under this successive three attacks, thoroughly bursting...

Looking away from the falling hurricane spirit boat, Lu Xuan looked at the culprit causing all of this, the face of the hatred of Si Kongnan, a cold-faced Si Kongxi, the face of the gloomy Si Kongdong.

Si Kongdong reached for his chest. Paled face. Si Kongan was inconsistent and the atmosphere was disordered. Only the state of Sikongxi was in good condition. Undoubtedly, it was him who had just shot three times in a row to destroy the Hurricane.

I have to say that Lu Xuan’s escape from two to three has completely angered the three brothers. The defensive power of Hurricane Lingzhou is not weak. Si Kongxi has already exerted his strongest strength in order to prevent Lu Xuan from continuing to escape. This will be able to destroy the hurricane in a short three strikes.

"It was so fast that I broke my world." Lu Xuan’s eyes swept through the three people. Finally, I stopped my eyes on Sikongdong: "Should you break it?"

Before Sikongdong was still in the limelight, it is now so wilting, apparently in order to forcibly break the world's hard-won world to bear the power of the world.

"I am able to push me to such a position, you are proud of yourself." Sikong Dong cold channel: "However, your performance will stop here!"

Is that stop? Lu Xuan repeated the words of Si Kongdong, and could not help but reveal a bitter smile. He really tried his best...

If he could still use his desperate efforts to threaten the three men of Sikongdong, then now he can't even say the threat.

However, after all, he was not sitting on the shackles, tightening the dusty sword in his hand, Lu Xuan desperately recovered his strength. Thinking about what else is left.

See Lu Xuan does not speak, Sikong East directly said to Si Kongxi: "The second child, take him!" After a pause, he once again received a sentence: "To live."

Although Si Kongdong can't wait to directly slap Lu Xuan, but Sikong Zhengqing obviously wants a living Lu Xuan. In order to complete his ancestor's mission, he can only temporarily press the idea of ​​killing Lu Xuan, but he believes After taking Lu Xuan back, Lu Xuan may not be able to live very well.

Si Kongxi heard the words without saying anything, and the fingers pointed directly to Lu Xuan. It was like the eagle catching the chickens. It is true that Lu Xuan now has no ability to resist in their eyes.

When I saw Sikong West's hands, Lu Xuan didn't even think about it, and immediately grabbed a magical scroll and threw it at Sikongxi.

"Fighting you a bastard!" Lu Xuan hated.

More than ten refinery scrolls exploded around Sikongxi, flames, Xuanbing, Jianqi, Thunder... All kinds of magical attacks burst at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Sikongdong was taken aback, but even after re-establishing his mind, he realized that Lu Xuan’s reincarnation scrolls were just bluffing. It looked scary and actually not very powerful.

This is also a no-brainer. The more difficult the reel scroll is, the harder it is to make it. Even though Lu Xuan’s reincarnation scrolls are taken from the stocks of Jiuhua League, they are simply not comparable to the powerful reels in the collection of the Emperor. At best, it can only be used to deal with the warriors who have returned to the middle of the Yuan Dynasty or just entered the late stage, and Sikong West is actually a real virtual reality.

A dozen or so spiritual scrolls are like a flash in the pan, and soon after the splendid brilliance, they disappeared without a trace, but although they did not hurt Si Kongxi, the attack that could not be prevented was enough to make him look gray.

"You are looking for death!" In the eyes of Sikongxi, he suddenly shot a killing intention. Among them, he was the most respectful of the three brothers. Whenever he was neat and tidy, he did not expect to be teased by Lu Xuan.

A force has swept over, and Sikong’s claws are in the palm of his hand. If this is a real shot, Lu Xuan is not afraid to lose half of his life!

"No!" Sikongdong rushed out loudly. He was really afraid that Si Xuan would kill Lu Xuan under the anger of the air, and it would be difficult to make a difference with his ancestors.

Perhaps it is the reason that there is still reason. Although Si Kongxi has to send the arrow on the string, but the shot is still a little bit of power, but at this time, a golden light flashed out!

PS: Ah, I haven’t had a late-night codeword for a long time... (unfinished ~^~)

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