Sword Spirit

Chapter 1020: Let me go, let's go.

This golden light came so awkward that Sikongxi did not have time to react, and at the time of his mistake, a golden dragon suddenly appeared!

"Hey!" The sound of the dragon's sound of the tremors rang, and the three men of Sikong West were very incomprehensible. Where did this come from? Is there a dragon on Tianjian mainland?

Waiting for the three of them to come back, the big dragon's tail of this golden dragon was pumped out, and the dragon and the tail of the dragon suddenly slammed Sikongxi, and Sikongxi almost never knew it. How to deal with it, after all, this scene is too ridiculous and has completely exceeded what they can accept.

The majestic eyes were transmitted from the dragon's eyes, and the coldness was swept from the three men of Sikongdong. Just when the three people were cold, the golden dragon did not shoot them again. Instead, It was a beam of light that enveloped Lu Xuan’s body, and Lu Xuan instantly disappeared from the place.

When Lu Xuan and the dragon disappeared for a full two-minute time, Si Kongdong suddenly woke up and quickly looked at Si Kongxi, who was hit by the dragon, and shouted: "Second second, are you okay?"

"I... Hey, I don't seem to have anything else?" Sikongxi patted the dust on his body and stood up. His face was full of strange colors. At this moment, he had already refused to look forward to his discomfort. He had just been When the tail of the dragon swept over, he almost had to shout out his life.

Si Kongxi’s words came out, and Si Kongdong’s face was a little weird. He carefully looked at him: “You feel it, are you not hurt?”

Si Kongxi heard the words in a tight heart. After all, the existence of the dragon is still very deterrent to them. He quickly ran the power and determined that there was no problem before he said: "I did not hurt, strange. Is it... Is this dragon not wanting to hurt us?"

Although Sikongdong was puzzled, it was a fact that Sikongxi was not injured. He immediately nodded. "It may be so. From some ancient records, there are some agreements between the Terran and some dragons. It is easy to get hurt."

Si Kongnan looked at the two enemies who could not help but wonder. I couldn't help but say, "Would you think a little more? In my opinion, this is not just a means of Lu Xuan's bluffing slap?"

Wen Yan Sikong and Si Kongxi looked at each other and did not know what to say at the moment. Not to mention, Si Kongan's statement may not be impossible. After all, they have enough understanding of Lu Xuan's endless means.

Regardless of how the two thought, Sikongan once again said: "You think. Although the existence of the dragon has been recorded in ancient times, at least in the 10,000 years of our existence, we have not heard of any ancestors who have witnessed I have seen it, and now suddenly a dragon has emerged. It is really... inconspicuous."

Listening to Si Kongnan said that Sikong East suddenly felt that it was reasonable. have to say. Simple brains also have simple benefits.

"Now Lu Xuan has been taken away by the golden dragon. Are we chasing or not chasing?" Si Kongxi asked the key questions.

Si Kongdong frowned, and Lu Xuan was the task of the ancestors. If it was stopped, the ancestors could not make a difference. If they told Sikong Zhengqing that Lu Xuan was rescued by a dragon, Sikong Zhengqing was afraid. Not only will they not believe, they will think that they deliberately excused.

However, Si Kongdong did have an unknown fear for the golden dragon, just after sinking. He finally made up his mind.

"Catch! If the golden dragon is true, then our strength is definitely not catching up, but if the golden dragon is bluffing... now Lu Xuan’s flying treasure has just been The second child was destroyed, they definitely did not run far!"

Si Kongxi agreed to nod. "It is true. If we can't find it, we can't do anything. If we can find it, oh, it proves that Lu Xuan is just a bluff, we don't have to be afraid!"

Si Kongdong immediately took out a few notes, left behind a message and went straight out. He wants to mobilize the power of the entire Eight Temples to search for Lu Xuan! As long as Lu Xuan is still on the boundary of the Eight Temples, even if you hide in the deep forest, you can come out!

"Go, we chase separately and look at the gods. If Lu Xuan is still there, I will not dare to show up in public. I will only choose a remote route to Wansha Island. We will follow this route!" Sikongdong took the initiative. With two people to start again.

At this moment, just less than thirty miles from Sikongdong, Lu Xuan was rushing with a golden figure.

"A raccoon, how could it be you?" Lu Xuan said very puzzled. He had been shocked when he saw the golden dragon, and then he was carried by the dragon. When the void shuttled, the familiar feeling immediately gave him some speculation, and it turned out that he did not feel wrong. After A raccoon escaped with him, he became a familiar look.

"This is the talent that I am awakened after I reach the fourth-order blood. I am called the Dragon and Dragon Law. With the power of the blood, I can transform a law and improve my strength." A raccoon confuses Lu Xuan: "I am sorry." The strength of itself is still too low. Even if I use the dragon's law, I am not the opponent of those three people. What's more, I can't maintain the law for too long."

Lu Xuan had long known that A raccoon had reached the fourth-order bloodline, but he did not expect that its fourth-order bloodline talent turned out to be the dragon and dragon law, which is even worse than his own dragon.

However, at this time, he couldn’t afford the slightest joy. This kind of blindness can only be won for a while, but it’s not alive. I think the three people will soon react. There is no hurricane, just by yourself. With A raccoon, still not an opponent. Perhaps A raccoon's emptiness shuttle can take him to the once-dead battle, but he can't escape all the time. After all, the virtual shuttle is very powerful for the power of the blood.

"Xuan Ge, how can you make this? When I came out from the worm house, I found that you were all gone. Fortunately, now that the empty house is a mess, I slipped out quietly." A raccoon did not notice the land. Xuan Xing is not very high, quite proud to say that it has a **** relationship with Lu Xuan, relying on that feeling, it can only find Lu Xuan after leaving Sikong, and rescue Lu Xuan at the crucial moment. .

"Right, Xuan Ge, you look at the guy!" A raccoon raised the claws and firmly grasped the first worm to Lu Xuan Xian: "This should be the first worm you want, those people hide this worm It was really tight, and it was installed in a very strong cage, but under the hand of my raccoon, hey, the cage was easily opened."

"A raccoon, let me go, let's go, take the first worm back to Jiuhua League." Lu Xuan suddenly opened.

A raccoon breath suddenly stagnate, turned over and looked at Lu Xuan, he asked: "What do you say Xuan Ge? I did not hear clearly." (To be continued~^~)

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