Sword Spirit

Chapter 1026: Cruel Sikong

Looking up and sweeping around, Lu Xuan’s eyes showed a hint of hesitation. Now he has only two choices. The first one is to return to the original road, leaving Tianzhu Valley, and break out from the siege of the Sikongjiawu; another option is to continue Go deeper, bet that there may or may not be a chance.

Thinking about the time of interest, Lu Xuan hearted, his eyes suddenly firmed, gamble! After making up his mind, he did not hesitate any more, ignoring the three men of Sikongdong who were trapped by the Luo Luojin lock, and once again marched deep into the valley.

He has already thought very clearly. Once he leaves Tianzhu Valley, he will definitely fall into the hands of Sikong. He has no ability to break through. However, he may have a chance to go deep into Tianzhu, if this day, Shibuya really It is the Jedi, and the deepest suffocation is so strong that he can't resist it. It is not too late to make plans.

"This suffocating, really more and more rich, too B. Yuanyuan is quickly resolved." Lu Xuan's difficult Chaotian Valley advances deep, desperately running Taiyi Guiyuan, will try to invade himself The body's suffocation is resolved.

However, he has limited strength after all. Although Taiyi Yuanyuan is powerful, he can't completely resolve these suffocates at his current level. Lu Xuan even guessed that even the Sikong family had never seen the whole picture in the Tianzhu Valley. Even though the strength of the Sikong family is stronger than that of today, they can’t have the sinisterness of Taiyi. Practice.

After a difficult advance of about 20 feet, Lu Xuan finally stopped and could not move forward. It is almost his limit. Going inside, he may not be able to resist at any time. Erosed by radon.

Is it really only a way to surrender to Sikong? Lu Xuan could not help but reveal a bitter smile. He would not go to death alone. If there is no way to escape, he will choose to be temporarily seized by Sikong, because he knows that he has a major responsibility. He also believes that Sikong is absolutely not Will easily kill himself.

Just really not reconciled! Lu Xuan sat down on the ground and gasped. Thanks to a large amount of helium being converted into Yuanli, his strength has recovered a lot at this moment, but he burns all the blood. In addition to the use of Kirin arm, the sequelae of taking Jiuyang Red Blood Dan is not able to subside in a short time.

After thinking for a moment, I suddenly felt a flash of light in Lu Xuan’s mind! Isn't it a strong suffocation? Wouldn't it be enough to take these suffocates away?

If others can't do it, it doesn't mean that he can't do it. The effect of knowing what to do is to extract the suffocating gas!

Thinking of this festival, Lu Xuan once again ignited a glimmer of hope, and then said nothing to start again. Although most of his good layout materials are used to trap Si Kongdong three people, but fortunately he has a lot of Yuan Shishi, he does not need this method for how long, as long as enough support It’s good to pass this road.

quickly. A piece of the best of the eighteen pieces of Yuanshi is a success. Lu Xuan played a law and lightly sipped out the channel: "Amazing!"

For a time, it’s a great glory. The suffocating gas in front of Lu Xuan was quickly drawn to the glory. With the extraction of these suffocating gases, Lu Xuan felt only a sudden sigh of relief, and the pressure brought by the strong suffocation was greatly reduced. Without hesitation, he rushed forward again.

About a hundred feet of distance, the impact of the singularity has been greatly weakened, and the suffocating front is once again rich. However, with the previous experience, Lu Xuan has been familiar with it, this time he threw thirty-six best Yuanshi. Build a more powerful and perfect one.

Just walked a section of the road and went to the next place. Lu Xuan slowly did not stagnate in the real depths of the valley.

At this moment, the three people of Sikongdong are still trapped in the big array. They have tried no less than ten times. In addition to the constant change and the big Luojin lock array, almost every time they will encounter a different auxiliary. The attacking method, although the lethality is not strong, but it has greatly interfered with the difficulty of the Si Kongdong push the formation method, not to mention the fact that this big Luojin lock array is changing almost every moment, making Si Kongdong feel a mess in his mind. It is impossible to find the correct trajectory of the array.

"No, I can't do it." Sikongan murmured: "I don't break the line, and then go on like this, without waiting for the break, my strength will be clean."

"The third child, stick to it again, don't break the line, we only have one dead end." Si Kongdong tried to stir up Si Kongnan's desire for survival.

But Sikongan was lying directly on the ground and closed his eyes: "Nothing, no possibility, big brother, you are not good at the formation, even I can see that this big array is extraordinary, how can we break it?" Oh, this day, Shibuya is destined to be my hit nemesis. When I was young, I couldn’t die in it. At the end of the day, I still have to bury it here... The fourth child... I am coming to accompany you."

At this moment, Sikongan finally collapsed completely. Once he did not insist, he could not resist the suffocating shock brought by the singularity.

Si Kongdong's face changed slightly: "Not good, the third child is going to be eroded by the suffocation, the second child, and the old three-wheel drive is suffocating!"

After shouting, Sikongdong saw that Sikongxi was not moved. He couldn’t help but look back at him with anger: "The third child, what do you think again? Not ready to shoot?"

Si Kongxi is calmly watching Sikong Dongdao: "Big brother, my strength is not much. I have been keeping this maximum consumption. If I want to save the third child, the biggest possibility is that I will accompany him to die." ”

Speaking of this, Sikong Xidun paused and looked up at the top of the big battle: "If we are now resisting the invasion of suffocation, it is possible to support our ancestors to save us. This is our only vitality." ”

Si Kongdong looked incredulously at Sikong West Road: "What do you mean? You mean to give up the third child?"

"If I can, I am willing to save the third, but I can't go to die with him." Sikongxi's eyes are indifferent, this is the real Sikong family, even if it is the friendship of brothers, in the face of life and death Nothing.

"Second second, how can you do this? When the fourth child dies, we can't do anything. Is it necessary to watch the oldest three-eyed dying in front of us?" Sikongdong screamed and his hands were exposed.

Si Kongxi heard a smile without emotion, and looked at Sikong: "You should have some strength in the big brother. If you want to save the third, you can also shoot yourself."

Sikongdong coldly stalked Sikongxi, and reached out to the top of Sikongnan's head, but just as he touched Dao's empty air, he still hesitated after all... He was not able to give up the yuan. Litji Kongnan expelled helium.

Seeing this scene, Si Kongxi smiled. They are all the same people. The only difference is that his indifference is manifested outside, and Sikongdong is hiding in his heart. This is the cruel Sikong. (To be continued~^~)

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