Sword Spirit

Chapter 1027: Not dare to stay

Si Kongdong finally recovered the trembled right hand. If it was in its heyday, he would definitely not hesitate to help Sikong Nan, but he had just been injured in Lu Xuan’s road to the world, and now he is here again. Luo Jin locks a lot of energy under the lock, his strength is more emptiness than Sikong.

If he really wants to die, Bao Sinan, the final result may really be as Sikongxi said, that is to accompany Sikongan to die together... Of course, if Si Kong Zhengqing can catch up before his power is exhausted, Naturally, it is possible to save Sikongan, but he does not dare to gamble.

"Big brother, save some strength, all this is life." Si Kongxi said a faint voice, then no longer speak, closed his eyes and began to raise his spirits, waiting for the rescue that may be there.

Just as Lu Xuan struggled in the depths of the Chaotian Valley, when the two people were waiting for the rescue, the battle between Ye Wenjun and Si Kong Zhengqing was in full swing.

Almost within the scope of the square, it has been completely flattened to the ground. The two hit the air from the ground and hit the ground from the air. Ye Wenjun’s attack was fiercer than once, and the power of the sword was revealed.

However, Sikong Zhengqing is not vegetarian at all, although he said that he could not find any chance to counterattack in the face of Ye Wenjun's attack. However, with his powerful strength and profound foundation, it blocked the wave of Ye Wenjun. The impact.

"Mad! It's a madman!" Si Kong Zhengqing's heart is constantly stunned. He can feel that Ye Wenjun really has no slightest effort. He really wants to kill him here! He has no doubt that once he is slightly relaxed, he will be caught by Ye Wenjun, and he may have to suffer a big loss.

But he did not worry that he would fall into this. Ye Wenjun could not give him an overwhelming advantage, unless Ye Wenjun really had a desperate mind, otherwise, with their strength, no one could easily Kill each other.

At this time, the two figures rushed through the air. The powerful momentum has no cover. Apparent to the arrival of these two figures, the two people who were in fierce battles suddenly separated, and Ye Wenjun stood up with the sword. Cold looking at the two men who rushed over.

Both of them were white hair, and the strength of the imaginary peak was not concealed. The one left and the right stood next to Sikong Zhengqing, the elder of the emptiness that appeared together with Sikong Zhengqing.

After things are done. The two of them originally wanted to re-submit, but it was not long before they received the news that Sikong Zhengqing had spread out, and learned that Ye Wenjun dared to commit their empty house, and they immediately rushed over here. .

"Let's help?" Ye Wenjun snorted.

"Here is the Eight Temples." Si Kong Zhengqing responded faintly.

"Very good, a good temple, I remember." Ye Wenjun's eyes swept from the three. Then went straight to the frail Ye Ruida. Stretching the arm of Ye Ruida to help him stand up, he was not ready to leave.

Although the two men who arrived were not as good as Sikong Zhengqing, but not as good as him, but under the joint efforts of the three, he never had any chance to kill Si Kong Zhengqing.

However, just as Ye Wenjun was about to leave, the two old men were moving at a rapid speed, directly in front of him.

Ye Wenjun couldn't help but smile and didn't look at the two. He turned his head and looked at Sikong Zhengqing: "Want to leave me?"

Hearing. Si Kong Zhengqing’s mind is constantly turning his mind. Although Ye Wenjun is strong, he has not reached the super-world. After the three of them, there are more than 80% chance to leave Ye Wenjun completely.

However, the only thing they face is the sword demon, which is strong in explosive power, or is allowed to be called the first person in Tianjian mainland. If Ye Wenjun is replaced by Ye Wenyan, Sikong Zhengqing may choose to stay strong if he does not want to, but unfortunately face Ye Wenjun. He really can't make up his mind, because Ye Wenjun has more than 80% chance of pulling any of the three of them to fight back, and the chance of pulling him back is more than 60%.

In the face of this situation, it is not easy for Sikong Zhengqing to consider it. If you want to keep a Ye Wenjun to put yourself in, you can really lose money. This is what the so-called Yi Gao people are daring! The reason why Ye Wenjun dared to kill the Eight Temples alone to save people was based on his own confidence.

Finally, after some measurement, Sikong Zhengqing said with a difficult voice: "Let him go."

Ye Wenjun snorted and helped Ye Ruida go straight. He didn't see the two parents who tried to stop him. But halfway through, Ye Wenjun stopped again and looked back at Sikong Zhengqing: "If Lu Xuan has anything, I promise you will regret it! I promise!"

After all, Ye Wenjun went straight to the air and disappeared into the eyes of several people.

"Old ancestors, why did you let him go?" an old man asked.

Si Kong Zhengqing’s mood was very bad. He heard this and sighed: “If you want to leave him, you have to pay the price. Are you going to die or am I going to die?”

The old man suddenly said that their relationship with the Jiuhua League has not yet reached the point where you live and die. Paying such a price to leave Ye Wenjun is really worth the loss, and no one wants to die.

"Ye Wenjun has always emphasized the importance of Lu Xuan. It seems that Lu Xuan is really important for Ye Jia. There is a lot of work to do..." Sikong Zhengqing turned to think about Lu Xuan’s affairs, although Ye Wenjun was gone, but Ye Wenjun was simply unable to save Lu Xuan from their hands.

Speaking of this, Si Kong Zhengqing looked at the two people: "Is Shoudong bringing Lu Xuan back to the family? Is it a living?"

"Oh... not yet. Before he mobilized a lot of manpower to search for Lu Xuan’s trace, I haven’t seen any response yet. I don’t know what the situation is. I asked what the situation is.” The two people’s things about Sikongdong are also Unclear, at this moment, I quickly sent a note to ask for details.

As soon as I heard that Si Kongdong had not done enough, it was even more uncomfortable for Si Kong Zhengqing to feel uncomfortable.

"Hey, the younger generation of Sikong's family is getting less and less, and it is like this by the youngest generation of Yejia in the district. In the end, I have to personally take it."

The news of Sikong’s family replied very quickly, and a slap of a whistle was flying back. The old man changed his face after receiving the notes: “The ancestors, Lu Xuan’s into the Tianzhu Valley, and The Sikongdong three brothers also followed in order to confirm his life and death, and have not come out yet."

"What?" Sikong Zhengqing was slightly shocked. Lu Xuan, the kid, really would rather die than fall into the hands of their empty house.

However, this is not the point. The point is that if Lu Xuan died in the Tianzhu Valley, this is not a good thing for them. Instead, he has to carry this black pot. Ye Family can dispatch Ye Wenjun to rescue Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan’s importance to Ye Family, if Lu Xuan really has an accident... He can’t guarantee that Ye Family will not do anything too radical.

"Go! Go to Tianzhu Valley!" Sikong Zhengqing said quickly, and then stepped out directly, and quickly rushed to the valley.

PS: After reading the update, Xiaobao seems to have not broken for seven consecutive days. Um... Compared with before, is it a progress? (To be continued~^~)

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