Sword Spirit

Chapter 1030: In my lifetime, I will kill you!

After entering Tianzhu Valley, Sikong Zhengqing just glanced at it casually, and found the footprints of several people in Sikongdong. He no longer searched more and followed along the steps.

Soon, Sikong Zhengqing came to the place where a few people in Sikongdong discovered Lu Xuan. Although the two sides only carried out a simple move, but Tianzhu Valley has not been in for a long time, a little trace Extremely conspicuous.

Looking at the footsteps of several people disappeared here, Si Kongdong only analyzed the original situation. It is obvious that after the Sikongdong three brothers discovered Lu Xuan here, they flew past the flight.

He looked up and looked inside, and then frowned slightly and whispered: "Are they looking for death? They dare to enter the depths of Tianzhu Valley."

In the depths of Tianzhu Valley, it is a place where even Sikong Zhengqing is jealous. He can walk freely outside the Tianzhu Valley, but in the depths, he also needs to resist the erosion of radon.

Although I realized that several people in Sikongdong chased the depths of Tianzhu Valley, but Sikong Zhengqing did not stop the pace, while pursuing, the heart also improved the satisfaction of Si Kongdong by three points. It is not because of the power of Sikongdong, but because he feels that Sikongdong is still loyal to himself. It is obvious that the danger in the depths of Tianzhu Valley is dare to chase.

"Well? Is the suffocation even thin?" After a period of chasing, Sikong Zhengqing couldn't help but be a little surprised. The deeper the deep into the valley, the more intense the suffocation. This is common sense. Nowadays, this abnormality has appeared. Undoubtedly proves that something unusual happened in front of it.

Si Kong Zhengqing's speed has become faster, and one step is to take a long-term step. However, in a few steps, Lu Xuan spent a lot of precious materials and the Da Luojin lock array appeared in front of him. Because Lu Xuan spent a lot of materials to arrange this method, this method can be maintained for so long.

Feeling the strong suffocation from the big Luo Jin locks, even the company is not able to resist the slightest shock, this is absolutely premeditated! In the soaring valley of the suffocating scorpion, a condensed array of arrogance is simply a perfect match. Now, Sikong Zhengqing is almost certain that several people in Sikongdong are absolutely trapped in this big Luojin lock array!

"Give me a break!" Si Kong Zhengqing sang low. A roll of sleeves, a forcing Yuan Li suddenly smashed the Chao Luojin lock and rushed over.

With a bang, the Luo Luojin lock array suddenly shocked. However, it did not collapse. Instead, after a wave of volatility, a strong suffocating blast came out and attacked Sikong Zhengqing.

Si Kong Zhengqing's face is heavy. This big array is really unusual. Is this the Lu Xuan cloth?

However, even if it is not normal, Si Kong Zhengqing has not yet put it in the eyes, and once again sighed: "Women are also dare to show off?"

I saw that he suddenly reached out and grabbed it. The suffocating suffocation was firmly locked by Sikong Zhengqing, and he could no longer advance half a point. Immediately, Sikong Zhengqing’s right hand was empty. This suffocation is a crash. Ablation is in the air.

At this moment, Si Kongxi, who was trapped in the Luo Luojin lockout, suddenly opened his eyes and shouted: "Big brother, someone came to save us! It should be the ancestors!"

"Old, ancestors?" Si Kongdong opened his eyes with great effort, feeling the turbulent turbulence around him, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of hope.

He had been injured before, not as good as Sikongxi, and within this time he had some resistance to suffocation. Consciousness is gradually blurring. Of course, even if he looks like this, Si Kongxi did not have the idea of ​​rescue before.

However, the arrival of Sikong Zhengqing suddenly aroused the desire of Sikongdong to survive, forcibly stood up, and did not care about the matter that Sikongxi could not help himself. He swallowed and said: "We also attack this. Big array, tell the ancestors that we are inside."

"Good!" Si Kongxi did not refuse this time. Now the ancestors are out of the line, and it is only a matter of time before they break. There is no need to keep the power.

A burst of not a strong impact came from the big array. This wave was quickly captured by Si Kong Zhengqing, and then nodded gently. It seems that Sikongdong is still alive, and he is not too late.

Si Kong Zhengqing is not prepared to make a small fuss with this big Luo Jin lock. Before he was beaten by Ye Wenjun, he did not fight back. He also let go of Ye Wenjun. He had already sighed with a stomach, and at this moment, he was willing to be Blocked by a Lu Xuan array?

Slowly raising his hands, a horrible breath was uploaded from Sikong Zhengqing, a green light condensed in his hands, and then turned into a strong bang to the big Luo Jin lock array, it is Sikong One of the homeless schools - Aoki Xuantian!


The strong strength directly runs through the whole array. In the face of Si Kong Zhengqing's full force shot, the Da Luojin lock array has no resistance at all. It is not that the formation is not good, but the strength of the people is too low.

At the moment when the big battle broke, Sikongdong and Sikongxi felt a long-lost light, and the strong pressure of the surrounding air suddenly dissipated. The feeling of the rest of the robbery rushed from their hearts, finally... saved!

"I have seen my ancestors and thanked my ancestors for their help." Si Kongdong said, "There is no oppression of death. At this moment, he completely relaxed, just want to rest well."

Seeing the appearance of Sikongdong, Sikong Zhengqing frowned slightly, and then walked over, and a palm was shot on the shoulder of Sikongdong. Si Kongdong only felt a warm heat flow into his body. All the fatigue had already gone to seven or eight in this moment, and the residual suffocation in the body was completely expelled by Si Kong Zhengqing.

"What happened? Lu Xuan?"

When I heard the voice of Si Kong Zhengqing, Si Kongdong realized that he had not been able to complete the task after all, and he was ashamed: "We have a bad plot of Lu Xuan, he cheated us into this big battle. Then We don't know about things, oh, yes, please ask my ancestors to save my three brothers. If the three brothers don't fight to help us resist this anger, I am afraid we have already died in it."

Si Kong Zhengqing glanced at Sikong South lying on the ground, faintly said: "It is dead, not saved."

Si Kongdong's eyes suddenly widened, and he rushed to the side of Sikongnan's entity. He twitched his hand and went to explore the empty pulse and breathing. However, there was no movement any more.

"Dead, the third brother is dead..." Sikongdong murmured: "I still died in this day, Shibuya?"

Previously, the voice of Sikongxi's indifference continued to echo in Sikongdong's mind: this is life! This is life!

"Lu Xuan! In my lifetime, I will kill you!" The angry roar sounded from the mouth of Sikong.

"Hey! You will kill him? What do you kill him? Look at what you look like now?" Sikong Zhengqing snorted: "The three men chased a junior who was full of lights and was killed." Two injuries, if not for me, all three of you will be accounted for here!"

PS: At 3:30 in the morning... send an update (to be continued ~^~)

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