Sword Spirit

Chapter 1031: In vain

Si Kongdong was full of resentment and grievances, and there was nowhere to vent. It’s just that Shikong Zhengqing’s words can’t be refuted, because this is indeed a fact. It’s said that Lu Xuan is too deceitful, saying that they are underestimating the enemy, but this can’t change the ending. Sikongan’s eyes are dead in front of him, but he’s Unable to save, even the culprit could not catch it.

Sikong Donggang teeth bite and hang down: "I am not doing anything bad, but I also ask my ancestors to punish."

"Responsibility? Of course, you have to punish! After you go back, you honestly give me a retreat. If you have such a shameful thing again next time, you will be guilty of self-denial!" Sikong Zhengqing did not carelessly.

However, it is said that it is a punishment, in fact, it is equivalent to no, after all, Sikongdong and Sikongxi are not happy, this time if Lu Xuan is committed, they are doing a good retreat.

"Yes, I will follow the lessons of my ancestors." Sikong Dong responded and immediately said: "The ancestor, Lu Xuan will not dare to leave this day, and in my opinion, he is very likely to escape inside, and also ask the ancestors. He shot him and avenged my third brother and four brothers."

It is also sad, the Sikong Dongsi brothers, two of them actually died in the hands of Lu Xuan, more importantly, he still has no ability to avenge himself.

Sikong Zhengqing looked up to the depths of Tianzhu Valley, and there was no rush to make a sound. The request of Sikongdong was only a joke in his opinion. Whether it was Sikongan or Sikongbei, it was not worth his revenge because he did not Put them both in your heart.

Among the brothers of Sikong Dongsi, Sikong Zhengqing is only optimistic about Sikongdong and Sikongxi, who are still alive today. Sikongxi is almost completely inherited the singularity of Sikongjia. In time, it may not be a pillar of Sikongjia. Si Kongdong is calm and considerate, and his ability is quite comprehensive.

As for the two people who died, Sikong Bei’s utilitarian heart is too heavy, and he is not willing to hide his life. He has always tried to take power. Not to mention Si Kongan, the heart is completely unqualified, and even a small heart can not be broken. Difficult to be a big man, these two people will die when they die, and it is worthy of his heart.

Of course, although he does not intend to avenge these two people. But it does not mean that he will not arrest Lu Xuan. Before Ye Wenjun’s threatening words were still clear in his ear, he could get the attention of Ye Family. Lu Xuan’s body must have something extraordinary, whether it was because of Lu Xuan’s identity, potential or what he did not. Know something. But he knows that Lu Xuan is in his hands. It will definitely come in handy when dealing with Ye Jiazhi in the future.

After the mind is settled. Si Kong Zhengqing gently glanced at the sleeves: "You go back first, I am going to find him."

Si Kongxi retired, he didn't want to stay here anymore. This time he almost died in Lu Xuan's hands. He touched him quite a lot. He has a feeling that if he can digest this harvest, his strength will definitely be more Go up one floor.

However, Sikongdong did not go, but asked for it: "Old ancestor. I will go with you, this time I must not let Lu Xuan escape again!"

Si Kong Zhengqing glanced at him and fainted his voice: "I am willing to follow it."

Looking at Sikong Zhengqing's move, Sikongdong quickly followed, and with the help of Sikong Zhengqing, his state recovered a lot, but he could barely resist this degree of arrogance.

Si Kongxi looked at Si Kongdong's back and looked a little hesitant. He still didn't keep up and walked straight outside the Tianzhu Valley. After this incident, their brother's relationship was completely broken, but it was also good, and it was absolutely unreasonable.

After advancing for a while, the strongness of the suffocating abruptly increased, and Sikongdong felt the pressure increase sharply. Fortunately, Sikong Zhengqing took him to protect him at this time.

Gradually, the pace of Sikong Zhengqing is getting slower and slower, and the brows are getting wrinkled and deeper. Sikongdong sees this scene, and his heart is slightly subtle. Is the suffocation here so strong that the ancestors can't resist it? Is it true that the news that the ancestors of the squadrons of the dynasty have not been able to thoroughly explore the Tianzhu Valley is true?

Finally, Si Kong Zhengqing stopped and turned to look at Sikong East: "Are you sure Lu Xuan went deep?"

"He has no other way to go. Before I came in, I had already told everyone to hold on to the Tianzhu Valley. Once Lu Xuan left, it was bound to be noticed by our people." Sikongdong replied.

"It’s strange, it’s already coming to my limit, and going inside, even I will be in danger.” Sikong Zhengqing said, he did not mind acknowledging his own shortcomings.

Si Kongdong's face is a bit ugly. Can't the ancestors have a way to catch Lu Xuan? He wants to see people for Lu Xuan, and he is afraid of seeing the dead.

At this time, a slight space fluctuation quietly came from the depths of Tianzhu Valley. Sikong Zhengqing’s eyelids shook slightly, and his eyes gaze away in the direction of space fluctuations, as if to see through this thick suffocation. Everything inside is average.

“Is it an illusion?” Si Kong Zhengqing felt a little surprised. He wanted to ask for evidence in the past, but there is no such courage and no such skill.

The ancestors of Sikong’s ancestors failed to thoroughly investigate and complete Tianzhu Valley. He did not think that he had surpassed the ancestors of Sikong’s dynasties. What's more, he can't do anything right now. Once he has something wrong, the situation of Sikong's family will become very subtle in an instant, let alone the Jiuhua League, even if the current fantasy of the Alliance will start with Sikong.

The so-called alliance is nothing but a combination of interests, and the annexation of the empty house for the illusion of the gods, the benefits are definitely more than the alliance with the Sikong family.

"Forget it, go back. Lu Xuan is only afraid to go deep into the Tianzhu Valley, already dead in this suffocating." Si Kong Zhengqing said.

Si Kong Zhengqing said this, and Sikongdong naturally has nothing to say. He relied on the sorrow of Si Kongzhengqing to come here. There is no strength to advance alone.

"Lu Xuan is definitely dead. This kind of suffocation, he can't resist it." Si Kongdong can only comfort himself.

Under the leadership of Sikong Zhengqing, the two returned quickly at a faster pace than before. Although the ending was not satisfactory, this time the only thing can stop here.

However, Sikongdong has left his eyes open, so that a group of empty-armed warriors continue to guard Tianzhu, even if Lu Xuan is not dead, he does not believe that Lu Xuan can survive in Tianzhu Valley for ten days and a half.

When this happened, a golden figure quickly shuttled across the boundaries of the Eight Temples. A raccoon was looking for Yu Ze and others. It was necessary to tell Lu Xun’s situation as soon as possible, and then asked Jiuhuameng. People come to save Lu Xuan.

Suddenly, the figure of A raccoon was instantly filled, and the heart looked at the direction of Tianzhu Valley. Through the relationship of the contract, it was able to clearly feel that Lu Xuan’s breath completely disappeared... Continue~^~)

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