Sword Spirit

Chapter 1032: Gather

There is no panic in the heart of the raccoon. With the **** relationship between them, A raccoon can always clearly feel the existence of Lu Xuan. It is also because of the inductive feeling in this meditation that it can All the way to find Lu Xuan in the home, and Lu Xuan's breath disappeared, the biggest possibility is that Lu Xuan fell.

"Impossible! Impossible, how can Xuan Ge die?" A raccoon screamed, his eyes staring at the direction of Tianzhu Valley, it had a strong impulse to turn back, but it could not Do, because Lu Xuan absolutely does not want it to do so.

Even if it is to find Lu Xuan, then it must first pass Lu Xuan's news, and then hand over the first insect to the hands of Jiuhua League, can be unscrupulous to find Lu Xuan.

Just as the raccoon was in a mess, suddenly there was a flash of light in his mind: "No! Xuan Ge is not dead!"

It is true that it has not noticed Lu Xuan’s breath, but it is clearly able to feel that the contract between him and Lu Xuan has not been interrupted! Because the blood corpus of the raccoon can only be signed with one person, unless the person dies, it can form a contract with the next person.

Since the contract is still there, it is enough to prove that Lu Xuan is still alive, but it may be in a place that the raccoon can't feel. This place may be very far away, or it may be blocked by some kind of energy.

"First go to the guy named Ning Yi, he must know the way to return to Jiuhua League." A raccoon quickly made a decision.

Ning Yi is a backhand of Lu Xuan. As early as the beginning of the operation, he was ready to fail, and everything that Ning Yi did was to let the people in the Shadow Hall quickly transfer and completely give up the party. Monitoring of the temple.

It is because of Ning Yi’s presiding over the overall situation that the Wanbao Building and the Shadow Hall have been able to sneak away before the Sikong’s inventory. And according to the previous plan, after the raccoon succeeded, he should have taken the lead to find Ning Yi, but it was the safety of Lu Xuan, and first came to Lu Xuan.

At the moment, in the small mountain village that is a long way from Tiansheng City, Zhaize and Nangong Lie. Nangong Tianyou, and Ning Yi and some of his subordinates are gathered here.

This village is the most secret base of the Jiuhua League. The only one who knows is only Ning Yi. After learning that the shadow master Tang Yong has betrayed the Jiuhua League, Ning Yi knows that all the positions are no longer safe, except here.

at this time. Most of the escaping shadow martial artists and the surviving Nangong martial artists were sent away by Ning Yi, leaving only a few of them.

"Zhuze, the owner of Nangong, let's go." Ning Yi said to a few of them: "Now the empty house is being searched, and sooner or later it will be exposed, and it will be too late."

Takizawa snorted: "I don't go. The master and the raccoon haven't come back yet. I have to wait for them."

"I will stay here to check the news. If there is news, I will inform you immediately. You will not be able to stay here now." Ning Yi once again persuaded.

Nangong sighed a sigh: "I didn't expect Yi Yong to be a traitor. If it weren't him, this time we will be able to win a big victory. Lu Xiong is not in danger now, and I don't know if I live or die."

"People are not as good as days! Whoever betrayed is good, only the benevolence of Yi Yong, the impact is too great. He almost knows the things of Shadow Hall." Ning Yi also sighed, but then said: "But it's good, at least the nail is removed, but it's a pity that there is less master..."

Ning Yi has learned the true identity of Lu Xuan from the mouth of Nan Gonglie. He now understands why the headquarters will value Lu Xuan’s safety and asks him to keep Lu Xuan’s life, but now he is There is more than enough strength in my heart.

Nangong Lie is about to speak again, but suddenly his face changes and he sighs: "Be prepared to fight! There are strong people coming!"

This statement is out. Everyone changed all the way. Nangong Tianyou quickly took out the long gun. Ning Yi opened the door and took the lead. At the same time, a stream of light hits quickly and falls directly in front of several people.

Seeing the figure of the Qing Dynasty, Nan Gong Lie glimpsed, and quickly said: "Don't do it, yourself!"

After saying that he went up two steps, the two people who looked at the landing were surprised: "Ye Laomeng, what is going on here? Lu brother?"

The people who came naturally were Ye Wenjun and Ye Ruida. Others didn't know it, but Ye Ruida couldn't know. Under his guidance, Ye Wenjun came with him.

But now Ye Ruida's appearance makes Nan Gonglie a few people surprised, not seen in a short time, Ye Ruida is simply not aging, but also breathless, as if at any time may fall down. Instead, Ye Wenjun, who helped Ye Ruida, let Nangong Lie couldn't figure out the details. After all, Ye Wenjun's breath was so powerful that he didn't know when Ye Jia came to such a strong.

"Cough, this is my parents, the sword of the past." Ye Ruida coughed twice, briefly introduced the identity of Ye Wenjun, such as today, there are not many people who know him on the mainland.

However, although there are not many people who know each other, there are many who have heard the name for a long time. Hearing this person is actually the former sword magic Ye Wenjun, Nangong Lie was greatly surprised, he did not expect this incident to alarm this level. Strong.

"The younger generation Nangong Lie, I have seen the swordsmen and predecessors, I did not expect even the swordsmen and the predecessors have come, but... why did the swordsmen's predecessors not bring back the brothers?" Nan Gonglie was somewhat puzzled. Lu Xuan was taken away by Ye Ruida. However, Ye Wenjun only brought back Ye Ruida, can it be said that Lu Xuan... Nan Gong Lie’s heart has a terrible idea.

"I was intercepted by Sikong Zhengqing, let Xuaner leave first, but I did not expect Sikong Zhengqing to send another person to chase Xuan, I was rescued by my uncle, but Xuaner now is... life and death. "Ye Ruida's face has a hint of repentance. She knew that Ye Wenjun would come. He said that he would not let Lu Xuan go first, and he would have to stay until Ye Wenjun arrived."

"Reassured, there is a threat of my words in front, Sikong old ghosts absolutely dare not start with Xuan children, but at most it is to take Xuan Er to ask us. This matter is going back to Jiuhua League for further discussion, even if it is cost The big price has to save Xuan from the hands of Sikong." Ye Wenjun cold channel.

Nangong Liewen’s words are slightly shocked. The sword magic Ye Wenjun’s position in Ye Family need not be said much. His words almost represent the position of Jiuhua League. Listen to what he said, the importance of Lu Xuan to Ye Jialai Said, it seems to be stronger than Nan Gonglie imagined.

And just as a few people spoke, it was a golden light coming out, and then suddenly appeared in front of a few people.

Seeing this figure, Yu Ze suddenly stood up happily: "A raccoon!"

"Stupid big, you really survived!" Seeing Zhai Ze, A raccoon also showed a happy color, it can now be sure that Lu Xuan is still alive, and seeing the best friend Zhai Ze is also alive, and there is no more joy. Words.

Nangong Lie had already known the existence of A raccoon, but he had never known where Lu Xuan sent the raccoon before. At this moment, when he saw the thing that the raccoon was holding, he suddenly became shocked: "The beginning of the worm!"

PS: After telling the story here, the story of Lu Xuan’s mysterious land will begin to unfold... The Mozu will appear. (To be continued~^~)

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