Sword Spirit

Chapter 1033: Guess guess

Seeing that Nangong Lie recognized the beginning of the worm, A raccoon was able to raise the claws and said: "Yes, it is the beginning of the worm."

Looking at the beginning of the claws and claws, and then thinking of the means of the raccoon, Nangong Lie suddenly nodded, and it turned out that now he finally speculated Lu Xuan's plan is clear.

It is necessary for the first insect to be able to cure Zhao Binger, or he told Lu Xuan. However, Lu Xuan never mentioned this matter again. He thought that Lu Xuan had given up. Now that he saw the raccoon coming back with the first insect, he realized Lu Xuan’s plan. For a long time, everything they did to attack the Sikong family was just to cover the raccoon, so that the raccoon could fully exert its ability.

This thing Lu Xuan did is really secret, not only taking Nangong Lie, but also everyone in the Shadow Hall. Nangong’s sorrowful sighs, I am afraid that Lu Xuan suspected that there was a traitor before he acted, but he was not sure who it was. Fortunately, Lu Xuan is secretive, otherwise there is Yi Yong’s existence, and the whereabouts of A raccoon may have been exposed.

"It seems that Lu Xiong has finally completed his purpose." Nan Gong Lie nodded and said: "This time, the empty house can be said to be lost in the face, the loss of a first insect, enough to make the empty space of the division empty. ""

Sikong has controlled a lot of people with yin and yang, and the first worm is the only thing that resolves the yin and yang. As long as the news of Jiuhua League will get the first worm, I am afraid that quite a part of it will be controlled by the yin and yang. The warriors who are dissatisfied with the Sikong family will choose to rely on the Jiuhua League.

Ye Wenjun was also quite surprised. He looked at the beginning of the worm's paw and nodded and said: "The first worm that won the empty house, this is really better. With the beginning of the insect, I want to go from Sikong. The chance to change back to Xuan Er in the hands of the family is much bigger."

Ning Yi saw Ye Wenjun and Ye Ruida a few eyes and hesitated: "In fact, if we control the first insects in our hands, we can win great benefits..."

He said that he did not say half of it, but Ye Wenjun immediately understood the meaning of Ning Yi. Some dissatisfied looked at him and said coldly: "To deal with Sikong. Is it still necessary to rely on this means?" Not to mention that it is a beginning worm in the district. As long as it can be exchanged back to Xuan Er, it is worth the extra cost. The importance of Xuan Er is greater than that of winning the entire Sikong family!"

However, although Ye Wenjun was somewhat dissatisfied with Ning Yi's words, he did not blame it. After all, he also considered from the perspective of the Jiuhua League.

However, Ning Yi’s heart was slightly glimpsed, from the information revealed by Ye Wenjun’s words. The importance of Lu Xuan is probably quite large for the Jiuhua League, not just because of the identity of a young master.

A raccoon is simple, did not hear Ning Yi's words have abandoned Lu Xuan, leaving the meaning of the beginning of the worm, otherwise it has already rushed to Ning Yi caught the face.

Of course, Ning Yi is not saying that he wants to give up Lu Xuan. Just thinking about leaving the beginning worm as much as possible. I want to know that as a member of the Shadow Hall, I have been undercover for so long in Tiansheng City. I don’t know how long I have been fighting for the first time, but I have never been able to succeed. Now I see that the living worms are in front of me, I really can’t give back. Sikongjia.

After listening to a few people, A raccoon said at this moment: "In fact, Xuan Ge should not fall into the hands of Sikong."

When it came out, it immediately attracted everyone’s attention. Ye Ruida asked with some excitement: "You found Xuan Er? Where is he now?"

Ye Ruida had seen the means of the raccoon before. He first moved silently to the Sikong home, and then took Lu Xuan directly to the outside of the temple. As a spiritual spoiler of Lu Xuan, maybe he could find Lu Xuan. .

"I... I found Xuan Ge. He was besieged by a few powerful bad guys. He was almost caught by them. Later I fled with Xuan Ge, but many people surrounded us and I ran to a suffocating very much. Heavy place, but I can't resist the suffocation there, but Xuan Ge has nothing to do. Then he drove me away, saying that he stayed there waiting for me, let me find someone to save him." Representation.

"A place where he is very heavy?" Ye Wenjun looked at Ye Ruida doubtfully. He remembered that there was such a place on the side of the temple, but he could not remember it for a while.

Ye Ruida was excited: "I know! It is Tianzhu Valley! The suffocation there has been going on for countless years. It is the old ghosts of Sikong who dare not go deep. Since Xuaner is waiting for us there, then We hurry to rescue Xuan, and the Sikong family may not be able to find him for a while."

"Good! You are waiting here, little fox, you take me to Xuan Er, forgive them and dare not stop me." Ye Wenjun arrogant.

"No, no, Xuan Ge... is no longer there." A raccoon eyes are a bit stunned.

Noticing the change in the appearance of A raccoon, Ye Wenjun’s heart has a bad idea, what is it? In a hurry, he directly asked for his voice.

"I have a contract with Xuan Ge, even if it is separated by a distance, I can feel his breath, so I can find him before, but now, I have not felt the breath of Xuan Ge." A raccoon looked up at Ye Wenjun.

Ye Wenjun breathed a stagnation, and then his body trembled uncontrollably, his eyes instantly became red, and he screamed with a sigh: "Sky old ghost! I will destroy your whole family! Don't die!"

Breaking through the blockade of Tianjian mainland and opening up the road to the sky, all of them are tied to Lu Xuan, but now they are destroyed by Sikong, he is almost crazy!

A raccoon was stunned by Ye Wenjun’s huge roaring voice, scratching his ear and saying: “No, no, Xuan Ge did not fall into the hands of Sikong.”

Ye Wenjun was amazed. He was confused by the words of A raccoon. He suddenly said: "You just finished talking and said clearly."

A raccoon is very helpless: "Whoever let you interrupt me, I can't feel the breath of Xuan Ge, but through the contract, I know that Xuan Ge must still be alive, and I am afraid he has come a long way. Far away, a place we don't know. Of course, it may be some kind of sealed place, similar to the place of the seal."

"How is this possible? I used to go to Shibuya that day. I didn't get to the deepest place, but there is absolutely no such place in Tianzhu Valley." Ye Wenjun frowned.

"No, it is possible!" Ye Ruida said at this time that he denied the words of Ye Wenjun: "The suffocation of Shibuya was very embarrassing that day. No one knows why there is such a strong suffocation in the plain, and Sikong has never been able to A glimpse of the whole, if... There is a mysterious ancient transmission array in Shibuya that day, it is indeed possible to send someone to a place we don’t know. After all, there are still many secrets on Tianjian mainland... Especially after the incident happened 10,000 years ago."

Ye Wenjun turned his head and looked at Ye Ruida a little. He nodded slightly and thought: "This is also, just... The empty house has not been able to find the secret of Tianzhu Valley for so many years. Can Xuaner find it in a short time? ”

Ye Ruida pointed out that he said: "Auntie, have you forgotten what it just said? It says that Xuan Er does not seem to be afraid of the suffocation there. I think Xuan Er must have a secret."

"Well, this is true." Ye Wenjun nodded affirmatively this time. He dared to guarantee that no one who bears the secret of the entire Tianjian mainland is still big by Lu Xuan, but this is related to their ancestors of Ye Family, Tianyu. The Terran Emperor, and the secret of the road to the Tianjian continent to fly up the Tianyu Road!

"Hey, little fox, can you feel that Xuaner is in that position? No matter how Xuaner is now, we have to find him as soon as possible." Ye Wenjun said.

A raccoon is very dissatisfied with Ye Wenjun's name. He swears: "My name is A raccoon, not a small fox. As for Xuan Ge... Although I can't feel his position, I have a hidden intuition. Maybe, Xuan Ge is no longer in Tianjian mainland..."

When this statement came out, Ye Wenjun’s face was slightly awe-inspiring. What does it mean in Tianjian mainland? Was there a thing in Shibuya that allowed people to go directly to Tianyu? (To be continued~^~)

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