Sword Spirit

Chapter 1034: a world without power

For Ye Wenjun's question, A raccoon can't answer anymore. In addition to being able to rely on the contractual relationship to determine that Lu Xuan is still alive, everything else is based on his own intuition, which is not accurate.

Ye Wenjun could only helplessly shake his head and sigh softly: "Well, this matter will come to an end first. At least we know that Xuan is still alive, as long as she is alive, there is hope, we will always find him."

"But..." When it comes to this, Ye Wenjun’s words are turned, his eyes are swept away from a few people on the scene, with a hint of majesty: "I don't want any news about Xuan's status to be passed to Sikong's ear, hope. You can all put this matter firmly in your stomach, otherwise you can blame me for turning my face and not recognizing people!"

Under the words of the news, whether it is Nangong Lie or Ning Yi and others, they are nodding their heads. Sikong could not find Lu Xuan, and he would have thought that Lu Xuan’s life was in the Tianzhu Valley, and he would not move any more thoughts. Once Lu Xuan was still alive, the news could not be sent to a large amount of manpower and resources. Searching for Lu Xuan, it is good for the Ye Family, even if the chances of Sikong’s finding Lu Xuan are not high, this is definitely not what Ye Wenjun wants to see.

Things have developed to this point, and it makes no sense for everyone to stay here. Although Ye Wenjun is daring, he does not dare to face the entire Sikong home by himself.

"Go back, you don't have to worry about Xuan's things." Ye Wenjun made a decision.

A sacred look reveals a bit of struggling color, it wants to find Lu Xuan, but unfortunately it has no clues and clues. This time, it was completely different from the last time Lu Xuan went to Zhongzhou. At that time, the strength of Ashi was very weak. Even if Lu Xuan was in Zhongzhou, it could not feel Lu Xuan’s breath. Nowadays it is considered to be a good strength, but it still does not feel the flavor of Lu Xuan. It can only be said that Lu Xuan’s position at this time is much farther than that of Zhongzhou.

Noticing the depressed mood of Ai, Ye Wenjun touched its head: "Do not worry, Xuan Erji people are heavenly, and they are smart and will not do anything."

A squeaky snoring. Jumping on the shoulders of Takizawa no longer speaks, but the little claws are unconsciously pinched, and they are still not strong enough...

Standing in front of the secret transmission array initiated by Ning Yi. Ye Wenjun looked up and looked into the distance, silently in his heart: "Xuan Er ah Xuan Er, you must hold on to this kid... I am still waiting for you to come back to inherit my kendo!"


Far away, unknown place. Lu Xuan, who was worried about by everyone, is now struggling to get up from the ground and look at his new environment with a trace of confusion.

Lu Xuan, who had originally restored some strengths, is now in a very strange state. If he did not recover a certain amount of power in Tianzhu Valley, he doubted whether he could safely arrive here. In the process of transmission. He clearly can feel that the transmission channel opened by the ancient transmission array is not so stable, but it is not a problem of the transmission array itself, but is affected by the outside world. As for the specifics, Lu Xuan is not known. It is.

His eyes swept from all around, and looked up at the sky again. Well, everything was so normal, the trees were shaded. The blue sky and white clouds are very different from the environment in the Tianzhu Valley. It is much better than the environment of the seal land of the seal.

It doesn't look too bad. Lu Xuan is a sigh of relief. Maybe he just came to an unknown place on Tianjian mainland. After the strength is restored, he can find a chance to return to Jiuhua League.

Lu Xuan immediately sat cross-legged, and he is now empty in the body. In any case, restoring strength is a top priority, otherwise it will only be ruined if it is in danger.

But it was at the time when Lu Xuan was running Taiyi to Yuanxiao. His face suddenly changed! Suddenly opened his eyes, once again shocked to look at the world, then some unbelievably slowly reach out, carefully feel the air here.

"There is nothing... there is no such thing as a power?!" The horror of Lu Xuan’s heart is simply unspeakable. He has never encountered such a situation. On the Tianjian continent, even the most barren secular world, It also has the power to exist, but it is extremely thin. In this world, there is not even a little bit of power!

what on earth is it? Lu Xuan’s mind suddenly became a mess. He never encountered such a strange thing. More importantly, without his strength, he could not restore his strength. Even if he still had some best Yuanshi, he was On the basis of the inability to ignite the power of heaven and earth, his strength should be greatly reduced!

Taking a deep breath, Lu Xuan forced himself to calm down. The situation should not be as bad as he imagined. Since there is no power here, although he can't restore his strength, the rest of the people can't use Yuanli.

"Well? My strength... has it recovered?" Lu Xuan suddenly noticed that he had re-transmitted a force in his left arm that caused power overdraft with the use of Kirin's arm.

Perceived this point, Lu Xuan thought that under the movement, once again sitting cross-legged, but no longer run the Taiyi Guiyuan martial arts method, but the operation of the refining method.

At the moment when Taiyi returned to the Yuan to refine the body, Lu Xuan felt a kind of bursting, and the strange power of incomparable filling came to him, and then spread to his limbs. In the past, the symptoms of disengagement were quickly restored because of the use of the Kirin arm, and the empty body was once again full of strength.

"This is... This is the power of 罡元?" Lu Xuan thought of some incredible thoughts. The power of Qianyuan is also a kind of Yuanli, but it is used for refining the body. Therefore, the biggest reason for the decline of the refining body is that because of the lack of strength of the Qianyuan, it cannot be said to be missing, but it is extremely thin, and it is a hundred times thinner than Yuanli.

It is precisely because of the lack of strength of the Qianyuan that the refining body martial artists can only enhance their strength by absorbing the essence of all kinds of heavenly treasures, and almost no one can support such a near-luxury cultivation. .

This piece of the world is completely opposite to the Tianjian continent. There is no such thing as a force, but the air is full of strong scorpion power, which is simply a paradise for the sculpt!

Although I accidentally discovered the power of the full-fledged Qianyuan here, Lu Xuan did not have the slightest excitement. The gap between this and Tianjian mainland is so great. The only explanation is that it is really not the Tianjian continent. The difficulty he wants to go back has multiplied exponentially.

"Who can tell me, where is this fucking?" Lu Xuanyuan waved his arm. (To be continued~^~)

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