Sword Spirit

Chapter 1035: Devil and Yin

Lu Xuan was very annoyed and turned two laps in the same place. Before he had any danger, he went to the place where he was on the Tianjian continent. Now he found himself in a completely unknown place, even if he Calm, can not help but some chaos.

Thinking about something mixed in my mind, after nearly half of the time of the incense, Lu Xuan gradually gradually cleared his thoughts and calmed down after taking a deep breath. No matter what, it’s the most important thing to be safe, at least for the time being.

"Or restore the strength first, since the transmission array is sent to the fixed point here, presumably there should be someone here, and then slowly inquire about the news." Lu Xuan decided to take a step and see the steps, as the saying goes, the ship arrives The bridge is naturally straight.

Now he is very fortunate that he has also repaired the body of the refining, otherwise he is almost equivalent to the waste in this place, let alone find the way to go back to the Tianjian continent, even if it is not easy to live.

The strength of the Qianyuan here is very rich. If it is converted into Yuanqi, the degree of Qianyuan’s gas is almost a hole in the Tianjian continent.

Lu Xuan used to rely on the essence of the spiritual materials to enhance the strength of the refining body. The days are too tight, but now it is possible to cultivate by absorbing the qi of the suiyuan. This is inexhaustible. Feeling, almost let Lu Xuan cool the sky.

Although he is a refining and refining soul, he has three cores and repairs. However, because of the limitations of Tianjian mainland, the strength of refining has always been the lowest. Although relying on the seven spiritual treasures obtained from the land of seals, he will All of them are condensed to the point of the four-star gods, but in terms of strength, they are comparable to the three warriors who are too virtual.

If he had the power of Qinglong blood in his body, and with some powerful refinement powers from the Emperor's Palace, this strength of the refining body would not be of much use to him.

Because of this, the rich atmosphere of the Qianyuan is simply the best practice place for Lu Xuan. Because it is the first time to absorb the cultivation of the Yuan, Lu Xuan's body is like a bottomless pit, madly absorbing the surrounding Qianyuan, regardless of the attributes of the yuan. He is always coming.

At this moment, the gods in the body are constantly shining with luster. For every absorbing element, the gloss is brighter. Not only does the strength recover quickly, but the realm of refining seems to have improved. It must be known that this has only passed such a short period of time.

Just as Lu Xuan concentrated on restoring strength, a pair of strange green eyes quietly emerged from a tall bush.

"Hey. I said how the Qianyuan here fluctuated so badly that it turned out to be a single-day demon here." Green eyes showed a hint of greed: "It seems that only the strength of the Samsung Emperor After living for so long, I really haven’t tried the taste of the devil’s flesh. It seems that I have a chance to be full of food today, hehe.”

Seeing Lu Xuan seems to have no awareness of his existence. This creature with a pair of green eyes suddenly emerged from the bushes. The speed is extremely fast hitting Lu Xuan.

But at this time, Lu Xuan, who seems to be concentrating on cultivation, instantly rose up and took out the dusty sword with the power of lightning. He threatened the strength of 100,000 jins and went to this figure. !

This figure obviously did not expect Lu Xuan's reaction to be so rapid, no, not Lu Xuan's reaction quickly, but Lu Xuan has been watching him!

In these unknown and unfamiliar places, will Lu Xuan’s character be relaxed and vigilant? He had already noticed that there seemed to be someone lurking next to him, deliberately waiting for the person to hook.

It’s just that the strength of this “person” is even stronger than what Lu Xuan imagined. Lu Xuan’s counterattack has been very fierce. With the speed of the “people” rushing over, if it hits a heavy dusty sword, even if he is not dead, he will only have half life. However, when he saw that he was about to hit, the "person" stopped at a speed that violated the physical principle, and then the body made a strange bending action, forcibly avoiding Lu Xuan’s counterattack. Immediately flashed, it fell not far from Lu Xuan.

At this moment, Lu Xuanfang had a chance to see the appearance of this "person." However, under this look, Lu Xuan couldn't help but be surprised. What is this stuff?

It looks like it is almost the same as a person. Although the body is very thin, it has a head, four limbs, and the facial features are all available. But the guy's skin is green, and the ears are very long, no hair, no eyebrows. It seems that there is always a strange feeling that can't be said. Lu Xuan can guarantee that he has never seen this creature.

For a moment, Lu Xuan could not help but emerge an absurd idea. Is this creature an aborigines in this world? There is no human race?

In this case, Lu Xuan is not unacceptable. He has long known that there are countless races in the sky, and since it is no longer a Tianjian continent, it is not surprising that there are other races. But now is not the time to think about these things, but also think about how to deal with this guy in front of you, after all, it seems that this guy is not very good.

"Oh, it seems that you should have discovered me long ago, but this is not very useful. I have already checked it out. There is only one of you around, and you are not my opponent." This whole body green guy laughs. Out of the voice.

Listening to his words, Lu Xuan’s face showed a strange color. This guy said that it was not the language of the human race, but coincidentally, he could understand it! Because of this, it is called the celestial lingua franca.

In the celestial domain, there are thousands of races. Although each race has its own language, external communication is inconvenient after all, so I don’t know when it was born, the genre of the celestial domain, the demon, the spirit, the soul, etc. The race was the first to use the lingua franca, with several top races taking the lead, and gradually all races began to use the language.

Lu Xuan naturally did not learn the lingua franca of Tianyu, but when he dealt with the Buhno of the Soul, he swallowed the memory of the other party, so it was logical to transfer the useful part of this memory to himself. It also includes this language.

Although I can understand it, Lu Xuan has not really used it. It is still quite unfamiliar. When he slowly organized the sentence and wanted to communicate with this guy, he did not expect this guy to mistake Lu Xuan for being with him. Speaking, I immediately sighed: "Your demon is really proud, even if you are not willing to say anything to our Yinmo? But it doesn't matter, you will soon become my belly, I don't know the flesh of the demon, Is it extraordinarily crunchy, hehe!" (To be continued~^~)

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