Sword Spirit

Chapter 1036: Sealed continent

Listening to his words, Lu Xuan could not help but think of it. He has already captured two important messages from this sentence. This guy seems to have mistaken himself as a demon, and he claims to be a ghost.

Tianmo, Yinmo, two strange but there is such a familiar name, Lu Xuan quickly searched for his own memory, almost did not spend much time, Lu Xuan was thinking about it, then suddenly surprised!

The demon and the genie are distinctly the two branches of the demon! Can it be said that this is the habitat of the Mozu?

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan’s mind is suddenly open, yes, the Mozu is a refining body, and even the human body’s refining method is learned from the Mozu’s hands, and the Qi Yuan’s qi is so rich and suitable. Mozu cultivation!

It was too late to let Lu Xuan think too much. This Yin Demon didn't seem to want to wait for a moment. After finishing the conversation, he suddenly launched an attack. This time, it was a positive attack. He naturally did not need to hide his breath. The rich magical spirit burst out from him, completely wrapped it in it, and rushed to Lu Xuan with lightning.

"Liang pulls the mountains and rivers!" Lu Xuan screamed, and the dusty sword shot instantly, slamming from top to bottom, and the heavy sword suddenly issued a powerful sword, as if to bring this evil spirit to the magic. In one fell swoop.

But I saw that the evil spirits of this sinister rushed, and the speed of the sneak rushed away. The whole person’s whereabouts suddenly became erratic. When the time was right, then left and right, Lu Xuan could not lock it. live.

"The demon family is really blessed. Seeing you, but the strength of the Samsung Emperor, can even make such a powerful blow, look at the sword in your hand, it seems that it is not a thing?" The voice of the Yin Mo is floating from all sides. Come, elusive.

Lu Xuan does not make a sound, so he should change his mind. Since this guy thinks he is very cold, he simply ignores him. More importantly, Lu Xuan can feel that the strength of this guy is not weak. In terms of the realm of refining, it is absolutely above itself.

"Hey, what is the status of your demon family? If others are afraid of you, our sinisters are not afraid! Immediately, your treasure will become my treasure!"

At the end of the day, the voice of the sinister suddenly sharpened. A stinging feeling came from Lu Xuan's eardrum. He felt that the sound had to penetrate his eardrum directly, and even the mind couldn't help but feel the vertigo.

And at this moment, a bang, the magic around the body of the Yin Mo suddenly burst open, and the brushing swarms came. In an instant, Lu Xuan was completely enveloped in the endless magic. For a time, Lu Xuan’s vision was greatly disturbed.

Suddenly the change, let Lu Xuan heart vigilant, he has completely lost the trace of this evil spirit, so strange body!

In the next moment, the figure of the sinister was quietly condensed in the endless magical spirit, and there was no sound that appeared in the left rear of Lu Xuan. A pair of green palms with sharp nails did not hesitate to grasp. To the neck of Lu Xuan. Needless to say, his nails can easily penetrate Lu Xuan's proud defense, because it is the strongest demon of the refining body!

In this millennium. Lu Xuan’s powerful soul saved his life. The powerful soul power brought him the intuition far beyond the ordinary people. Although he could not detect the attack of the Yinmo, but when the nails of the Yinmo were about to pierce his neck, he suddenly felt a sudden sensation. A partial head.


The sound of a piece of torn clothes came, and the nails of the sinister smashed into the shoulders of Lu Xuan. Under his strong tears, Lu Xuan’s shoulders and skins were completely torn together!

"Ah!" Lu Xuan couldn't help but scream, as the conditional reflexes suddenly swept back with a sword!

I did not expect that Lu Xuan had escaped his own killing, and the face of the Yin Devil showed a dissatisfied color, but the body was extremely quick to retreat. Avoiding Lu Xuan’s counterattack.

Turning to look at the sneak attack of the evil spirit, Lu Xuan reluctantly run the exercises, quickly sealed the left shoulder of the blood flow. At this moment, his left shoulder has become bloody, he believes that if he is reacting fast enough, even if this sneak attack of the Yinmo can't kill himself, his left arm will be torn off by his hard life.

Is this the true strength of the Mozu? Lu Xuan stared at the dark magic that did not rush to hide. In the past, he knew about the strength of the Mozu. It only existed in Ye Tian’s remarks and the scattered memories from Buno. Now, the first time he confronted the Yin and the Devils, he truly realized the horror of the Mozu. What is important is that the Yin Devil is not the most powerful race among the Mozu.

It’s just that this sinister now seems to have discovered something incredible. He raised his palm and looked at the red blood on his palm. He then slammed it in the entrance.

Taste the taste of this blood, he finally completely recovered, looking up at Lu Xuan Road: "You are not a demon! Red blood... Are you a human?!"

Lu Xuan’s heart sank, he had wanted to make a mistake, but he didn’t expect his identity to be seen so quickly! Lu Xuan was not surprised by this genie recognizing his identity from the blood. As far as he knows, the blood of the Mozu is green, the blood of the Lingzu is golden, and the body of the Soul is not. The blood, only the human race and most of the demon blood is red, and looking at Lu Xuan this appearance, obviously not the Yaozu, whether it is the appearance or the breath is not.

A human race is found on the land of the Mozu, and its consequences are almost imaginable. For a time, Lu Xuan’s heart-wrenching heart has risen uncontrollably. If the sinister does not find his identity, then Lu Xuan’s ability to repel the guy is enough to close the hand, but now that his identity is exposed, then he Must kill this evil spirit!

"The Terran, turned out to be a human race!" The Yin Mou licked his lips and his eyes were dark and sullen: "How do you run to the magical continent? Let me tell you the truth!"

Feng Jie mainland? Another new term, Lu Xuan slightly frowns, where is this magical continent? A small world like Tianjian mainland? Or is it a place name in a place somewhere in the sky? Lu Xuan is not sure if he is coming to a small world or to the legendary Tianyu.

Seeing Lu Xuan did not respond, this Yinmo nodded from the self-consideration, taking it for granted: "No wonder you don't talk, it turns out that you can't understand me. If so, then I will take you down and ask for it!" (To be continued~^~)

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