Sword Spirit

Chapter 1037: War evil

The Yin Demon showed a sinister smile, his hands flashed out like lightning, bringing out countless afterimages, and at the same time screaming out loud: "Million claws!"

The shadow of the Yinmo flashed again, Lu Xuan could not capture his traces, only to see one after another claws flying from all sides, accompanied by endless magical surge, as if the sky is a claw In general, the momentum is extremely fierce.

Lu Xuan saw that he couldn’t help but step back, and then waved the dusty sword, the sword was like the wind, and the endless claws of the attack came out. At the same time, he shouted: "Fire away! Come out!"

Boom, a group of flames carrying the blazing temperature suddenly rushed out from the dusty sword, floating in the side of Lu Xuan, it was the fire.

"Give me the magic of this!" Lu Xuan did not hesitate to order, the existence of these magical gas, caused great interference to him, but also gave this genie an excellent environment.

"No problem!" The fire was pleased with a sigh of relief. For it, what is more fun than setting fire? It is born to be the darling of the flame!

As soon as the voice fell, the fire immediately rushed out, and a fierce flame burst out of it. Whenever the fire left, the magic around it all sent out a sizzling voice, turning into a group of gray. The smoke disappeared without a trace. When the fire turned sharply, Lu Xuan’s vision suddenly became wider, and the shadow of the Yin Demon was once again exposed to Lu Xuan’s eyes.

"What is this? Flame spirit?" The sinister greedily stared at the fire and said to himself: "This is a good thing, I didn't expect to have this kind of harvest today!"

"Hey, good things, you have to get it." Lu Xuan snorted.

Suddenly I heard Lu Xuan’s speech. The Yin Devil was bowed. He carefully looked at Lu Xuan’s eyes and said, “You can talk, then you seem to understand what I said before?”

"Where is this place?" Lu Xuan did not talk nonsense with him, directly asked.

This yin yin smiled: "Why do you ask me?" Tell me, how did you come here, maybe I am happy. I can still leave you a life."

Lu Xuan’s eyes twitched slightly: “It’s okay if you don’t say it, I will investigate it myself. Kendo field!”

Under the dusty sword, a powerful sword storm suddenly swept out. Surrounded by Lu Xuan constantly rotating, just Lu Xuan has discovered, although there is no vitality here, but the law of heaven and earth is no different from Tianjian mainland. The power of the law is completely unaffected here, and for him, this is undoubtedly a good news.

"It's a bit of a skill, but you still give me a hand to slap it!" When he spoke, the sinister was once again deceived, and his body was still very different.

But this time there was no endless magic to help him cover his figure. The power of his body was greatly reduced. How can Lu Xuan let him converse again and again?

Seeing that he was attacking again, Lu Xuan gripped the dusty sword with his right hand, and a red light flashed from the blade, and then the sword slammed down!

"Five lines are broken!"

A dazzling fire burst out from the dusty sword and turned into a streamer, and the temperature around it suddenly increased.

"This means, but also dare to offer ugly?" The sinister sneered, and unwittingly stretched out his hands and took the flames of the flames, then suddenly slammed it with force. Drink out loud: "Give me open!"

This road was almost condensed into the essence of the flames of C-Fire, and it was suddenly collapsed under the tears of this Yinmo. This violent means almost saw Lu Xuan open his eyes. Compared with the means of this sinister, Lu Xuan’s previous battle in Tianjian’s mainland suddenly had a soft feeling, and only the Mozu who possessed a unique body had dared to play like this. Perhaps only some of the innately powerful Yaozu can be physically comparable to the Mozu.

However, although the means of this sinister is powerful, Lu Xuan is unmoved, and his eyes are not fluctuating. After this sword, the sword is not only a sword, but also a sword, but the power contained in the dusty sword is a quiet change.

The lustre of luster is shrouded in the dusty sword, and a thick and incomparable breath has come, and it has become a heavy dusty sword under the blessing of gravity. This moment has become even heavier.

The five elements are broken, and the principle is that the five elements are born together. Under the constant support of the five elements, only one sword is stronger than a sword, and finally it is enough to tear the space. This is the meaning of the empty!

The sword before was the sword of fire, and this sword was converted into a sword of earth.

"I didn't expect a human race kid in your district to be able to train the body to this extent, but you want to be more powerful than my devil, and it makes people laugh out loud!" This sinister screamed and laughed, and the power of the whole body blew. The palm of the hand hit, and the sword of Lu Xuan was defeated again.

I have to say that this Yinmo brought a lot of shock to Lu Xuan. I used to watch the attack before the Yinmo, thinking that he was only good at speed, plus sharp nails. Now, his power is also fundamental. Not to be underestimated.

The fire was born, the native gold, and Lu Xuan’s third sword finally began to show off the edge. A strong sharp air was released without any disguise. The smile on the face of the evil spirit has gradually disappeared. It seems that I also noticed that Lu Xuan’s sword is stronger than a sword. This sword has faintly brought him a sense of pressure.

To know that he can now reach the strength of the five-star magic emperor, and he also has the unique physical advantage of the Mozu, the Terran kid of a Samsung magic emperor can actually bring him pressure, it is unbelievable, although this human race kid There is also the blessing of the Kendo Law, which is also somewhat different.

A solid shield that was condensed by pure magic appeared in front of the Yinmo. When he saw this scene, Lu Xuan’s mouth showed a smile. Did the guy finally dare to pick up his sword by hand? However, the good show has not yet begun!

The Shield of Magic is directly pierced by the sword of Gengjin, but it is enough to offset the most of the power of this sword. After the sorcerer broke the sword of Lu Xuan, he shouted: "Give me a stop!" ”

This sinister finally couldn't help but take the initiative to prepare to interrupt Lu Xuan's sword. I saw him hit the palm of the hand, dragging out a black magic, like a long tail, hitting Lu Xuan.

And Lu Xuan holding a dusty sword, a very soft sword suddenly shot - the sword of the water!

This sword, like the torrent of water, is gentle, but it is constantly flowing. One wave after another, the sword and the palm of the hand intersect, the black magic is quickly dispelled by this sword, but the sword is still stable.

This sinister face changed slightly, and both hands quickly pulled out a law, and screamed out loud: "The demon print!"

A print suddenly appeared in front of him, and then he hit his palm with his backhand, and a blue blood spurted on it, just below the seal, followed by a The ugly face suddenly appeared above the print! (To be continued~^~)

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