Sword Spirit

Chapter 1038: Thunder

"Hey!" A strange and harsh laughter was uploaded from this ugly face, and then it was like a gust of wind that suddenly rushed toward Lu Xuan. The **** mouth suddenly opened, and the bite to Lu Xuan seemed to be Lu Xuan directly swallowed the general.

Photographed by the power of this evil spirit, Lu Xuan subconsciously stepped back two steps, his brow furrowed. But then he was a fast sword across the front, **** in the left hand, a blue-green light condensed on the fingertips, straight across the blade, a moment of dust on the sword Masterpiece!

At this moment, the face of this demon finally came to the front of Lu Xuan. Lu Xuan could almost smell a stinking disgusting smell. Now he resisted this stench and slammed his sword.

Unexpectedly, this demon suddenly rises up with a strong magical power, completely concealing it, and the dusty sword is on top of this magical spirit, the magic is just a tumbling, and failed to completely defeat it.

Lu Xuan’s heart was slightly surprised. It was because of the jealousy of this evil demon. Lu Xuan deliberately attached a solid Bianmu force to the dusty sword, but did not expect even this, it still couldn’t help it, but even Its body protection magic has not been able to defeat.

"Hey, let you know that my evil spirits are powerful! Demon, give me to eat him!" The sinister laughed again and laughed again, and at the same time deceived himself again, and it was with this evil spirit to attack Lu Xuan.

What Lu Xuan doesn't know is that this evil demon is the signature skill of the demon family. After killing the enemy, they can collect the enemy's remnants and use it to contain evil spirits. The end is evil, but also Extremely powerful!

You must know that the demon family is not likable in the Mozu, almost equivalent to the aliens in the Mozu. If they are not powerful enough, they have already been destroyed. Of course, the demons do not dare to publicly appear. Sneaky cultivation. Because of this, Lu Xuan will hit this demon here.

At this time, the magic of the demon body week dissipated again, revealing an ugly face. At the same time with the Yinmo, the attack was launched, and the two had the same mind. The pressure of Lu Xuan suddenly increased.

Is the magic gas? Lu Xuan’s eyes picked up slightly and he already thought about how to deal with them.

I saw him suddenly reaching for a trick. In the air, a blue sky suddenly exploded, and a thick thunder suddenly slammed down and hit the evil spirit.

The body of this sinister suddenly stagnate, his brows wrinkled tightly, and quickly looked up at the thick thunder, biting his teeth: "The power of thunder?"

For a time, he could no longer afford to attack Lu Xuan. Both hands hurriedly waved. It is also the endless magic, ready to withstand this thunder.

Taking advantage of the lack of strength of this yin and demon, Lu Xuan's thunder and thunderous sensation slammed into a large earthquake. The force of the thunder was quickly released, and instantly passed over the blade, and the sword fell.

"Oh!" The evil demon had Lu Xuan's sword, and a sharp scream was heard in his mouth. The magic of his body was dissipated in a moment, and the whole face was somewhat distorted.

Obviously. This sword, which contains the power of Lei Zhen's gods, has brought a lot of trauma to it, which is not comparable to the sword of the previous one.

Lu Xuan’s face showed a hint of sneer, and he found the right way. Although the demon was powerful, he couldn’t hold a thing down. The power of the thunder of the sun was always the nemesis of all evil things. And this demon is no exception.

After eating the sword of Lu Xuan, the demon was angry, only to hear it roaring in anger. The figure is swollen in an instant, and a big mouth is full of three feet wide. It floats like a gust of wind to Lu Xuan, and then suddenly bites it down. It is just like the Yin Mou’s command, to swallow Lu Xuan alive. .

This demon came so fast, Lu Xuan seems to have no time to respond to the general, under the guard, it was really swallowed by it.

Just under the Lu Xun that a dark blue sinister demon, seeing this scene, the face could not help but reveal a smug look, a district of the Samsung magic emperor level, also want to deal with their own demon? Even if you control the power of the Thunder, you can't escape the end of being swallowed by the demons.

However, he is naturally not ready to kill Lu Xuan, even if he wants to kill, then he has to wait until he knows how Lu Xuan came here. Of course, even if you don't kill, you have to let Lu Xuan suffer a bit, and let him know how powerful his means are, so that he can ask questions from Lu Xuankou.

But just as the sinister darkly counted, he found that his demon seemed to be a little bit right, like a form of indigestion, with a distorted color, and the ugly face became even more embarrassing.

"What happened? That kid is still struggling?"

It is a pity that this demon has no intention to answer him. He only heard a loud bang, and a violent explosion of sound suddenly rang from its belly. This demon is instantly blown up and broken!

At the same time, Lu Xuan's slightly embarrassed figure fell steadily on the ground. At this moment, his clothes were blown up and ruined, and his face was black and white. Perhaps because of the experience, this time Lu Xuan has protected his hair well, but he still grows well on his head and does not become a bald head again.

Although the appearance is embarrassing, but Lu Xuan breathe and as steady as before, obviously, the wolverine is just a representation, and he has not suffered any injuries.

The Yinde looked at Lu Xuan, who was out of the box, and did not figure out what was going on. But soon, the broken demons slowly reunite, but this time, its shape is obviously weaker than before. If it was like a semi-solid before, it is now close to the translucent of the soul. .

Fortunately, it has no entity. If there is an entity, then it is really annihilated, and it can be re-aggregated.

Soon, this sinister is all learned from the demon. Just Lu Xuan actually condensed in the body of no less than 20 meditation thunder, and then detonated together, this is extremely powerful Thunder force, suddenly on this The demon caused 12 points of damage, directly disintegrated, who let the power of Thunder naturally restrain him?

"Can you re-agglomerate? It seems that I have looked down on this guy." Lu Xuan combed the messy hair and looked at the evil demon in front of him.

This sinister snorted: "I also looked down on you, but that's it, I won't give you any chance!"

Lu Xuan heard a loud laugh: "Opportunity has never been given by people! Thousands of Thunder Seals, give me a condensate!"

As soon as this statement came out, Lu Xuan’s hands danced like a butterfly, and one by one was quickly formed. With Lu Xuan’s current strength, he was able to condense ten Thunder seals in an instant.

Feeling the power of a powerful thunder force came out from the seal of Lu Xuan's condensed, this sinister face changed, I did not expect that this human race kid is best at the power of the Thunder?

PS: I wanted to lie down and rest last night. I went straight to sleep and forgot to update. Sorry, I will come first, and I should have it later. (To be continued~^~)

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