Sword Spirit

Chapter 1039: Void

Although the Yinmo does not know the power of the Thunderbolt, he does not have any good feelings for any of the Thunder's attacks. Under a fierce scream, the fingers are suddenly attacked, obviously wanting to break the attack of Lu Xuan.

It’s too late to continue to condense the Thunder Seal. Lu Xuan waved his hand and sipped a lightly: “Go!”

Superimposed on the tenth layer of Thunder, the screams greeted the yin. This sinister is still scrupulous about the frontal hard thunder. After all, Lu Xuan’s jingling thunder blows the demon into a serious injury at one time. He does not want to repeat the same mistakes.

Missing this, he suddenly retracted his claws, and flew to the side, wanting to circumvent the Thunder print directly hit Lu Xuan body. However, Lu Xuan had already prepared. At this moment, his hands had already gathered a few thunderballs. In the early morning, he was prejudged to the footsteps of the Yinmo, and several Jingxin Lei directly pulled out. At the same time, the Thunder printed around in a circle. And back.

"Damn!" The sinister roared, and he had to greet with his claws.

Rumble, but also a few bursts of sound, the silence of the thunder successfully blocked this sinister. The action of Lu Xuan’s seal did not stop for a moment. The hand speed that was previously exercised by the charms broke out to the extreme at this moment. In this short period of time, the five thunder seals were successfully condensed, just superimposed on the whistling On the back of the ten heavy thunder seals, the Thunderprint has been superimposed on the fifteen layers, and the power suddenly increased.

It was noticed that the breath of the thunder's power had become stronger again. The shadow of the sinister flashed a trace of suspicion, and some of them were not allowed.

It was the demon, who had suffered a big loss in Lu Xuan’s hand before, and he was very resentful. Regardless of its great strength, he even rushed to death.

The sinister eyes flashed slightly, but they did not stop, let the demon explore the bottom of Lu Xuan.

Seeing this evil demon even dared to rush up, Lu Xuan mouth hook, revealing a sneer color, I can't blame him for looking for death! The fifteenth heavy thunder screamed out. Go straight to the demon and go.

"Hey!" The demon screamed, and the endless magic instantly spurted out, under the influence of rich magic. The power of Thunder's seal seems to have been suppressed, but it is only a few. It must be known that it is the power of the Thunder to restrain the magic. Instead of the power of the magic to restrain the Thunder!


A burst of electric sound, the magic of the Thunder seal was burned clean, and the Thunder print offensive, and went straight to the demon.

It seems that I didn't think that my magical power was not used at all. The demon stayed for a moment and then quickly withdrew. But it is more than the speed of the Thunder. In an instant, it was caught up by the Thunder, and it was hit on it.


Accompanied by the screams of the demon, its body, which is already very weak, suddenly burst into white smoke, as if it had to be printed by the Thunder to burn directly.

The sinister couldn’t help but be surprised. He couldn’t sit and watch the demon being wiped out by Lu Xuan. You must know that this evil demon was cultivated by a lot of effort. If you are injured, you can absorb some remnants and make up for it. But if it is dead, you can lose a lot of blood to re-cultivate it.

"The Terran Kid gave me a hand!" He finally couldn't help but shoot. A pair of claws smashed toward the thunder, and even if he was injured, he had to print the thunder to tear it. He believed that he had this strength.

But Lu Xuan would let him succeed, and immediately he reached out and let the Thunder indulge the demon, avoiding the evil spirits to turn again, and at the same time, the hands were sealed again. This Thunder print, the more difficult it is to stack up, the lower Lu Xuan only formed three Thunder. Reluctantly superimposed it on the 18th floor.

However, he just showed the weak performance and fell into the eyes of the Yinmo. He saw that Lu Xuan did not fight hard with himself. The Yinmo could not help but smile. "You didn't dare to fight with me. If so, Then you will die!"

This time, the Yinmo no longer competes with the Thunderbolt. Since Lu Xuan does not dare to fight with Thunder, it proves that he does not need to be afraid of this thing, as long as he attacks Lu Xuan.

Looking at the evil spirits into a group of magical rush to attack themselves, Lu Xuan body of the power of the gods running, shouted: "Ben Lei flash!"

At the moment when Lu Xuan’s body disappeared from the place, the attack of the Yinmo was coming, completely shattering the residual image of Lu Xuan in the original place, but Lu Xuan’s true body has appeared in a dozen feet away, Yin The magic trick is lost.

Another three layers of thunder are printed, and at this moment, twenty-one thunders have been printed. However, Lu Xuan can clearly feel that it is not enough to take this level of Thunder to deal with the evil spirits!

The reason why he was able to deal with the demon so easily was because the demon had no entity, and most of them were formed by the magic. The Yin Devil is a real Mozu, and its body is better than the rest of the Mozu, but it is absolutely powerful and absolutely impossible to defeat.

"Hide? Where can you hide?" The Yinmo is not angry and laughs, then screams: "Shadows!"

I saw his body swaying, two identical bodies from the body of his body, and scattered three sides, surrounded by Lu Xuan group with the corner of the corner, then did not give Lu Xuan the slightest reaction time, the three did not The difference figure came from the three sides toward Lu Xuan.

Avoiding inevitable, Lu Xuan can only fight hard, but his combat experience is full, and in an instant it is analyzed, the two avatars of the Yin Mo will never have the same strength as his body. As far as he knows, this kind of avatar can possess the full strength of the body. Only the genius of the raccoon family can be done. If a genie can do it, the talent of the raccoon is too worthless.

"Thunderstorm!" Did not have to choose, Lu Xuan body Lei Zhen Shen Wen suddenly shocked, the powerful force of thunder and thunderstorms emerged, the power of endless thunder instantly filled the entire space, then burst open!

The impact of such a powerful Thunder, the two avatars of the Yinmo are instantly annihilated. However, the purpose of the Yinmo has been reached. He succeeded in preventing Lu Xuan from continuing to flee. At this moment, he is less than three feet away from Lu Xuan. For him, he only needs an instant time!

Seeing that the sharp claws of the Yin Moe rushed into the air, Lu Xuan wanted to display the thunder and lightning. It was too late, except for the fight, there was no other way.

Really, when I have no other means? Lu Xuan’s eyes were sullen, no longer rushing to continue to condense the Thunder prints, but decisively extended his right hand, five fingers quickly clenched his fists, and a force that slammed into the ultimate force suddenly condensed on the right fist!

"The void is broken!" A big drink, Lu Xuan raised his fist!

This punch, but it is enough to defeat Sikong North's Aoki Xuantian Jin, Sikong North, but it is really a real virtual and nine-fold, the front of the evil spirit, but also the five-star magic emperor, even with the body advantage of the Mozu, at best More than a virtual reality. (To be continued~^~)

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