Sword Spirit

Chapter 1040: Yinmo escape


A burst of incomparable strength suddenly spread, and the strong air waves suddenly swept everything. All the trees around the squat under the impact of this wave of waves, and the squats continued to fall.

Since the battle, this is the first time Lu Xuan has been positive with this Yinmo, pure power fight! When the fists meet, feeling the powerful power of the Yinmo, Lu Xuan almost feels comfortable, he is really a violent mad, this pure power confrontation, always makes people so intoxicated.

This is also the most terrifying place of Lu Xuan. He was born to fight for the battle. Others are more and more weak, but Lu Xuan is playing harder and harder. Every fight will make his warfare increase rapidly, and fighting is definitely not a pure power confrontation. Morale and warfare have occupied a great influence.

After a blow, Lu Xuan retraced three steps, but the Yin Devil slipped out of the foot for more than three feet!

The Yin Devil seems to have raised his hand in disbelief and looked at it. He lost power to this Terran kid. Although it is said that the Yin and the Demon can almost be regarded as one of the least ethnic groups in the Mozu, but not good at it, it is ultimately the Mozu, how can it be defeated by a Terran kid?

However, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that a feeling of faint pain is uploaded from his finger. He can clearly feel that all four fingers except the thumb are broken!

With the claws on the boxing, he must have suffered some losses in strength. Although he also successfully poked a few blood holes in Lu Xuan’s hand, he felt that it had no effect on Lu Xuan because The defense of this Terran boy seems to be a bit abnormal.

Can it be invariant? Lu Xuan first possessed the Qinglong blood, and served the dragon glass source, and accepted the blessing of the fire unicorn. The human body's physique can't be compared with the demons, but the ordinary demons can also compare with Qinglong. Compared with fire unicorn? The four words of the beastly beast are by no means a name.

This sinister has time to be surprised. Lu Xuan is not idle, because he has long expected that the void will be enough to defeat the evil spirits. The emptiness of the void is the gift that Ye Tian left for himself when he broke through to the virtual world. The strength is strong to a certain extent, the void can still be crushed by a fist, not to mention the area of ​​a yin?

At the time of the evil spirits, Lu Xuan is grasping every minute to seal. One layer after another, the Thunderprint was superimposed successfully. Taking advantage of this time, Lu Xuan added the Thunder Seal to the 30th floor!

With Lu Xuan's current strength, it is possible to superimpose the Thunder print on the forty layers. If you try harder, it is estimated that the maximum can reach 45 layers. However, the power of the 30th floor... is already very small.

You must know that Lu Xuan was dealing with the blood in the Shura Mountain. Only superimposed on the 25th floor, although it was finally broken by the blood repair, but the power of the 30th floor compared with the 25th floor has been improved considerably.

"Hey!" A burst of crisp sounds, but the Yin Devil forced his fingers. In the strong body of the Mozu, the folding of the fingers and bones is not a big problem. Although it will have a certain impact on the strength, the combat effectiveness still exists.

"Human boy, I found that you have a lot of secrets. This kind of magical power is not something that can be owned by a lower bound. Is it because you are from the heavens?" Perhaps it is a preconceived concept, and the Yinmo does not have Lu Xuan. Continue to thunder in the ground level in the eyes, at this moment there is still time to talk with Lu Xuan.

However, Lu Xuan is also happy to do so, while continuing to work hard to seal, while analyzing the words of this evil spirit. Listening to what he meant, it is obviously not a celestial domain. Otherwise, he would not say that he was coming from the celestial domain.

In fact, Lu Xuan did not think that it would be Tianyu at the beginning. If a transmission array of Shibuya was sent to Tianyu. The enchantment of that Ye Tianbu on the Tianjian continent is too useless. It has been broken by the Mozu soul for thousands of years.

"Yes, I came from Tianyu, but the location of the landing is slightly biased." Lu Xuan opened his mouth is a lie.

The Yin Devil heard Lu Xuan’s words, and his eyes flashed a glimmer of light. Lu Xuan could almost feel that his breathing seemed to be a little more urgent.

"Is it really from Tianyu? Hahaha, that's great. Since you can get down from the celestial domain, there is definitely a way to go back!" The sinister licked his lips and said: "I must kneel down." you must!"


A group of magical flashes, the shadow of the evil spirit disappeared instantly. It seems that the news revealed by Lu Xuan greatly stimulated him. He has completely stopped pressing. He wants to immediately, immediately, immediately squatting down Lu Xuan Let's ask!

Seeing that the Yin Mo once again exerted a strange body, Lu Xuan was almost a subconscious direct turn, and with a big hand, he had already condensed to the thirties and three thunderous prints and slammed into the back.

Sure enough, the shadow of the Yin Devil appeared just behind the scene. When Lu Xuan once again threw out the Thunder Seal, he smiled and said: "Return? See if I tear you this useless print!"

The sharp claws of the Yin Magic suddenly extended, and the left and right were firmly grasped by the Thunder. The Lu Xuan was no longer dodging this time.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

A fierce cry came out from the mouth of the Yin Moe. He seemed to have caught the hot potato. He quickly released the hand that grabbed the Thunder, and in a short period of time, his defensive hand had already appeared. The wound, the blue blood is constantly dripping.

Lu Xuan sneered, and once again popped two imprints on the Thunder, and lifted it to the power of thirty-five. He said: "Now I know it is amazing? I see, I still grab you to force the news! Thunder print, give it to me!"

Thirty-five heavy Thunder prints, like a huge grinding disc, the sinister sinister smashed away, and the lightning flashing light, now falling in the eyes of the evil spirits, seems like a dead **** in general, after a strange call, after a quick withdraw.

However, Lu Xuan is not unforgiving, and he is constantly chasing after the Thunder Seal, and it is necessary to crush this Yinmo!

However, the body of this evil spirit is indeed not ordinary, left and right to hide, coupled with the cover of the magic, has not been able to let Lu Xuan succeed, although the offensive and defensive trend reversed, but Lu Xuan simply took He couldn't help it, and he couldn't help but feel depressed for a while.

One bite, Lu Xuan lightly said: "scatter!"

The thirty-five-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousand-thousands were suddenly scattered into five regiments, and they were surrounded by the demon in five directions, and they were forced to trap them. However, this time Lu Xuan made a big mistake, this Yin Mo is afraid of the thirty-five heavy Thunder, but the seven Thunder prints have no way to take him!

I saw this rebellious blow of the sinister demon, directly grabbing a Thunder and printing a tear, and instantly shred it completely! The encirclement has broken a gap.

"Human boy, I will come back, you are a Terran in your district, it will be difficult to move here! Hey!" This sinister laughed and fled quickly from the broken encirclement. (To be continued~^~)

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