Sword Spirit

Chapter 1041: Reproduce the Kirin arm!

Hearing the words of this sinister, Lu Xuan’s face suddenly changed. He did not expect this sinister to give up and kill himself.

Judging from the various information revealed in this sinister mouth, this magical continent definitely has some kind of secret, and they are very interested in their arrival. Now that his own identity has been known by this sinister, if he releases this news, he only needs to come to two or three five-star magical powers of the demon, Lu Xuan can not eat and walk away.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan made up his mind and must not let him escape, at all costs!

Lu Xuan immediately raised his right hand, and the body thunder and whispering was running wildly, and he screamed: "Thunderstorm!"

There was a loud bang, and all the thunderous forces around him were mobilized by Lu Xuan at this moment. The whole world seemed to be in a sea of ​​thunder, and thunder and lightning everywhere. At the same time, countless Thunder chased the sinister's pace and slammed it down, completely blocking his retreat.

"Damn!" The sinister roared. He evaded the Thunder's attack and he had to gradually retreat. If he rushed out, I am afraid he will suffer a lot.

Although this thunderstorm is amazingly powerful, Lu Xuan has paid a lot of money. Not only did the thirty-thousand-thousands of Thunder prints collapse directly, but even the light of the thunderstorm in his body faded for a while, and he forced the overdraft of his own thunderstorm, if there was Jin Leizhu in the body. The existence of Lei Zhen Shenwei directly down the stage is possible, with his current strength forcibly blocking the next five-star magic emperor, is not a simple matter.

The thunderstorm magnetic field is still going on. In a short time, the Yinmo can't escape. At this moment, he stood outside the range of ten feet in front of Lu Xuan. His face was gloomy and staring at Lu Xuan: "Block me for a while, you can still stop. I am alive? It is not enough to kill me with your strength!"

After all, he paused, and after licking his lips, he smiled and said: "A human being from Tianyu, if I let this news out. I want to be sure that there are many people who are willing to come to you." ""

"In this case, then I can't let you leave." Lu Xuan is also a quiet voice, a slightly thicker left arm than the right hand. Slowly lifted up.

"There is any means, you may wish to make it out!"

Lu Xuan’s left hand suddenly made a fist and screamed: “麒——麟——臂——now!”

The breath of a mad tyrant suddenly broke out from Lu Xuan, and the thunder around him seemed to be a stagnation. He finally made this move again.

The black scales grew very fast from above his left arm, and soon it was completely covered, giving a feeling of power, while at the same time, lifelike fire unicorns, quietly Lu Xuan condensed behind him.

See this scene. The smile of the evil spirit disappeared without a trace. The face is full of horror, and can't help but grow up and grow up: "God beast! Kirin?! How can you have this talent!"

Lu Xuan did not pay attention to him at all, and every use of the Kirin arm would cause a great load on him. It wasn't long before he used the Kirin arm last time. The body didn't have time to recover. If it was forced to help, Lu Xuan definitely didn't want to use it, but now he only has to fight to leave this Yinmo.

"Give me death!" Lu Xuan screamed, his left arm slammed!

With his punches. A stout unicorn arm appeared in the air in an instant, carrying an endless pressure and smashing down the sinister.

"No!" This screaming screams, and the infinite power is erupted at the moment of life and death. At this moment, he almost played his body to the extreme, and rushed toward the periphery with great speed. He would rather die out of the blockade of thunderstorms. Never want to face this move alone, the power has given him the infinite pressure of the Kirin arm.

But all this is in vain. Under the lock of the Kirin arm, he has no way to escape. Lu Xuan swayed his hand, and the unicorn arm swept past. The sly cockroach is on the body of the sinister.

"Hey!" A spurt of blood, the sinister was directly smashed to the ground, and it took more than a dozen laps to stop. The moment he stopped looking up, he saw a black shadow slamming down from the air without hesitation.

"No! No! I am willing to surrender to you!" The sorcerer pleads for mercy, but all this is in vain. Lu Xuan simply does not give him any chance. More importantly, he is almost unable to maintain the unicorn arm.


The voice of the Yinmo suddenly disappeared, and in addition to the sizzling sound of the thunderstorm magnetic field, it was once again calm.

But at this moment, a bang sounded, but Lu Xuan’s left arm suddenly burst at this moment, the blood splashed, the whole left arm had become bloody, and the soft drooped down, it looked extremely horrible. .

Lu Xuan came to pay attention to the injury of the left arm, and the mouth was sprayed with a blood. The madness of the tyrant has disappeared without a trace, and the whole person has become wilted.

The use of the Kirin arm twice in a short period of time has completely surpassed the body's ability to withstand. Now his left arm is abolished in a short period of time, but it has not been completely abolished. After the injury is good, it will not be What's the big deal, of course, if Lu Xuan has just used it for a while, I am afraid he will become a one-armed warrior.

Although the injury was extremely heavy, Lu Xuan did not rush to heal, but instead walked toward the position of the evil spirit.

At this moment, this sinister has only got angry, no gas, and death is only a matter of time. There is no threat at all. If the body of the genie is not strong, it is not impossible to directly crush it into a patties. .

Walking to the side of the Yinmo, Lu Xuan took a deep breath and suppressed the pain from the left arm. He shook his right hand and held the head of the Yinmo.

He knows almost nothing about this magical land. If you want to live well, you must quickly understand it. The evil spirit in front of you is undoubtedly the best object of soul search. As long as he can get his memory, Lu Xuan can quickly understand what it is.

"Soul search!" Lu Xuan closed his eyes, mobilized the soul to start searching for the memory of the Yinmo, but lasted for three minutes, Lu Xuan's right hand was forced to open, this Yinmo has not died, The soul is still resisting Lu Xuan's soul search!

If Lu Xuan in the state of full prosperity, this level of resistance is not in the eyes, but he once displayed the world of the world, but also portrayed some of the best, and then activated the ancient transmission array, it is really a small consumption.

"Soul Soul does not work? Then I swallow your soul!" Lu Xuan gnawed his teeth, forcibly mobilized the remaining soul power, and directly cast Soul Eater! (To be continued~^~)

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