Sword Spirit

Chapter 1042: Enlightenment and doubts

In terms of hegemony, Soul Eater is undoubtedly far better than Soul Soul. However, Lu Xuan has a certain risk in exerting Soul Eater, which is easy to cause counter-attacks, but now he has no other way.

Fortunately, the soul of the Mozu is not as powerful. If you replace this yin in front of you with a five-star soul, Lu Xuan is daring to devour in this state. Give the anti-take.

A burst of soul power emerged from Lu Xuan's body, and the ghost was wrapped in the tide like a tide. The powerful devouring power forced the extraction of his soul.

"Want to devour my soul? Then everyone will die with it!" Knowing his vitality, the evil spirit of this evil spirit is extremely fierce. At this moment, it was not honest after being extracted by Lu Xuan, and he tried to struggle to pull Lu Xuan. perish together.

However, his level of resistance is not enough to cause trouble to Lu Xuan. Under a cold sigh, Lu Xuan directly included the soul of the Yin Devil into his own soul lake. Facing two powerful soul lakes, the soul of the Yin Devil couldn’t pick up any waves, and it was completely submerged.

The skinny dead camel is bigger than the horse, even if it is Lu Xuan’s lack of soul power, but the realm of refining the soul is finally there, not in comparison with a five-star magic emperor, in the two pieces of the soul lake Next, the soul of the Yinmo is instantly crushed into slag, and the consciousness is completely dissipated. At this point, this sinister that brought Lu Xuan no trouble, finally disappeared completely.

Lu Xuan immediately distracted him, while purifying the impurities in the evil spirits, while absorbing his memory. Compared with the soul power that is not full of the evil spirit, these memories are really valuable to Lu Xuan, which allows him to quickly understand the situation of the land of the demon, so as to plan his own next path of.

The enchanted continent... 10,000 years ago... escaped... seal...

A key piece of information was quickly read by Lu Xuan. The more information he received, the more he was shocked by Lu Xuan, and the background of the entire Feng Mo continent was clearly presented in Lu Xuan’s mind. ......

Lu Xuan received all the information from the mainland of the enchanted continent in one breath, and did not miss a point. This slowly relieved: "I did not expect that the existence of the enchanted continent is actually linked to the things of 10,000 years ago."

This sinister is not living from the present ten thousand years ago. All the memories in his mind are only passed down from generation to generation, but some key points are very clear and do not prevent Lu Xuan from clearing his mind.

Ten thousand years ago. Ye Tian descended to the Tianjian continent, and sealed the entire Tianjian continent with the supreme magical power, and cut off the coming of Tianyu. In order to win the Tianjian and Taiyi Guiyuan, the two gods of the Mozu and the Soul were simultaneously shot, forcibly opened a passage to the Tianjian continent above the enchantment of Ye Tianbu, and delivered a batch. The Emperor of the Emperor. And a few extraordinary levels of soul and demon. Then the Mozu and the Souls fought outside the Heavenly Emperor's Palace, affecting the entire Tianjian mainland, and the Terran was close to the genocide.

Later, Bingling and Duan Hongchen as the disciples of Ye Tian also descended to the Tianjian Continent, relying on the strength of entering the Holy Land, defeated the Mozu and the Soul. When the Souls fled in the air, they were sealed by the ice phoenix in a large amount of blood, and it was not until two years ago that this matter was completely solved.

Lu Xuan knew these things clearly, but in fact he was in doubt at the time. The Souls are sealed in the seal of the land, then those demons?

This question, Lu Xuan once asked the ice spirit, but unfortunately after the seal of the Mozu, Duan Hongchen sneaked at the weakest of the ice phoenix when she sneaked seriously, so that she forced Nirvana, almost died, for the latter thing is I don't know at all.

Lu Xuan once thought about whether it would be Duan Hongchen’s sneak attack on the ice phoenix, and then he killed all the Mozu embers to destroy the mouth, in view of the strength and heart of the red dust. It is entirely possible.

But now, Lu Xuan discovered that his original guess was completely wrong.

After the arrival of Bingling and Duanhong, a group of demons knew that they would not be the opponents of the two of them. When the ice spirits chased the souls, the Mozu also quickly began self-rescue operations.

At that time, the Mozu had a total of four demon statues. In order to preserve the blood of this group of demons, three of them decisively chose the sacrifice of life, and forced the powerful force of life to be injected into the last strongest. The body of the big soul.

After gaining the strength to enter the holy realm, this soul sacred one of the most marginal pieces of the Tianjian continent! The surviving Mozu people then all moved to the mainland that was forcibly separated from the Tianjian continent.

After completing these two things, the soul sage began to sacrifice himself and gained more powerful power. With this power, he laid a solid enchantment on this separated continent, unless it is a strong man of the gods, or a few long-term bombardment of the sacred peaks, otherwise it is absolutely impossible break in!

Fortunately, this piece of the separated continent is not large, otherwise the soul group can not complete these feats, but even so, this is quite awkward.

Because the Mozu will seal itself, this piece of separated continent is called the enchanted continent.

After all the ins and outs of the clear, Lu Xuan long sighed, no wonder that the Yinmo heard that he would be so excited after coming from the Tianyu, want to come to their descendants of the Mozu, all the time to want to return to the Tianyu, right? After all, there is Ye Jie's enchantment, they can't break through to the demon, and life is always limited.

"I didn't expect the mainland to be so complicated. So, is it still Tianjian mainland? Just..." Lu Xuan looked up at the sky and muttered: "Just there is the seal of the demon, I want It’s also a luxury to return to the Tianjian continent from the Fengmo continent..."

Knowing the truth of the matter, Lu Xuan did not have any euphoria, but instead showed a bitter smile. If he could still have a hint of fantasies before, then this illusion is gone.

At this moment, Lu Xuan’s mind was empty and silently watching the sky, but suddenly, a flash of light flashed through his mind!

"No! There are two doubts!"

Lu Xuan quickly looked up the memory of the Yinmo, and wanted to see if he had any omissions, but after confirming that he had not missed anything, his brow could not help but wrinkle.

"Since the demon statue will seal the magical continent, how can he transfer it from the transmission array of Tianzhugu? The memory of the Yinmo does not mention this transmission array at all. This is The first doubt!"

"The second question is that the Fengmeng continent is split from the Tianjian continent. It is reasonable to say that the distribution of vitality here should be the same as that of Tianjian mainland. However, in fact, the two places are completely different. Tianjian Continental cloth Full of vitality, there is no suffocation, but the mainland is completely opposite!" (To be continued~^~)

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