Sword Spirit

Chapter 1043: Troll and Demon

Lu Xuan never believes that this is a coincidence. The existence of Tianzhu Valley should be to hide the ancient transmission array.

He guessed that the transmission array should be a back road left by the demon. From the reaction of the evil spirit, the Mozu should also hope to return to the Tianyu. And seal it, just to temporarily avoid the edge of the red dust and ice spirit.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes. Since he left a transmission array on the Tianjian continent, it represents a way to return to the Tianjian continent from the Fengmo continent. Although it is definitely not simple, and it may not be able to detect it, but left a hint of hope for him?

As for why there is no qi in the Tianjian mainland, and there is no temperament on the mainland, Lu Xuan can’t figure out what to do, but he doesn’t need to go into it for a while, because this can’t be returned with him. Tianjian mainland does not seem to have much to do with.

Now for Lu Xuan, returning to the Tianjian mainland is the most important thing, and the rest can be put aside. Of course, the premise is that he must live well on the enchanted continent. Only when he is alive can he have the opportunity to find a way back.

After trying to understand all this, Lu Xuan finally had time to deal with his injuries.

He immediately sat down on the ground with no image, and urged Taiyi to return to the Yuanyuan. Can't take care of the almost exhausted thunder and sorrow of the body, Lu Xuan infused all the absorbed Qianyuan into the sacred water and the sacred silk, the healing effect of these two large lines is quite good, his first priority is to restore His own injuries, especially the injuries of his left arm, the bright red blood, is the greatest feature of his human identity!

However, it seems that it should be a disaster, not only in the words, just after Lu Xuan adjusted the time of less than a fragrant incense, in his distracted perception of the gods, there are two demons who are not in a hurry The speed of the rush came over here.

For a time, Lu Xuan could not help but feel tight. This is really just out of the tiger's mouth, and into the wolf's nest. Just this sinister has already tossed him, and now there are two more demons. And from the information returned by his gods, the strength of these two Mozus is probably between the sinister and the sinister.

With his current strength, it is hard enough to deal with one, let alone two.

How to do. How to do? Lu Xuan is in a mess, hiding? No, it undoubtedly exposes the essence of guilty conscience, not to mention the fact that the two Mozus are looking for it, perhaps because they feel the momentum of their own fight against this genie, as long as they continue to find it. I can definitely find myself. Say. Can you hide for a while? Sooner or later, I will deal with the Mozu.

calm! calm! Lu Xuan secretly warned himself that so many dangerous situations have allowed him to escape and escape. What kind of scene is this.

Recalling his confrontation with the Yinmo, and then combining the information from the Yinmo, the mind turned sharply, Lu Xuan soon had the idea, whether it works or not, at least try.

Think of this. Lu Xuan immediately urged Lishui and Yimu Shenzi, and the gentle force of the gods applied to his left arm, almost repairing his skin injury with the speed visible to the naked eye.

It took only a short ten breaths, and Lu Xuan's skin trauma was restored as usual. However, this is just a silver gun wax head, which can't be used in the middle. In fact, his left arm is completely incapable. The only purpose of doing this is to cover up his bleeding left arm, so that one can see that he is a human being at a glance.

The two Mozus are getting closer and closer, Lu Xuan simply no longer adjusts. Anyway, it will not recover much power in such a time, let alone the two souls he did not intend to follow.

His eyes swept away from the battle with the Yinmo. Lu Xuan frowned slightly, and there was blood on his ground. This must not be left!

Lu Xuan immediately waved his sleeves, and a gust of wind swept through it. He overturned a pile of mud and completely covered the blood, and then waited for the arrival of the two souls.

"Who will fight in this deep forest? And the power is not small."

"do not know."

"In all likelihood, those evil spirits, and only these guys will hide in this place."

"should be."

"Oh, the best sinister is still alive, I have to screw his head down to feed Warcraft! These scums of the Mozu!"

"Oh, then I will help you."

"...Forget it, it’s boring to talk to you."

The two figures walked over without a hurry. Soon, the figures of the two Mozu were in the eyes of Lu Xuan. One of the figures is extremely tall and roughly looks like at least two Lu Xuan are so high, while the other Mozu is a lot smaller.

Of course, the small is also relative to this tall figure, compared with Lu Xuan, it must be higher than a head. In fact, the Mozu people are basically extremely tall, except for the Yin Mo.

"Hey! Big guys, wait!" The slightly smaller figure grabbed the huge Mozu next to him, his eyes only staring at Lu Xuan in front, his eyes had a hint of doubt.

After being pulled by him, this huge demons couldn't help but follow his eyes and look at Lu Xuan, even if it was a slight glimpse, then the huge body pushed the golden bricks down the general knee under the jade column. kneel.

"It turned out to be an adult of the Devils, a giant of the Trolls, and an adult."

Undoubtedly, this extremely tall demon is the troll tribe. In fact, you can have such a strong body, only the trolls in the Mozu, even the two devils, the horned devil and the demon, are inferior to the trolls. Minute.

The troll family is born with great power and super defense. The body is in the body. The troll family is afraid of being the first denominator of the devil, but the heavens are fair. The trolls have the most powerful body of the demon, but the intelligence is The lowest. However, the trolls are very popular among the Mozu, because they are not aware of their brains, so they are very sincere to their friends.

Seeing the performance of this troll's Motel, a stone in Lu Xuan's heart finally landed, smiled slightly, extended his right hand and slowly replied with a whisper in Tianyu: "You don't have to be polite, get up."

Lu Xuan had learned from the memory of the Yinmo, although there are many races in the Mozu, but the identity of the demon is the most noble, and it has always been the strongest of the Mozu, not for others, because Since then, the demons of the gods in the Mozu are all from the Devils! (To be continued~^~)

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