Sword Spirit

Chapter 1044: Tianyu Messenger

However, just as the body of the trolls is strong and the brain is not good, the devils are extraordinary in talent, but the fatal flaw is that their ability to reproduce is quite low, and the number is very rare.

Because of this, all the people of the Tian Mozu are in a high position among the Mozu. This is also why the Yin Devil wants to eat Lu Xuan’s “Devil”, and Motel sees why Lu Xuan will be the first time to salute.

Of course, for Lu Xuan, these are not the most important. The most important thing is that the tribes of the Tianmo people are very similar to the Terran. Although there are some subtle differences, this is not enough to distinguish between the Terran and the Devil. In addition to the most visible blood color.

Therefore, Lu Xuantang and the emperor pretend to be a demon tribe. As long as he is not injured and does not bleed, he will never be suspicious, because I am afraid that no one will think that there will always be only the demon of the Mozu, and there will suddenly be a Terran.

It’s just that Lu Xuan is still suspected. He is suspected to be the slightly inferior Mozu next to Motel. This Mozu has a double wing behind him. If Lu Xuan guesses well, he should be a member of the Wing Mozu.

The Wing Mozu is also a high-level demon in the Mozu. The intelligence is not the same as that of Mot. The reason why he has doubts about Lu Xuan is not because of anything else, but because Lu Xuan is born.

You must know that the enchanted continent is not big, but the number of celestial beings is small. He has seen almost all the demons, but there is no such thing as Lu Xuan in his impression.

However, because of the long-standing accumulation of the Tianmo family, he did not dare to be too arrogant. Although he was somewhat suspicious, he was still half-decisive: "The Winged Devils are far away and have seen the Devils. But... I have seen all the adults on the mainland, but I have never seen you. I don’t know which family you are?"

When this statement came out, Lu Xuan couldn’t help but suddenly felt that he had missed this. As the saying goes, a lie requires countless lies to make up for it. Lu Xuan was only found out of the loop in the first step.

Lu Xuan still looks at the wing with a smile, but his heart is not as plain as it is, and he is thinking about countermeasures quickly. If you can't give Wing Tianyuan a satisfactory answer, then the ending is unpredictable.

Just write an identity? Certainly not, just Wing Tianyuan said, he has seen the demon people of the mainland. There must be enough understanding of the major families of the Tianmo people. If you arbitrarily compose an identity, you will be debunked.

For a long time, I didn't get Lu Xuan's reply. The doubts in Wing Tianyuan's heart were getting deeper and deeper. I couldn't help but look up at Lu Xuan, and the half-squatting body stood up again.

Lu Xuan’s heart was tight on the gaze of the far-wing suspicion. But in my mind, there was a sudden flash of light. The smile on my face blossomed completely: "You haven't seen me normal, because... I am from Tianyu."

Wing Tianyuan’s gaze was a slight glimpse, and even with a hint of fanaticism, he couldn’t help but swallow his mouth: “You, you mean, are you coming down from Tianyu?”

"Yes, when your ancestors shouldered the heavy responsibility to come to this lower bound, although the final mission failed, you were trapped here. But we never gave up on you." Lu Xuan's gentle smile is not diminished, it seems to have come The more you enter the identity.

I got a positive reply from Lu Xuan. Wing Tianyuan was almost excited to tears coming out. He said: "The adults in the family have not forgotten us. Our ancestors have been trapped here for a long time, but we are always there. Every moment I want to focus on Tianyu. You must bring us back to Tianyu this time, right?"

"Yes, the purpose of my visit this time is to bring you back to Tianyu." Lu Xuan said with a hard scalp. He has the ability to go to Tianyu now, but no matter what, let me talk about it and take a step.

"Haha, really! This is really good! Hey, big guy, the adult will soon take us back to the Tianyu!" Wing Tianyuan excitedly took a picture of the troll Motai Road next to him.

"Oh, that's very good." Motel smiled and touched his head and said: "I heard them say before, Tiantian is very big, I like big places."

"That is, Tianyu is the real home of our Mozu! There, we are almost half masters!" Wing Tianyuan said proudly, these things are all known from his ancestors' records, but he never No doubts.

After all, he remembered that Lu Xuan was still on the side and quickly looked back and said to Lu Xuan: "Adult, I will take you to see our command. If the commander knows that you are coming, I will be very happy!"

Do you command? Lu Xuan is very hesitant. He is too weak now. He really doesn't want to touch too many demons. However, when it comes to this, it is too abnormal to not see the Mozu commander.

"This way, okay, I just want to see you, then you lead the way." Lu Xuan took a deep breath, he felt that he seemed to play more and more.

Wing Tian was too busy to lead Lu Xuan, but after two steps, he turned to the confused question: "Adult, your strength... How does it seem to be wrong? It seems that only the strength of the Samsung Emperor?"

Speaking of this, he quickly added a sentence: "I definitely don't doubt the strength of the adults, but the curiosity in the heart. If it is not convenient, you don't have to say."

Lu Xuan heard the words in his heart and laughed. The high status is good. Wing Tianyuan asked a word so carefully, for fear of offending himself. However, he did not want to conceal it all the time. When he met the Mozu leader, he would have to explain it sooner or later.

"Cough." Lu Xuan coughed a whisper: "I must know the situation of this day sword in the mainland. In order to break through the enchantment of the surrounding people, I have to reduce my strength. Then I finally found your foothold. Only then did you find that there is still a layer of enchantment on this magical continent, so I once again used to sacrifice for the sacrifice of the realm, and I got enough power to come through this enchantment."

Wing Tianyuan listened even more moved, even the channel: "You are so great, adults, we all will remember your kindness! Right, we are the people of the Tianyu Mozu Lingjia, if it can return When you arrive in Tianyu, you will be thankful for your guidance."

Tianyu Lingjia? Lu Xuan stretched his hand to think of the chin. It seems that the Mozu is also a family, but this is normal. There will be disputes in places where there are interests. This is definitely not the characteristics of the Terran.

"These are all small things, but when I just passed through the enchantment, I met a genie. He sneaked at me when I was weak. I was hurt by a little injury. I was afraid that I could not take you back in a short time. Going to Tianyu." Lu Xuan explained the injury to his own situation, and also delayed the time to take them back to Tianyu, so as not to reveal the flaws too quickly.

When I heard that the big thing that returned to the celestial world was almost destroyed by a yin demon, Wing Tian couldn’t help but be furious, and the two wings could not help but unfold, and angered: "The **** sinister! It is simply the scum of the Mozu, according to me. It seems that we should have given the Yin Mozu to the genocide! But you can rest assured that the adults will help you to restore your strength as soon as possible. If you have any needs, even if you open your mouth." (To be continued~^~)

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