Sword Spirit

Chapter 1045: Ling family

Fengmo Mountain, the largest mountain range on the mainland, the name of this mountain, named after the seal of the mainland.

At this moment, a simple pavilion stands on the open space of a man-made mountain in Fenghuang Mountain. In the middle of the pavilion, a carved dragon carved a chair, sitting on a beautiful woman, looking at the appearance, the same as the category, the only difference is that the woman has a shiny purple long hair.

She is now the patriarch of the Ling family on the mainland, and she is the leader of the mainland. She is called Ling Xiao.

Although the status is extremely honorable, but Ling Biao's brows have a lingering ambiguity, not for others, only for the Ling family to choose the future path.

Even in the Tianzu Mozu, the Ling family has a very high status and is extremely powerful. Because of this, the Mozu who came to Tianjian mainland thousands of years ago was led by the Ling family. This is an opportunity for the Ling family to fight for it, because the near-water tower will get the moon first. If it can successfully get the Tianjian left by the Terran Emperor, then it will fall into the hands of the Ling family.

It is a pity that the day is not a wish, and the final mission has failed, so that they are trapped in this small enchanted continent for a long time. Such a long time is enough to happen a lot of things, and the most influential to the Ling family is the problem of reproduction.

The fertility of the Tianmo people is very low. If it is in the sky, of course, there is enough time and objects to let them continue to prosper.

However, on this small Fengmeng mainland, the Ling family has a very limited ethnic group, that is, the number of the Tianmo ethnic group is limited. In order to maintain the purity of the blood, they are absolutely impossible to combine with the rest of the demons.

The result of this is that the number of Ling family has decreased drastically over the years, and to the generation of Ling Xiao, there are only three people left, except her. The other two are her uncles, her peers, and none.

Then the problem is coming. How will she continue to pass on the Ling family?

There are only two choices in front of her, first, combined with the rest of the demon, second. Combined with the rest of the Mozu, such as the Winged Mozu, the Horned Devil or the Winged Demon.

The second choice, Ling Xiao, wants to give up without thinking. Combined with the rest of the Mozu, the blood of the Tianmo will no longer be pure, and may even lose the innate talent brought by the blood heritage.

Abandoned the second choice. Then there is only one way to join with the rest of the Tianmo people. In fact, this is a very normal thing, even in the sky, the Ling family often combined with the rest of the family.

However, things are not so simple, because the demon family on the mainland of the enchanted continent, except for her family of Ling family, only the Xuan family.

The Xuan family is also as powerful as the Ling family, but unlike the Ling family, the Xuan family has more people. The reason why the Xuan family will be so much more prosperous than the Ling family. It is because thousands of years ago, the Xuan family chose to combine with the other ethnic groups.

Although this has destroyed the pure blood of the Tianmo people, under the accumulation of quantity, there will always be people who have successfully inherited the blood of the Tianmo people. The Xuan family has chosen to have the blood of the Tianmo people from countless descendants. The descendants of the descendants are passed down to the present step by step.

However, the Xuan family do this, even if the descendants still have the blood of the Tianmo family, but they are no longer pure, and the blood more or less will carry the blood of the rest of the race, really want to talk about it. They are just hybrids.

It is for this reason that Ling Xiao is not willing to combine with Xuan's family. Otherwise, what is the significance of the Ling family's long-standing behavior of inheriting pure blood?

Just now, Ling Xiao seems to have no other choice... As for her two uncles, they are divided into two factions. The second uncle Ling Shang is very much in favor of the combination of Ling and Xuan’s family. Opinions, even he has already set an example by welcoming two women of the Xuan family, but nothing has been done so far.

As for the third uncle, although he does not agree with it, he has not been too opposed. He only said that everything is decided by Ling Xiao himself.

Thinking about these things in my heart, Ling Xiao became more upset. At the beginning, the ancestors of the Ling family insisted on inheriting the pure blood, that is, thinking that one day they can return to the celestial domain, then all the troubles can be solved, and now Wan Wan Over the years, they are still trapped on this small continent.

In order not to think about these things, Ling Xiao deliberately brought a group of subordinates to hunt and capture food while also wanting to distract the heart, but now it seems that the effect does not seem good.

"Hey..." Ling Xiao sighed and sighed.

"Command, you are still thinking about the Xuan family's mention of things?" See Ling Xiao long sigh, a blue-haired woman with a charming color between her eyebrows next to her asked softly. Her name is Lingrou, and she is Ling's personal maid. As for her Ling surname, it was given when Ling Xiao was happy, and she was not a demon family, but a succulent family.

The appearance of the sacred demon is very similar to that of the demon, but it has the characteristics of some yu and demon, which is relatively easy to distinguish. The succubus family has the ability to multiply and compete with the Terran, and almost all of them are handsome men and women, but the biggest flaw is that they have no ability to cultivate at all. In the place where the strong is respected, there is no status, but They are the most popular servant choices. Don't say that the Mozu itself is the rest of the race, such as the Terran, and also likes to arrest or buy the Succubus as a slave.

Listening to the soft questioning, Ling Xiao’s mouth showed a hint of sarcasm: “Yes, the blood of the Xuan’s family is very thin. The probability of having suitable offspring in recent years has become lower and lower. The strength of my Ling family, I am afraid that they have forcibly arrested me to strengthen the blood of future generations."

"The ambitions of the Xuan family are getting bigger and bigger. According to Xiaorou, they not only want to get you, but also want to control the power of the Ling family. You must not be like them." She stayed with Ling Xiao around the year, and Ling Xiao did not evade her, so she knew quite well about these things.

"I know all of this." Ling Xiao faintly said: "But, besides that, what other options do I have?"

Wen Yan said that Lingrou is silent. Before she said something, she was only interested in the sorrow. In fact, she knew in her heart that Ling Xiao had no other way to go.

At this moment, it was two beautiful and enchanting sorcerer's maids who came to the body and replied to Ling Xiaoming: "The leader, the winger who went out to investigate before returned, he said that there is The big happy event is to report to you."

Ling Xiao heard that the delicate eyebrows picked up a little: "What a happy event? Let him come."

PS: In order to design the situation of the Mozu, Xiaobao has spent a lot of brains. After working, the time for thinking about the plot is getting less and less. It is really burning the brain. If you have any good ideas, or find out What is missing, welcome to Xiaobao, you can come to the group, number: 176-587-283. (To be continued~^~)

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