Sword Spirit

Chapter 1056: Six-star demon

"Hey, hey, hey! Bang!"

In the martial arts hall of Ling's Castle, a burst of violent crashes continued to come, as if there was a fierce battle inside.

Lingrou's tall figure appeared at the entrance of the Wuwu Hall, but he did not dare to step in. He just knocked on the stone door next to him: "The commander, the maid brought the request of the ambassador."

Hearing this, the impact in the theater was suddenly stopped, and then the brows with brows and sweats came out. At this moment, she only had a tight-fitting training suit, which clearly outlined her moving body. If you don’t see a trace of excess meat, you will get more points, and less than one point will be less.

Unlike the soft body of Lingrou, Ling Xiao, who has the same hot body, gives a feeling of strength. She can feel her powerful explosive power at a glance. At this moment, she and Lingrou stand together, one is just one soft and two beautiful, it is pleasing to the eye, but unfortunately no one has such a blessing.

Lingrou very carefully took out the handkerchief and wiped the sweat on his forehead, and picked up the coat on her side. The whole set of movements was smooth, obviously not doing this twice.

Ling Xiao’s current strength can be said to have reached the peak of Tianjian’s mainland. Under the shackles of Ye Tian’s enchantment, even if she is trying hard to make up again, she is not coming to practice martial arts, just to vent it. The attitude of the Xuan family has made her very dissatisfied.

After venting a pass, her mood was much more comfortable, and she also wanted to understand, at least the current situation is much better than before Lu Xuan arrived. Before, she almost completely lost her goal. She didn’t know how to solve the current difficulties of the Ling family. But now she has at least the direction of her efforts. If she wants to break the enchantment of the enchanted continent, then all the problems will be solved. Solve the solution.

While walking towards the outside, Ling Xiao asked: "What did the seniors say?"

"I don't know, you are still in charge to ask the maid in person." Lingrou also replied in the back of Ling Xiao, although she was a close-knit maid of Ling Xiao, but she was very good at it. outer. She never intervenes in anything.

Ling Xiao slammed, and soon came to the lounge, where the maid was already waiting.

"Tell it. What did the Ambassador make you bring?" Ling Ling asked a Lingchao that had been prepared for Ling Ling.

"The ambassador will let you guide him to prepare some of the spirits of the wind and thunder, and the gold spirits will be prepared."

Ling Xiao heard a slight frown, put down the tea and thought quietly.

Because I don't know what kind of exercises Lu Xuan practiced, so before she gave Lu Xuan all the materials in the five elements. The five elements of the gods are also the most frequently cultivated gods in the Mozu.

I thought these things were enough for Lu Xuan, but she did not expect that Lu Xuan not only received the five elements of the materials, but also required the preparation of the wind and thunder two spirits and gold spirits.

Prepare some gold-based spiritual materials to understand, because she did not give Lu Xuan's gold-based spiritual materials, but what about the wind and thunder? What is the practice of this summer predecessor? What kind of spiritual materials do you need?

"Okay. I know, you can go back first." Ling Xiao waved her hand to signal her down. The maid was about to retire, and Ling Xiao was out again: "Wait, come back."

"If the ambassador later came out to get the materials, you said to him, and said that I have something to look for him to find. Well... you come directly to me, I personally went to the secret room to see the summer predecessors."

"The slave knows."

Although I don't know what medicine is sold in Lu Xuan Hulu, Ling Xiao decided to meet all the requirements of Lu Xuan. Although the spirits of the wind and thunder are a little less, they are not impossible. As for the reason why she was looking for Lu Xuan... First, I wanted to know the specific strength of Lu Xuan. Secondly, I would like to discuss with Lu Xuan about breaking the enchantment of the mainland. If the Xuan family is not cooperative, then She can only find Lu Xuan to join hands.

However, Ling Xiao did not expect her to be in this seven days, Lu Xuan seems to be completely immersed in the cultivation, and never came out.

Ling Shang naturally returned from the Xuan family, and also brought back the reply of Xuan Canaan. Xuan Canaan’s attitude is very clear, and he wants his Xuan family to be shot, unless Ling Xiao promises his previous condition. Otherwise, talk free.

When it comes to this, then naturally there is no need to talk about it. Ling Xiao simply wants to find the minds of the Xuan family. It is better to ask for help. When the next year, the Xuan family is just a follower of the Ling family. However, although the Xuan family seems to be booming now, the real master of the magical mainland is her Ling family, and some of the things she controls, even the Xuan family do not even know.

Lu Xuan, who stayed in the secret room, had already forgotten the time, even if he remembered he would not care, after all, he did not hurry. With a lot of resources for their own squandering, there is a lot of magic to let themselves absorb, Lu Xuan can not be as long as possible.

With the help of various spirits and magical spirits, the strength of Lu Xuan's body is almost increasing day by day, and the progress is beyond the imagination. Especially in the first three days, his almost dry land is endlessly absorbing the moisturizing of the rain, and all kinds of precious spirits are poured into the body, and it will take a long time to be absorbed. This is The effect of thick and thin hair.

If Lu Xuan is like a bottle, then the cultivation of his previous refining is the constant stone stuffing into the bottle. It looks full, but it is actually very empty, and this time the cultivation is Constantly stuffing sand and water into the bottle, filling him in the true sense.

After seven days of cultivation, Lu Xuan’s left arm injury has completely recovered. Not only that, but he also clearly feels that the left arm’s meridians become thicker than the right arm and have the ability to withstand the right arm. If he is allowed to contact him twice, he will still be able to pull off, but it will never be abolished like the last time.

"It seems that the powerful destructive effect of the unicorn arm on the body can stimulate the body to become stronger. Is this broken and then stand up?" Lu Xuan murmured.

"With the help of these celestial treasures provided by Ling Xiao, my body foundation is completely sturdy, far stronger than before. According to the strength of the Mozu, now I should have reached the level of the six-star magic emperor nearly seven stars, no I know if there is a chance to hit the five lines of gods now." Lu Xuan's eyes showed a hint of excitement. (To be continued~^~)

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