Sword Spirit

Chapter 1057: Send the door to the gods

The Terran refining body is different from the Mozu. The Mozu is a natural **** pattern. When the strength is reached, it will automatically concise higher order. The natural breakthrough is like the breakthrough of the human race.

The Terran cultivation is the goddess of the gods, you need to actively condense yourself, and there is a great chance of failure, far less simple than the Mozu. But the day after tomorrow, there are also the benefits of the day after tomorrow. First of all, it does not have any framework restrictions. As long as your physical strength is enough to carry a high level of gods, you can start to concise. Of course, if you are unsuccessful, then it is another. It’s all about it.

At this moment, Lu Xuan closed his eyes again, took a deep breath, slowly adjusted his breath, and the mind once again sank into the body, feeling the seven gods in the body.

Just this view, Lu Xuan was shocked. I don't know when, in addition to the seven gods of gold, wood, fire, earth and thunder, he has two more inexplicable gods!

The reason why it is said to be the shape of the gods is because Lu Xuan clearly can feel the energy of these two groups of energy belongs to the gods, but because he did not actively pull them, it did not form a complete **** pattern.

This discovery made Lu Xuan somewhat embarrassed. During this time, he has been focusing on the repair and strengthening of the body, and did not deliberately pay attention to the situation of the gods in the body, so he did not know when the two groups of energy of the gods appeared. How did it appear?

On the surface, however, these two energies are completely harmless, so they stay there quietly, and seem to wait for the owner of Lu Xuan to dominate them.

Lu Xuan carefully used the mind to touch a piece of energy. When he touched this energy, the breath of the first to the sun suddenly came out. On the strength, it was comparable to the Gengjin **** pattern. Yang Jin, not inferior to C fire.

"What is the power of the gods? It's so powerful!" Lu Xuan couldn't help but sigh. He has a magical name called Jin Yan Bian, which is created by the combination of Geng Jin Shen Wen and C Fire Deity, and can exert powerful explosive power and penetrating power. And this **** pattern, with its own power, can achieve the effect of the golden flame. And there is no conflict, and its quality is absolutely above the five lines of god. Only the combination of the thunder and the speed of the thunder and the speed can be compared.

The power of this **** is so powerful, what about the other? Lu Xuan thought about this, and began to touch another energy of the gods by pressing the horror of his heart.

One contact. A very different feeling is transmitted. Compared with the energy of the previous god, the energy of this energy is soft to yin. Gentle like water, chilly like ice, straight through the bottom of the heart, Lu Xuan actually could not help but shudder.

These two lines of god. Absolutely not a general **** pattern! Even if it is placed in the Mozu. I am afraid it is also a very high quality god.

The forces in the Mozu are not divided by the Zongmen as the Terran, but there are many families. Each family represents a party, such as the Ling family and the Xuan family.

Each family has a heritage from the blood. A very important part of this bloodline is the type of gods inherited by the tribe. The five-line **** pattern is the most common, and some family inheritance has some strange **** lines. Of course, it does not mean that the five-line **** pattern is inferior to the special **** pattern. But I have to admit that many special gods are indeed stronger than the five lines of gods. This is like the same person, but also has the talent level of the general, this is innate, can not be changed.

It is also for this reason that the family concept in the Mozu is very heavy. In order to ensure the good blood of future generations, there is absolutely no marriage.

Looking back at this information, Lu Xuan gradually got a judgment in his heart, I am afraid these two lines of god. It is the **** pattern passed down by the Ling family. Otherwise, there is no way to explain why it does not appear late, but it does appear now.

This also makes him look at the Ling family. As far as he knows, the general Mozu usually only have one kind of inheritance, and I don't think there are two kinds of Ling family, and they don't look like anything.

However, this is not a good thing. It is more than a subtle but not refined. Moreover, judging from the breath of these two gods, it is completely opposite, just like the incompatibility between water and fire. Two opposing gods appear in the same person, and it is difficult to balance these two forces.

Of course, this is not a problem for Lu Xuan. Now he has seven gods in his body. He has long been very uncomfortable. He does not care about these two newly added gods. Even if it really conflicts, it is also In the melee of the nine countries, there will never be two things like death. What's more, Lu Xuan has a huge force and can completely suppress them.

Since there is a **** pattern sent to the door, then Lu Xuanyuan can shut them out, naturally they have to find a way to accept it, and the technique is not to be overwhelmed, let alone this is the existence of two completely inferior and Lei Zhenshen The benefits that Lei Zhen Shenzi brings to Lu Xuan, no need to say more.

However, it is not so easy to accept it. Lu Xuan does not even know what these two lines of gods are, let alone get the method to consolidate them. Nowadays, they can only continue to hold their feet and go to Taiyi. Inside, check it out. Now think about it, Ye Tian left him not only a heavy martial arts, but also an encyclopedia.

"The devil's natural **** pattern is based on the way of the gods, and is given to the heavens... The genius of the human race analyzes the demon gods, and improves it for the human race. There are many gods, with five behaviors, supplemented by wind and thunder, yin and yang. For this, life and death dominate, and the heavens and the earth are respected..."

Looking at the records of Taiyi Guiyuan, Lu Xuan whispered to himself: "Five behavior base, wind and thunder supplemented, yin and yang as respect... Couldn't this new two lines of gods be yin and yang? ”

It seems to have caught the key point, Lu Xuan continues to look back quickly.

"Yin and Yang are not divided into Taiji, Taiji has two instruments, and two instruments are four..."

Seeing this, Lu Xuan finally lost, he can now be sure that these two unsolicited gods must be yin and yang. Not only that, but he also understands why these two energies appear inexplicable in his body. The reason is because Tai Chi, don't forget, Lu Xuan's head is being shrouded in a Tai Chi figure!

Taijisheng two instruments, the two instruments are divided into Yinyi and Yangyi, and the two instruments are divided into four images. These four images have various explanations. One refers to the natural elements, which are Jinhuo Shuimu, and the other is the four-image orientation. In the northwest, the third is the decomposition of yin and yang, which is the sun of the Taiyin, Shaoyin Shaoyang.

Although I know a lot, but Lu Xuan does not understand, he does not know whether the two energy in his body is pure to the yin to the sun, or the sun and the sun, or a second level Shaoyin Shaoyang?

After thinking about it for a long time, Lu Xuan slowly stopped working. This is not a big deal. The most reliable way is to ask Ling Xiao directly. Ask them what kind of gods they inherit from Ling’s family. Clearly.

PS: Thanks to the gift of Zhang Jianjian fish in Christmas, thank you for the rewards of the book friends and the monthly ticket ~ Khan, Christmas has forgotten to send blessings... (unfinished ~^~)

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