Sword Spirit

Chapter 1058: help each other

With this kind of thought in mind, Lu Xuan is no longer eager to consolidate the gods, and begins to slowly take over and break through.

Out of the secret room, the twelve succubus maids are still waiting here, do not know whether they have not left, or rotate once a day, the chances of coming to the latter is relatively large, after all, the charm of the demons is low, with this charm In terms of the physical qualities of the magic maid, it is certainly unstoppable to stand on the road for so many days.

When the lead-servant saw Lu Xuan suddenly showing a smile, Ying Ying said: "You have ordered the required spiritual masters to be ready for you, all here."

"Oh, okay." Lu Xuan nodded and picked it up. When he stepped on, he stopped and asked: "Where are you leading now? I have something to look for."

"Oriental adults also have something to look for, you can wait here, and the slaves will go to the overnight to guide you through the customs."

Ling Xiao also has something to find himself? Lu Xuanfu suspected, then look at what she has, then he nodded and returned to the secret room, said: "Ling Tong brought her directly in."

"The slave knows."

Lu Xuan did not close the door. He just sat quietly and quietly adjusted his interest. In a short while, a steady footstep sounded, and the door of the secret room was pushed open. A familiar purple hair was now in front of Lu Xuan.

Ling Xiao backhand closed the door with a smile: "Xia's predecessors, I heard that you have something to look for me?"

In the face of Ling Hao's condescending posture, Lu Xuan did not adapt, and reached out to indicate that Ling Xiao sat down, Ling Xiao did not tweak, gently waved his robes, and sat down with Lu Xuan.

Four eyes are opposite, Lu Xuan reveals a smile: "Listen to them and say that you also find me to have something to do with business, it is better to talk about your business first."

Knowing ourselves and knowing each other is a good thing. Lu Xuan has no trade and rush to ask about the two gods.

"This is a long story. I don't know how your strength has recovered in the summer." Ling Xiao first asked about Lu Xuan's strength. All her plans were based on Lu Xuan's strength recovery.

"It is smooth and smooth, and it is not smooth. It is not going well."

"How do you say this?" Ling Xiao asked slightly, and Lu Xuan’s strength could not be anything.

In order to conceal the problem of the time required for his cultivation, Lu Xuan has already thought about the rhetoric. When the next voice sighed: "I was too optimistic about the expectation of restoring strength. I thought that there were enough resources to restore the original strength should be a breeze, but I did not expect that the enchantment on the mainland of this sword is too much. Overbearing. I have been suppressing me invisibly."

"In order to get to the lower bounds and come to the mainland, I have lost my strength for a long time. Now I can't rely on the magic to directly reach the original strength, but I need to re-cultivate."

“Re-cultivation?” Ling Xiao was taken aback.

Lu Xuan smiled and waved: "There is no such trouble as you think. After all, my original realm is still there. It is not too much trouble to cultivate to the original strength. It may take more time than expected. ...may take about a month or three."

When I heard it for a period of one to three months, Ling Xiao was relieved and said: "This is no problem. The summer predecessors are reassuring that our Ling family has been waiting for a long time, that is, I have waited for a hundred years. We can still wait for a few months."

What you want is your sentence. Lu Xuan’s heart is big, and as for the three months, can he successfully consolidate the five-star gods... then I will say it later.

"You come to me. Just to ask about this thing?" Lu Xuan asked.

"Nature is not only this, but the strength of your predecessors in the summer is the precondition of this matter... It is not the opposite. If you want to break the blockade of the mainland, I am afraid you need the help of the summer predecessors." Said in a careful tone.

Sure enough, when she heard her, Lu Xuan’s brow was wrinkled.

Ling Xiao quickly explained: "If there is no other way, I don't want to make any decision. I told you before. In addition to my Ling family, there is also the Xuan family, which was originally My plan. As long as the Xuan family is willing to cooperate with me, it is enough to break the blockade, but... you know that their blood is quite mixed, they don't want to go back to Tianyu, so..."

The Xuan family does not want to return to Tianyu? Lu Xuan couldn't help but smile. But when he realized his identity, he quickly slammed the joy.

He does not want the Mozu to break the blockade of the enchanted mainland. Otherwise, the Tianjian mainland will inevitably fall into a big chaos. Now the Xuan family does not cooperate with Lingxiao, it is really better. Of course, face-to-face work still has to be done.

Lu Xuan’s face showed a trace of anger: “How can the Xuan’s family not know so well! The Emperor of the Devils specially came to pick them up, they even dare to shirk? If this matter is known by the Emperor, oh, the whole Tianyu The Xuan family has been unlucky!"

Ling Xiao shook his head helplessly. Xuan Canaan still cares about the Xuan family of Tianyu. Even if they return to Tianyu, they will not be accepted by the Xuan family, and naturally they will not care about their lives.

After smashing a family of Xuanshi, Lu Xuan looked thoughtfully at Ling Xiaodao: "So what you mean is... want me to replace the position of the Xuan family and help you break the blockade?"

"Xiao predecessors are wise!" Ling Xiao took a small shot of Lu Xuan's flattering and smiled: "With the strength of the summer predecessors, if you are willing to sacrifice and make a sacrifice, you will be able to reach the devil's strength. Plus the rest of my strength with the Ling family, breaking the blockade is absolutely nothing to say!"

"Sacrifice..." Lu Xuan face is a difficult color.

Ling Xiao quickly said: "You can rest assured that the summer predecessors, I will keep in mind when you make sacrifices. When you return to Tianyu, you will definitely ask for help from the Emperor, and you will never be treated badly."

"This way..." Lu Xuan nodded thoughtfully and looked at Ling Xiao and said: "If Ling Ling can really make a few words for me in front of the Emperor, I will agree to it."

Hearing Lu Xuan answered, Ling Xiao’s heart finally fell to the ground, but Lu Xuan’s heart also had other ideas.

Limited by Ye Tian's enchantment, Ling Xiao should now be the peak of the Emperor, and at most there is only half the strength of the Devil, that is to say, she has absolutely no five-star gods in her body, and the sky is just Ye Wenjun. Kind of strength.

And when Lu Xuan succeeds in condensing the five-star gods, it is the real demon, it is the real extraordinary! At that time, he still needs to be scolded.

Ling Xiao, who is in a good mood, once again asked: "I don't know what happened to the summer predecessors looking for me?"

Finally, the main event, Lu Xuan spirit has a slight revival, he just promised to help Ling Xiao's busy, want to come to Ling Xiao is not to take advantage of Ling's family of gods?

Lu Xuan immediately reached out and pointed out the Taiji figure on the top: "I am looking for you, mainly because of this." (To be continued~^~)

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