Sword Spirit

Chapter 1062: Girl heart

However, Lu Xuan is not in a hurry. It is hard to eat a meal in one bite. It is difficult to get up to the sky. It is just a chance to further strengthen your body and prepare for the five-star gods.

Lu Xuan is studying the sun and the sun in the air, and Ling Xiao is silently going back. When Ling Xiao came back, Ling Roo quickly greeted: "Commander. Commander?"

Lingrou screamed a few times, Ling Xiao was only able to return to God, seeing the look of Lingrou doubts, only to realize that he seems to be somewhat rude.

When he reached out and rubbed his cheek, Ling Xiao sighed, and he asked, "What happened?"

"Nothing, just want to ask you how to talk to the messenger. Look at you, is it..."

"No." Ling Xiao waved his hand: "Xia Xiong promised my plan, and when he recovered his strength, he would join me."

Xia brother? Lingrou stunned, and immediately realized that Ling Xiao said Lu Xuan, but I did not know when the two changed their names, but she smiled slightly: "That's good, it seems that you will return to Tianyu just around the corner." ""

Ling Xiao shook his head helplessly, did not speak, sat down and sat down. Seeing her like this, Lingrou is very confused. She obviously feels that Ling Xiao seems to be a little bit right today, but she is not too good to ask. As a maid, it is the duty to talk less and listen more.

However, at this moment, Ling Xiao suddenly said: "Xiaorou, you said, if Xia brother and I can not break the enchantment, how is it?"

Lingrou thought that Ling Xiao was worried about this matter, and put down the tea in his hand and smiled and said: "The leader does not have to worry, the things that Ling's ancestors can do, you can do it."

"I mean, if so?"

"Let you rest assured, it won't be like..." Lingrou's eyes on Shang Xiao, the latter two words were swallowed directly by her, she seemed to understand something.

Some thoughts flashed quickly from Lingrou’s mind. She tentatively said: “If it’s really unfortunate, then the situation is actually much better than before.”

"how do I say this?"

Lingrou heard the secret dark belly, obviously you know everything, and you have to force me to say. But at the moment, she is completely immersed in the mind of Ling Xiao, naturally know how to follow her words.

"At least for now, the commander has already had one more choice, isn't it? For example... the summer predecessor?"

Ling Ling’s voice just fell, Ling Xiao took a look at her: “What do you talk about indiscriminately.”

After saying this, Ling Xiao was silent and did not continue to blame Lingrou.

At the moment, Lingrou has already pondered Ling Xiao’s thoughts, and after all, everyone is a woman. At the moment, she smiled and said no more. She did not put Ling Xiao’s blame on her heart. It was just a rebuttal made by Ling Xiao’s entangled and so shy.

Ling Xiao is indeed very entangled, saying that he likes Lu Shang Xuan. I am not afraid. After all, she has not had much contact with Lu Xuan, but she does not necessarily have a good feeling.

Ling Xiao grew up in the Feng Mou continent, and he was destined to be the next commander of the Ling family. He was almost a few of the Mozu who could talk to her equally, except for Ling Shang Ling Yu’s two uncles. There are only a few of the Xuan family.

However, what the Xuan family is like, Ling Xiao knows clearly, it is in the eyes of the heart to see them.

Now suddenly there is a messenger of the celestial domain, on the strength, can serve as a messenger to save them, certainly not bad, on the appearance, the aesthetics of the demon family is not much different from the human race, Lu Xuan looks like this in Ling Xiao, that It is also very good. More importantly, Lu Xuan was completely in the same position to talk to her, and even gave her a face that was not too big when she first came.

A demon girl who has been lonely for a hundred years, suddenly encountered such a suitable aspect, can not be tempted? Therefore, as Lingrou guessed, Ling Xiao is now entangled and somewhat shy, and the girl's mind is very complicated and simple.

"Instructor, in fact, you don't have to worry about it now. Not to say that it may not fail, even if it really fails, then the summer messenger can't leave here. At that time, even if you don't take the initiative, I think the summer messenger will take the initiative. Ling Ling dared to suggest.

Sure enough, Ling Xiao gave her a look, it seems a bit strange. Seeing Ling Xiao’s appearance, Lingrou’s heart is very weird. She is not too young to wait for Ling Xiao. When she saw her daughter’s posture, it seems that she really said that Ling Xiao’s heart was on her mind.

"Okay, this matter... don't say more, you should go out first, I will be quiet first."

Ling Ling smashed out, Ling Xiao leaned back on the back of the chair, the corner of his mouth could not help but reveal a smile, Xiaorou said it was good, even if it was really what, then it would not be able to turn himself, hehe.

Lu Xuan did not know that he had been led by the beauty actress. At this moment, he was still trying his best to study the two gods and work hard to break away from the bitter sea.

The natural **** pattern of the Mozu is quite different from the **** pattern that suits the human race. He has tried it once and concealed the Taiyin sun **** pattern according to the demon **** pattern, even if only one star **** pattern has repeatedly failed, if If the condensing method is correct, it is almost impossible to fail with his current strength. The only possible reason is that it is on the **** itself.

But this is something that no one can help. Even if he tells Ling Xiao about the truth, Ling Xiao will not know how to improve it into a godlike pattern suitable for the human race.

"You can only rely on Taiyi to return to Yuanxiao..." Lu Xuan sighed, and he decided to start from the essence of the gods. The essence of the gods is the runes. Rune on the weapon, can enhance the strength of the weapon, put it on the equipment, can enhance the power of the equipment, and put it in the human body, then it can enhance the strength of the person, the same way.

The group of succubus maids who were in front of the retreat of Lu Xuan’s secret room felt very strange. In the past few days, the leading adults have come once every day to ask about the situation of the ambassadors. They have slandered them more than once before leaving. I will inform her immediately when I come out. But unfortunately, the ambassador has never come out once and seems to be shutting down.

After this day lasted for ten days and a half, Ling Shang finally found Ling Xiao.

"How is the situation of the summer messenger?"

"Everything is well, the strength of the ambassador is very smooth, and it only takes another month or two to restore the full state. When we gather the power of our Ling family, and with the help of the ambassador, we will be able to break. The enchantment of the mainland, the return to the celestial domain has been just around the corner." Ling Xiao seems to have a well-thought-out road, in front of outsiders, she is of course the ones who control everything.

Ling Shang heard the words, the thoughts in his heart rolled over, but his face did not move: "So good, do you want me to announce this? Or be prepared in advance."

Ling Xiao considered it for a moment and waved his hand: "For the time being, we are not in a hurry, and all the people who are waiting for the ambassador will go out and say nothing, so as to avoid any variables."

"I understand." Ling Shang nodded and said, and then withdrew.

After a round of laps in Ling's Castle, Ling Shang once again went straight to the Xuan family. (To be continued~^~)

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