Sword Spirit

Chapter 1063: failure

Recently, Lingshang met with Xuan Canaan very frequently. He found him without any effort, and Ling Shang directly came to the door.

"Ling Wei has reached an agreement with the celestial ambassadors. After the strength of the celestial ambassadors is restored, they will join hands to break the enchantment of the enchanted continent. Even if we don't want to go, the enchanted continent will cease to exist. In addition to returning to the heavens, we have no choice."

After listening to the words of Ling Shang, the action of Xuanjia Nancha tea was slightly changed, and then resumed as usual. Out of the channel: "They walked them, we stayed on the line, with our current strength, I want to come to this Tianjian continent. The Terran can't help us."

Ling Shang sneered a sigh: "You don't have to deceive yourself. You and I know that as long as the enchantment of the enchanted continent is broken, the suffocation here will be dissipated. At that time, it will become no longer suitable for us to survive. ""

"Looks like you already have an idea, just say it."

Ling Shang stepped forward and showed a hint of haze in his eyes. He slowly said: "For the sake of the present, only the plan to destroy them!"

"go on."

"Now the strength of the domain messenger has not recovered, it is our best opportunity. As long as you win the Lingxiao, the entire Fengmeng mainland will be completely under your control. When it is time to eliminate all the variables, what should I do? Naturally, we have the final say. Otherwise, we can only be pushed by them."

After listening to Ling Shang, Xuan Canaan frowned slightly and fell into meditation. He understands the meaning of Ling Shang, and he has thought about it himself. However, the Ling family is not so irritating. On the position of the demons in the magical mainland, the Ling family is completely above them. Above the Xuan family.

"This matter... matters a lot, I need to think about it. But you can rest assured that I will not let them smoothly destroy the enchantment of the enchanted mainland. My interests, no one can shake it!" Xuanjianan’s steadfast road .

"That's fine, but I hope that you don't think too long. Once the strength of the domain messenger is restored, what do you want to do, I am afraid that there will be powerlessness." Ling Shang reminded.

Xuanjianan waved his hand and signaled that Ling Shang first left. He needed to discuss with the rest of the tribe.

At the beginning of this undercurrent, Lu Xuan was unaware of it. At this moment, he is still working hard to consolidate the gods.

Endeavor is rewarding. After Lu Xuan’s perseverance, the two gods of the Taiyin Sun have finally been decrypted by him. Nowadays, these two great gods are not in the eyes of Lu Xuan, but they are independent of the runes. However, after organizing them with special laws, they can have mysterious ability.

For Lu Xuan, this is a considerable improvement, which means that his research on Fudao has become more sophisticated. As long as he can accumulate enough soul strength, I am afraid that it will take a long time to break through the miraculous teacher and enter the realm of the heavenly teacher.

The path is the same, the higher the depth, the stronger the strength. In the realm of the heavenly teacher, everything in the heavens and the earth can be used as a symbol. It is enough to raise the power of the heavens and the earth in the same way. In the same realm situation, the supernatural warrior is not the opponent of the Tianfu division.

Although there is some understanding of the way, but here is obviously not the time to practice the way, Lu Xuan completely put his mind on the condensed **** pattern.

After successfully improving the Taiyin sun **** pattern, Lu Xuan finally began to consolidate. Taking the two groups of gods in the body as the cornerstone, and the taiji diagram on the top of the head continues to transport the power of the Taiyin Sun into the body, Lu Xuan began to work.

A road rune is rapidly forming. At this time, Lu Xuan is like painting in the body. With a golden light, a star sun **** pattern is instantly concise, and in a short time, it is a silver flash, one star is too cloudy. God pattern condensed successfully!

Two stars Taiyin sun **** pattern, success!

Samsung Taiyin Sun God, still successful!

With the strength of Lu Xuan today, it is easy to consolidate the Samsung **** pattern. As soon as the Samsung **** pattern is continuously formed, it takes only less than one hour before and after. It is a speed.

However, what makes Lu Xuan regret is that he has continuously upgraded the Taiyin sun **** pattern to Samsung. He did not realize any magical power. He must know that when he condensed the thunderstorm, he successively realized the thunder and sigh. And the Thunderbolt.

"I am fortunate, I lost my life." Lu Xuan can only comfort himself at this time. In fact, although there is a chance to understand the magical scent of special scent, the probability is far from the imagination of Lu Xuan. Otherwise, the magical inheritance of the Mozu and some refining families is too worthless. As for the last time, it was his dog’s luck.

Finishing the mood, I feel that my soul is still quite abundant, enough to support myself to consolidate the four-star Taiyin sun **** pattern, Lu Xuan this continues.

The difficulty of the four-star gods is obviously more difficult than that of the former Samsung. This is almost a qualitative change, just like the transformation of the Yuanyuan to the too virtual.

When Lu Xuan concealed the five elements and the four-star gods of the wind and thunder, it relied on the energy of the seven treasures left by the ice phoenix, but now there is no treasure of the sun that can be used by Lu Xuan.

Fortunately, the power of the Qianyuan on the enchanted continent is enough to fill, plus the enchantment in the secret room, and the Taiji figure of the Ling family, which is enough to provide powerful energy.

The rune structure of the four-star sun **** pattern clearly appeared in Lu Xuan's mind. With the operation of Taiyi Guiyuan, Lu Xuan condensed the power of the sun in the body into a rune required for the road, and added it continuously. Above the Samsung Sun God.

It seems to be very smooth, the **** pattern is fast forming, the structure is very stable, the whole road of the gods is not concealed, and the four-star **** pattern is conquered by Lu Xuan’s current martial arts. surprisingly. However... at the moment when the **** pattern is about to be completed, finally something went wrong!

When Lu Xuan added the last rune, the four-star sun **** pattern that should have been successfully completed suddenly collapsed! All the gods composed of the power of the sun broke out at this moment, and the power of the hot sun immediately began to rush into the body of Lu Xuan, and Lu Xuan’s face was instantly white.

"Five lines of gods, suppression!" Lu Xuan reluctantly sighed, the golden woods and fires of the five elements of the lines of light instantly lit up, the five different colors of light suddenly formed a ring, the power of the five elements is endless, firmly will The power of the sun in the chaos of the stocks is tied up, and it is not allowed to move.

In the face of the suppression of the five-way four-star gods, even if the sun gods are not destructive, they can't resist at all. The shackles of the sun are dying, and the power of the sun, which is harmless, has passed away from Lu Xuan.

Although some are a pity, Lu Xuan now does not care about this. Fortunately, he just responded promptly, and prevented the riot of the sun force in the first time. Although the four-star sun **** condensate failed, the Samsung **** pattern was not destroyed after all, and it was not to start all over again, just let Lu Xuan What is frowning is that everything is so smooth, why did it fail at the last minute? (To be continued~^~)

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