Sword Spirit

Chapter 1064: Scorpio

"Impossible, everything is fine, how can it fail?" Lu Xuan could not understand.

I carefully thought about my own condensing process. Lu Xuan determined that he did not make any mistakes. He still has some points. If he has to solve the problem of four-star gods, he does not need to play the idea of ​​five lines of gods. .

Lu Xuan wants to call Ling Xiao to ask, but after thinking about it, Ling Xiao should not be able to come up with any idea. After all, her gods are natural and natural, and she does not need to be as troublesome as herself.

Lu Xuan first calmed down, slowly running the exercises to adjust the internal interest, and cleared out the messy sun power in the body, so as not to cause any trouble for himself later, and then began to analyze step by step. process.

The problem is that at the moment when the sun **** pattern succeeded, even Lu Xuan had such a feeling, that is, he had just succeeded, but after the success, the **** pattern suddenly burst.

what is the root cause? Lu Xuan worked hard for a long time, but when he accidentally discovered the power of the group in the body, suddenly a flash of light, suddenly realized!

"I understand! The sun is too cloudy, the two complement each other, and they are indispensable. Just the sun is not too yin, the yang is too strong, there is no yin to reconcile, so it will collapse in an instant!"

Lu Xuan thinks more and more makes sense. After all, Ling Xiao has just mentioned the importance of the balance of the Taiyin Sun. As for why there was no collapse before the condensed Samsung gods, I wanted to come because the power of the sun at that time was not strong enough to be violent under the suppression of the rest of his gods. However, the four-star **** pattern has just been condensed, and the rest of the gods have been suppressed. It is for this reason that Lu Xuan ignored this point.

However, although the problem has been found, it seems that there is no good solution. If the Taiyin gods are condensed first, then there is no sun power to neutralize, I am afraid it will also collapse. The power of the collapse of the four-star gods is not small, Lu Xuan can not guarantee that he can withstand this repeated toss.

Thinking of this, Lu Xuan flashed a glimmer of light in his eyes. Then... It seems that there is only one way left, that is, to consolidate the two gods of the sun at the same time!

However, this difficulty is somewhat large. It is not a problem for Lu Xuan to use it. Since he used Separation to divide Soul Lake into two, it is hard to use this kind of thing. In this case, you need a huge amount of soul support, otherwise you will have to spend a lot of effort on the soul.

"I have to try a test, I can't give up on it. What's more, the soul power needed to consolidate the five-star gods is not too small. Just use it as a practice hand. When you really consolidate the five-star gods, you can be more comfortable." After Lu Xuan thought about it, he finally made a decision.

Without anxious start, Lu Xuan first spent an hour to adjust the power of the sun in the body to a balanced state. By the way, he also recovered the soul power that had just been lost. When the state reached its peak, this began again. .

With the operation of Taiyi Guiyuan, the speed of the Taiji diagram on the top of Luxuan suddenly began to accelerate, and the two forces of one yin and one yang were simultaneously injected into him. At the same time, his two soul lakes began to fluctuate gently, and the soul force was divided into two by Lu Xuan. One of them pulled the power of the sun and pulled the power of the Taiyin. They began to build two gods in the body. Pattern.

With the formation of a rune, Lu Xuan's nerves are tighter, and even the breathing is stagnant, completely turning to the inside. The soul power in the soul lake is consumed quickly. At this moment, Lu Xuan has already refused to pay attention. Even he even ignores the gods themselves, and no longer thinks about success or failure. There are only one rune in the eye. His purpose is to use these runes as building materials to build an intact **** in the body!

Suddenly, a feeling of weakness in the soul suddenly came, and Lu Xuan was forcibly pulled out from the state of being close to heaven and man! In such a short period of distraction, the unfinished Taiyin sun **** pattern is like a tremor, almost collapse at the same time, but Lu Xuan reacted in time to re-establish it, but the speed of concise runes is gradually Slowed down.

This is Lu Xuan deliberately reducing the speed. He realizes that his soul power may be insufficient. At the same time, he condenses the sun and the sun, which is more costly than Lu Xuan’s imagination. This is by no means one plus one equals two. simple.

He not only has to concise the gods, but also needs to constantly separate the forces to prevent the conflict between the two gods. After all, they are not yet formed, and there is no strong bondage. They can only be temporarily separated by the soul of Lu Xuan. Open.

How to do? Lu Xuan quickly thought about the countermeasures. This problem cannot be evaded. Even if he gave up this time, the next time there is no reason for success. Only by finding a solution.

"For the sake of the present, you can only try to be distracted!" Lu Xuan made a difficult decision.

This is really a no-brainer. Condensing the Shenzi is a thing that requires a lot of mental concentration. A slight difference will lead to a complete collapse. He is now distracted and distracted. It is a big challenge for him.

The two souls still maintain the rhythm of the runes without any urgency, but at the same time, Lu Xuan has started to run the refining articles of Taiyi Guiyuan! A trace of soul power was absorbed by him and slowly poured into the soul lake.

This can be regarded as a temporary entanglement, a tightrope-like behavior. Once the soul force breaks down, the power of the sun that is out of control will collapse directly, and this time there are two such huge forces that are rolling each other, I am afraid that it will really suffer a lot.

However, no matter what, finally, there is the soul to inject into the soul lake, no longer sitting in the state of eating mountains and air.

Lu Xuan's speed of condensing the gods began to become slower and slower, trying to maintain the balance of the soul.

I don't know how long it took. Lu Xuan's spirit has been exhausted to the extreme. Although the speed of concise gods is reduced, his nerves still don't dare to relax, although he does not have to consider the factors of soul power, but for his spirit and will. It is also a powerful test.

Finally, as Lu Xuan approached the edge of the collapse, the last two lines of the gods fell on the sun and the sun.

With a cry, the golden light and the silver light flashed at the same time, and the sun's sun **** pattern appeared stably, and there was no sign of the instant collapse.

Lu Xuan’s exhausted spirit is like a return to the light, and it’s a success!

At this moment, in the moment when Lu Xuan suddenly relaxed, a thought was injected into his mind without warning.

"Scorpio refers!"

Seems to have got a magical power? It seems that it is a double happiness, Lu Xuan reveals a smile, but he is no longer in the mood to understand this magical power, the first glimpse, directly cumbersome to sleep ~ (to be continued ~ ^ ~)

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