Sword Spirit

Chapter 1078: Eighteen Emperor

Looking at the sparsely-ridden standing in the world of the road, the faces of those who are scared to look at their own demon, Lu Xuan showed a sneer, then waved to cancel the world of the road.

Feel the power of the surrounding forces to dissipate. These demons suddenly screamed and ran away. They didn't dare to stay for a while, let alone look back at Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan naturally has the ability to leave these demons, but he did not shoot, the effect of putting these demons back is much better than the effect of completely leaving them. Lu Xuan believes that they are now borrowing them. A courage, they definitely dare not go back and kill, no one wants to go second on the verge of death.

Lu Xuan gently waved the long sword and moved the lower bones. As a result, he saw that he was moving. The magic soldiers could not help but take a step back. Lu Xuan in front of them was no longer a celestial messenger in their eyes, but killed. God.

Seeing this scene, Xuan Canaan’s face was slightly sinking. Now the morale of the demons has fallen to the bottom of the valley. If there is no movement, I am afraid that these magic soldiers will be directly frightened by Lu Xuan and must be suppressed. Lu Xuan’s momentum.

"It’s not a stalwart of the celestial domain. The means is really extraordinary." Xuanjianan slowly said: "Although I don't know where you are hiding, but in this magical continent, even if you hide her underground, I can also dig it out!"

"Why should you speak out madly, do you compare yourself with each other, isn’t it more convincing than these words? Or do you want to continue to count on you to fight these devils to deal with the deity?"

"You don't have to be so crazy. If you are in Tianyu, I don't have any way to take you. But now, I don't believe in the power of the entire world. I can't help you! The demons will hear orders!"

Boom, bang, bang!

A heavy footstep sounded, and a full eighteen demons came out from the surroundings. Lu Xuan swept away, and his heart suddenly sounded up. These devils will all be the realm of the demon. Judging from the breath, the lowest strength is also the Samsung Emperor. The strongest is only slightly inferior to the Ada, I am afraid it is already Jiuxing. The devil is only one step away from the peak.

These devils, together with Xuan Canaan, who has never been shot by the Emperor of the Emperor, have such a powerful force, even if it is placed on the Tianjian continent, it is extremely tyrannical.

Even when Lu Xuan was trapped in the Eight Temples, he did not face such a situation. At that time, the only strong players of the Sikong family were the Sikongdong three brothers and the Sikong master Sikong, and at that time, there was a Nangong next to Lu Xuan. Lie, Nangong Tianyou and Ye Ruida, the strongmen, now only one of them, on the critical situation of the situation, can be said to be far better than the original!

Being able to gather such a powerful force in a short period of time is naturally that Xuanjianan has been arranged for a long time. However, this feast was originally prepared for Ling Xiao. After all, he could not pin all his hopes on Ling Shang. Although Ling Xiao was successfully injured by Ling Shang, and lost his combat power, he did not expect to find a similarly strong Lu Xuan, then this power can only let Lu Xuan to digest.

Seeing that the 18 devils will be murderous and powerful, Xuan Canaan finally showed a smile, after the siege of the magic soldiers was just an appetizer, now is the dinner!

"The messenger, you keep saying that you want to see my strong men, I don't know if these forces of my Xuan family can get your eyes?"

Lu Xuan sneaked a smile: "There is no better person, put it in Tianyu, they are some cannon fodder, and they are not allowed to be on the table."

Having said that, in fact, Lu Xuan’s mind is already thinking about countermeasures quickly. He is tactically attaching importance to the enemy and strategically despising the enemy.

These 18 devils, 12 of them are below the six-star demon, and any one of them alone is not in the eyes, but the combination is a strong force, as the other six are in the six-star The above demons, each of which is big or small, has a certain threat to him.

Especially one of the demons and a demon, the two of them are the strongest, and the nine-star demon is undoubtedly, these two, the threat to Lu Xuan is extremely strong! Together with Xuan Canaan, who is likely to shoot a fatal blow at any time, it is not an exaggeration to say that Lu Xuan is facing a deadly life.

It is no wonder that Xuan Canaan has such a strong confidence that Lu Xuan will be left behind. Such a strong lineup is enough to sweep the entire continent without the Ling family.

"Is it unsatisfactory? Oh, to make the strength of your devil, you are naturally qualified to say this, but unfortunately, you seem to have forgotten, you are now just an ordinary magic emperor!" Xuan Canaan There was a glimmer of color in the eyes: "Today I will let you know that these characters are just cannon fodder in your eyes, enough to kill your life! The demons will give me, no matter what you live!"


A burst of unanimous rumors came out, the sound of sounds all over the world, eighteen devils will attack from Lu Xuan in all directions at the same time!

Two of the nine-star demon emperors took the lead, carrying a fierce and fierce momentum, and the 12-magic combination of the three devils, who were slightly less powerful, joined forces. Endless magic is coming out, and the whole world is changing!

Such a crisis, has not allowed Lu Xuan to have the slightest intention and keep a hand, immediately screamed: "Blood burning!"

The dragon blood that had just condensed in the body soon burned out at this moment. A dark red flame rose from Lu Xuan's body and wrapped it in it. For a time, Lu Xuan's power rose sharply, almost three times as much. prior to!

“Thousands of Thunder Prints!”

"Scorpio refers!"

The dusty sword suddenly disappeared from Lu Xuan’s hand, the left hand was printed, the right hand was flexed, and two magical powers were shot at the same time!

Thousands of thunders were printed as dozens of feet, carrying a thunderous thunderous voice and smashing away to the 12 demon emperors who joined forces. The right hand pointed to the point and blinked in the blink of an eye. Gas, the other four demons.

Thanks to the recent period, Lu Xuan was not able to practice, and with the careful guidance of Ling Xiao, he made the power of the Taiyin Sun clear, otherwise it would not be able to issue four Tianzhu fingers so quickly.

One finger is like a scorpio. The Scorpio, which is enough to penetrate the two-sided half-Haina stone wall, finally exerted its due power. The four magic emperors faced Lu Xuan’s power, and they were defeated at the same time. Resist the shot. As for the Thunder, it also blocked the pace of the twelve demons.

However, these are not the key points. The focus is on the two nine-star demon emperors. Lu Xuan has no restrictions at all. It is not that he does not want to, but that he cannot rely on the power of Scorpio to effectively harm both of them. Instead, he will waste himself. Great experience.

In just a short moment of effort, the two emperors were rushed to Lu Xuan’s front, and the demon lifted a huge forepaw like Taishan’s top, and the demon raised his axe. As the sword and Huashan are struggling, any attack is so powerful!

At this moment, Lu Xuan, who finally vacated his hand, came out with a palm, and left and right respectively greeted the attack of the two demons.

"The void is breaking!"

It is also a strong magical power. It is issued from Lu Xuan’s hand. Under the state of burning blood and blessings, Lu Xuan’s strength and defense have reached an astonishing level, even if it is straightforward. The Mozu is also not afraid! (To be continued~^~)

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