Sword Spirit

Chapter 1079: Renewed Shenwei

This kind of supernatural power is derived from the sword crystal, and can enter the eye of Ye Tian, ​​the power is extraordinary. In fact, this type of supernatural power has helped Lu Xuan to make meritorious deeds. On the strength of strength, the emptiness of the void is enough to rank among the top three in Lu Xuan's many supernatural powers.

At the beginning of the seal, Lu Xuan defeated Sikong North's Aoki Xuantian with his emptiness, but now his strength is comparable at that time, even if he is at the same time, he will deal with two nine stars. The devil, that is also a good job.

The bang banged and the whole space shook. A strong gust of wind rose from the sky and a gust of wind blew. These two demons will be directly bombarded by Lu Xuan!

The first wave of the 18th Devil's offensive was finally disintegrated by Lu Xuan, but now it is not smug, the twelve weaker emperors have already torn the Thunder, which lost Lu Xuan’s control. When the two nine-star demons were shot, they quickly approached Lu Xuan.

Twelve magic emperors tried their best to use an unknown combination of techniques, condensing a powerful and powerful suffocating bang suddenly rushed toward Lu Xuan, on the power is not inferior to the joint strength of two just nine magic stars hit.

Now Lu Xuan is powerless and can't resist this trick. In desperation, he runs forcibly and thunderously, and the body disappears from the place in the moment, and instantly appears in the twenty feet.

This is the smashing of the four fists and the four hands. The attack of the demons can be wave after wave, but Lu Xuan can not resist in time.

After a round of attacks, the two sides barely counted a tie, and Lu Xuan took the slightest advantage. Although his attack will cause some trouble for the 18th Devil, he has not achieved any advantage. Instead, he has been forced to temporarily avoid the edge.

Originally, I saw Lu Xuan’s exhibition, Shenwei’s attack, and forced the two nine-star demon to retreat. Xuan’s heart was slightly scared, but when he saw this scene, he laughed out loud.

"The ambassador, this is the cannon fodder in your eyes? It seems that you don't even have as much as the cannon fodder!" Xuan Canaan had no mercy.

Lu Xuan heard that he was unmoved, and his look did not change. He carefully examined the eighteen devils that had gathered again. It is impossible to fight like this. As long as he makes a mistake, he will inevitably be caught by the other party and cause heavy losses.

More importantly, the initiative is completely in the hands of the other party. He has no chance to fight back. If Xuan Canaan seizes the opportunity to join the battlefield, everything will be closed. Lu Xuan can't be naive to think that Xuan Cana is just watching the movie. He just keeps paying attention to the opportunity that can cause a fatal blow to himself. A strong emperor and a strong leader, Lu Xuan will never take it lightly.

Now it seems that the other side must be reduced, at least to eliminate the 12 magical emperors, their threats are not inferior to Xuan Canaan!

Meng Chenjian once again returned to Lu Xuan’s hand, relying on a pair of flesh palms, he will not be the opponent of the 18th Emperor. After all, most of his strength is above this long sword, but unfortunately limited to the environmental reasons of the demon world. Most martial arts are hard to play here.

However, there is a martial art exception! That is Ye Tian’s original unique school - Tianjian Jiuzhong!

The power of Tianjian is not based on the power of heaven and earth, but on the Tao! Three thousand worlds, everywhere, on the Tianjian continent, it can mobilize the power of heaven and earth, and in this magical continent, it can mobilize the heavens and the earth!

Lu Xuan takes a deep breath and the kendo field reappears. He looks at the nose, his nose and his heart, his heart has a sword, and there is heaven and earth in the sword. Heaven, sword, man, at this moment, it is completely one!

All of them were strong, although they could not see Lu Xuan's kendo, they were able to clearly see the change of Lu Xuan's body.

The smile on the face of Xuanjianan disappeared first, and now the danger that Lu Xuan brought to him is even stronger than that of the previous world. He immediately shouted: "Continue, kill him!"

The Eighteen Emperors once again responded with a voice. With the previous fight, they have a clearer understanding of Lu Xuan’s strength, and they are definitely the object that they can easily kill. This time, even the two nine-star demons are no longer alone, but they will act together with the demons. They will sever all the hopes of Lu Xuan, and will not give him any possibility of breaking, with absolute strength. , crushed Lu Xuan!

The Eighteen Devils will be dispatched at the same time, carrying a momentum that is enough to annihilate everything. The overwhelming Lu Xuan is swarming, and the power is so horrible! The **** magic is scattered, and it is almost half the sky.

"Give me death!" The roar of the demon of the nine-star devil's power screamed, his face was ugly, but the huge axe in his hand was enough to make people feel terrified.

Just when the 18th Devils were less than ten feet away from Lu Xuan, Lu Xuan’s momentum finally reached its apex, his eyes suddenly opened, and a fierce sword light flashed through his eyes!

"Heaven and Man!"

The kendo field hovering around Lu Xuan's body was sharply compressed at this moment. All the swords gathered together and completely condensed on the dusty sword. Then, the sword light skyrocketed!

The dazzling white sword almost flashed the eyes of all the Mozu, and the magic soldiers in the distance couldn't help but close their eyes. The tears could not help but shed, and they could not look directly.

Lu Xuan Lianren with a sword into this thick sword light burst out of the moment, this sword is like a flying fairy, unstoppable!


The eighteen devils will scream at the same time, and the sounds will be shocked. They will shoot the muscles of the leading demon face, and they will use their strength to shake the giant axe.

It’s just his axe, but he couldn’t help but get Lu Xuan. Instead, he was suddenly bounced off by Lu Xuan, and his body exploded dozens of feet away!

Followed by the claws of the demon, but his end is not the same as the demon, Lu Xuan is like a blade that can cut everything, and everything in front of him is opened.

Bang! The four monsters above the six-star demon will strike together, and the sword will vibrate. The four magicians will once again be shocked. Their mouths have already flowed out of blood. The last twelve demons were unable to resist, and one by one spurted blood and flew in all directions.

The power of a sword completely defeated the Eighteen Devils. However, this is only the beginning.

Lu Xuan turned back, such as a sharp sword standing on the top of the sky, rushing into the sky, just stabbing the enemy, just just breaking the enemy, then, is the counterattack!

At this moment, Lu Xuan’s eyes were as calm as a pool of stagnant water, and there was no fluctuation. Then the dusty sword gently turned and vomited four words: “Meteor – catching the moon!”


Lu Xuan’s figure has disappeared into the same place, and the sword is coming to an extreme. No one can keep up. (To be continued~^~)

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