Sword Spirit

Chapter 1082: Dedication, five kendo

There was no time to prepare more, and there was not enough time to accumulate momentum. Lu Xuan immediately waved the sword and took advantage of the situation. He struggled with a sweep, and the Jianfeng swept a hurricane, carrying a giant axe that focused on more than 10,000 pounds.

However, compared to the Mozu, power is not the strength of Lu Xuan, and the shortcomings of the enemy can be expected.

The demon face once again showed a sly smile, and under the power of the whole force, the power of the giant axe was even worse. Only the sound of the impact sounded, Lu Xuan and the demon were all shocked, and a huge counterattack. Force is also communicated to them.

The devil swayed against the tall and heavy body and only shook it, but Lu Xuan was directly slammed back by this powerful force, and could not hold his body.

Such a rare opportunity, the devil will miss it? The wound on his head has been continually bleeding, making his hatred of Lu Xuan very incomparable. Nowadays, it is hard to catch the opportunity. He almost did not hesitate to sneak up. The limbs suddenly slammed into the ground, and the forefoot claws that lifted their strengths were shot down like Lushan.

At this moment, Lu Xuan has not slowed down. He can't use the dusty sword in time. In front of this huge body of demon, his body looks so small, as if he will be photographed as a paper man in the next moment. general.

However, at this critical juncture, Lu Xuan is hard to breathe a sigh of relief, instantly condensing the power of the Taiyin Sun, a huge spurt of eruption from the fingers, the power is amazing.

The power of Scorpio refers to it naturally, but the demon has seized the opportunity, and with the thick skin, the power of Scorpio hit him only to weaken his impact, and it is not complete. Block it, the next moment, he has already rushed to Lu Xuan.

"Hey!" The giant palm of the hand rushed to Lu Xuan, if this is a real shot, I am afraid he will have to enter the ground in an instant, was beaten to death. However, on the occasion of this millennium, Lu Xuan forcibly moved a distance, causing a slight error in the palm of the demon, and finally rubbed his chest.

However, even if it is just a rubbing of the palm, the strength can not be underestimated, Lu Xuan's body can not be directly suppressed to fly, to the chest like a heavy hammer, almost boring want to make people suffocate, under strong oppression, Lu Xuan's internal organs have been hit, and a blood has poured into the throat.

Seeing that he is going to vomit blood, but Lu Xuan is forcibly restrained, and the hard-boiled ones have been swallowed back. Even at this time, Lu Xuan does not want to reveal the identity of the Terran. If it is really awkward, then With the identity of the celestial messenger, he may be able to temporarily save his life by flickering, but if the identity is exposed, there is no second possibility except death.

And when Lu Xuan flew out, a screaming voice suddenly sounded: "Summer messenger! Must escape with a scorpion! Give me a burst! Explosion! Explosion!"


A huge sound of blasting came from the Taiji ball that Ling Shang made, and the power of the endless sun and the sun burst open. The powerful shock wave almost ruined the entire space, a demon emperor Self-explosive, power can be general?

Linger’s decisiveness almost killed all the devils, that is, the two demons and demons who had been pursuing the pursuit stopped and looked at the Lingshang side.

The turbulent airflow dissipated, allowing the demons to see the place. Ling Shang had already had no bones, but the two scarred, flesh-and-blood figures appeared there.

Seeing this scene, Lu Xuan’s heart suddenly sank, and the two personal guards of Xuan Canaan were still alive! I did not expect that Lingshang had exhausted all the power and only ruined them both, and failed to kill them completely. Two Mozus who also belonged to the peak of the Emperor, even if they were seriously injured, were enough to explode a powerful force.

"Hey!" The uncle who did not know whether it was Ada or A2 spit out a spit, spit out a few large teeth mixed with blood, not only that, except for **** marks, his arm was still weak. Pulling, I don’t know if it’s completely broken, or just folded.

As for the other one, it looks even worse. Half of the face is full of flesh and blood, and one of the eyes is hollow. It is obviously completely defeated by Ling Shang. It looks terrible. However, the two of them were able to kill a Tianmo Devil's Peak and survived, which has proved their strength.

"Haha, it’s good to survive! Ling Shang, **** it!" Xuan Canaan laughed. "Go, kill this Tiantian messenger again. You should be the first to do this battle!"

Even if it was such a serious injury, Ah Da Er did not violate the order of Xuan Canaan, and took a heavy step. The firm Lu Luxuan came over.

They were made into this appearance by Ling Shang, and their hearts were also very resentful. However, Ling Shang was already dead. Even the body was not there, and he could not vent. This can pour this power onto Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan couldn't help but step back two steps. Two of the nine emperors who broke out all the power were enough for him. Now there are two more powerful ones, and the situation is already dangerous.

Forced to calm down, Lu Xuan re-established, dusty sword across the chest to take out the trapped beasts.

boom! boom! boom!

The heavy footsteps sounded, and Ah Da Er began to attack, and the speed was getting faster and faster, and the injuries were still unable to restrain their injuries!

Seeing this scene, the demon once again burst into a blast, suddenly bounced, and took the lead in a new round of attack on Lu Xuan.

Hard to support discomfort and tired body, Lu Xuan raised a long sword, calm, calm, and the heart is like a sword!

Killing kendo, repairing kendo, destroying kendo, Haoran kendo, immortal kendo!

The atmosphere of the five kendos appeared at the same time, and the dusty swords were rotated. The five kendos were all integrated into the sword, and the Yuanyuan was one.

"Heaven - people - together - one!"

A sound of awe-inspiring sounds, the sword body turns, a roaring sound, Lu Xuan even people with swords fly out!


This land magic screams a huge bang, the two palms are united, and Lu Xuan patted the past, wanting to annihilate this sword again, but this time, with his own power, he could not complete this task.

Lu Xuan screamed, the law of time and the force of space law started at the same time, the blade turned, and the sharp blade carried enough space to cut open space and penetrate the time.


The long sword directly penetrated the palm of the demon. He suddenly made a tragic slap, but Lu Xuan’s sword was not only the whole body’s strength, but he did not have the slightest retention. He poured all his strength into a sword. In the body of this demon.

"Give me death!" Lu Xuan screamed out, and a force that was enough to tear everything broke out with a sword. The explosion rang, and Lu Xuan squandered a full sword. The demons were completely torn apart in an instant, flesh and blood! (To be continued~^~)

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