Sword Spirit

Chapter 1083: Perfect fit

The five kendo and time and space laws were simultaneously applied, which made Lu Xuan's power instantly rise to the apex. The power that broke out at this moment, not to mention the name of the devil, was that even Lu Xuan himself could hardly believe it. He was actually a The sword tore the sorcerer who used the power of the blood torn!

The reason for this effect is that Lu Xuan does not have an accurate estimate of his current strength. He is still measuring himself with his power at Tianjian. In fact, he has been in the enchanted continent for a short time, and he is always receiving the power of Qianyuan, and he has been using the special chambers of Lingxiao.

This kind of environment is unimaginable for Lu Xuan, a refiner who has not absorbed the power of Qianyuan since childhood. His body has been transformed in silence without a word. It seems that a child who has been malnourished from childhood has suddenly received countless foods.

Seeing that this demon was shredded by Lu Xuan, the demon was almost instantly stunned. The demon family was known for its defense. The demon family was known for attacking. Even the demon could not stop Lu Xuan. A sword, can he still survive if he rushes up?

However, it was too late to think about him. A sword killed the demon, and Lu Xuan’s momentum had reached its apex. His eyes revealed a world of sorrow. The sword pointed to the demon and angered: "You, die too! Meteor catches the moon!"

The sword is like a meteor, like a moonlight, Lu Xuan even with a sword in the air across a beautiful sword light, burst out!

Lu Xuan’s speed is the demon that he has seen. At his speed, he can’t escape. He immediately succumbs to the gallbladder and directly slams the giant axe. He screams with anger: “Who is not sure!” Open the sky and axe!"

The infinite force was poured into the giant axe by the demon without reservation. The huge axe suddenly erupted with a dozen awkward axe, and then he held the axe and slammed down.

At this moment, it seems that the surrounding space has been opened. A wave of violent waves swayed and blew a boundless smoke, but in this smoke, Lu Xuan’s Jianguang was still as usual.

Hey! Hey!

No one can see the movements of Lu Xuan, but they can hear the sound of the air of the sword constantly coming, and with the sound coming from this sound, this awkward light is sharply visible to the naked eye. shorten.

Fifteen feet, twelve long, nine feet... until one foot!

In just a short break, this axe is shrinking sharply, and within this moment, Lu Xuan has produced countless swords, and forcibly broke through the devil's axe, all the axe Broken.

Finally, Lu Xuan came to the front of the demon, a distance of one foot, for Lu Xuan completely does not constitute any obstacles.

A dusty sword waved, Lu Xuan held the sword with a crisp and neat sigh, only heard a slamming sound, the sword axe intersected, Lu Xuan right arm shocked, but the devil's hand axe, but it was completely broken into two Cut off and fall directly.

This scene shows that this demon has widened his eyes in an instant. His giant axe is not only a versatile item, but also very thick. He can’t imagine that Lu Xuan’s hand does not seem to be thick, but it looks like a thin sword. How did you cut off your axe? This is beyond his cognitive range. Is this the weapon of the Tianyu?

However, he seems to have no time to think about this. The giant axe resisted the first wave of attacks for him, but the next wave, who lost his weapon, almost lost half of his combat power.

But perhaps his life should not be absolutely, just at this moment, the Aya and Ah Er at the peak of the Emperor's Peak finally arrived in time.

Ada of the broken arm directly reached out to grab the sword that Lu Xuanzhen came down, and the blind eye of Ah Er was struggling to hit Lu Xuan’s lower abdomen, carrying the rushing momentum of the attack. The power is far beyond any previous blow of the demon and the demons. The two of them are clearly matched for a long time, fighting up and attacking one by one, very skillful, and in a flash is to let Lu Xuan fall into the wind.

Just hesitating for a moment, Lu Xuan quickly withdrew the sword, although he did not think that Ada could take his sword with only a pair of flesh, but he also did not want to bear the second. With a punch, Ada may only pay the price of one arm, and he will lose half of his life.

Lu Xuan held a dusty sword and quickly took advantage of the situation, drawing a semi-circle, and the sword was horizontally in front of him, which blocked the fist of Ah Er.


An unimaginable power of Lu Xuan was instantly transmitted through the sword. Lu Xuan’s right hand was directly numb, and it was almost impossible to catch the dusty sword.

Such a powerful force suddenly made Lu Xuan horrified. Is this the power of the trolls at the peak of the Emperor? This is not in the same level as the previous demonic demons.

He finally understood why Lingshang had tried all the power and could only end up with a blew end. The power of Ah Er is going to be against the sky. It is speculated that I am afraid that the strength of Ada will definitely not be in the second. Underneath, maybe he just had the palm of his hand, and he was really able to take over his sword.

However, the two of them did not give Lu Xuan a chance to breathe. See Lu Xuan withdrew a sword that he had smashed down. Ah Da almost changed at the same time, and immediately turned to attack, and the speed was soaring. Stretching forward, Zhang Kai's big palm, such as the eagle catching the chicken, the squatting of the land Xuanyuan came over.

It’s just that Lu Xuan is also a very rich man in combat experience. He watched the six roads in the battle and listened to all directions. After he noticed the action of Ada, he almost did not want to send out a force, with the help of Ah. The power of the moment retreats and flies directly hundreds of feet away.

Lu Xuan’s quick response did not cause any emotional fluctuations in Ah Da and Ah Er. They have long been used to various opponents. For them, any reaction of the enemy does not matter, because with the cooperation of the two, No one can escape a dead word.

I saw A's left leg suddenly slammed, the body burst out, followed by Lu Xuan, a rapid rotation, the right leg lifted up, carrying a very powerful leg winds.

In the face of the combination of the two of them, Lu Xuan had a sense of powerlessness. The cooperation between the two of them was too compact. It was like a person who had three heads and six arms at the same time. The attack swept like a wave. A wave, do not give any breathing, almost completely press the other side to fight, only to seize a trace of mistakes, they can have the other party's life!

Ah Er’s leg has not been thoroughly swept. Lu Xuan’s afterglow is the next round of attacks that have already seen Ada’s attack. Even if he once again blocked the attack of Ah Er, he will fall into the battle of Ada. Can be caught in the state of the left and right, and finally, completely exhausted, or stunned.

Can no longer give them a chance, they must break their rhythm, Lu Xuan heart made up his mind.

PS: Xiaobao went home on vacation, busy with this classmate, the friend played, and broke for a few days, I am sorry, today's New Year's Eve, rushed out of time to write a chapter to send. Here, Xiao Bao wishes everyone a happy New Year's Eve! New year, home and content, heart and mind, happy every day! (To be continued~^~)

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