Sword Spirit

Chapter 1086: Blood

"Hey!" Ah Da, who was trapped by the sword, finally made a roar, and suddenly punched the wind and the cloud. This is the way of the red-eyed eyes, and the red eyes are staring at Lu Xun’s disappearing direction. At this moment, even if he wants to chase, I am afraid. Can not catch up with Lu Xuan.

Forcibly suppressing the idea of ​​killing Lu Xuan, Ah Da took a heavy step by step to the Xuan Canaan who was flying by Lu Xuan. As for the second and the second, Ah Da had no chance to take care of it.

Walking to the south of Xuanjia, A's indifferent eyes swept over a group of magic soldiers. The cold road said: "A group of waste!"

By the big head pointing at the nose, many of the magic soldiers did not dare to look directly into his eyes. In front of the strong man Lu Xuan, their magical power of this strength is indeed no different from waste.

Seeing that no magic soldier dared to look at himself, Ada was even more angry and shouted: "I still stand still, not to take care of Ah Er!"

The squadrons suddenly heard their dreams, and they rushed to the position where they fell into the second place. They were afraid to be troubled by Ada again. Now they are defeated by them. Maybe Ada will kill some magic soldiers to vent their anger. .

I no longer pay attention to this group of magic soldiers. Ada leaned over and carefully lifted up the soft Xuanjianan. The movement was very gentle. Now Xuanjia Nanxun doesn’t know how many bones he has broken, and he can’t bear too much power.

The will of Xuan Canaan is also extremely strong. He has not been fainted by such a heavy blow. Perhaps it is strong hatred that has made him strong and self-supporting.

Under the help of Ada, Xuanjiaan leaned against him, relying on the strength of Ada to stand up, and a pair of eyes with deep hatred looked into the distance, shaking his lips and screaming: "Look, give I am looking for it! Even if I will dig the land of the magical continent, I will find out the name of Xia and Ling Xiao!"

"I understand that it is just guiding your injury..."

"I'm fine! Go find it!" Xuanjianan hated the big push, and wanted to stand up on his own strength, but he just got out of Ada's support. His knees were soft and almost smashed again. Going down, A Dalian is busy helping him again.

Taking a deep breath, Xuan Cana suppressed the hatred in his heart: "First send me back, then send all the power to me, try to find their traces. If you can't find them, then you don't have to Come back to see me!"

"Yes!" Ada responded with a cry, then turned to look at A2. At this moment, Ah Er had already been carried by a group of flying scorpions, but he was still in a coma. Wake up, life and death do not know.

Without paying attention to the investigation of Ah Er, Ada held up Xuan Canaan with one hand and sent Xuan Canaan to another flying raft.

After doing all this, A big drink out the channel: "Come on! Will send the commander and Ah Er back to Wan Mocheng, the rest of the Mozu, with me to explore the traces of the two Mozu Yu Yu! Even if you dig three feet, you should find them out!"

"this is!"

Although some hesitation, but a group of magic soldiers still should be down, they do not want to touch A big brow at this time, everyone knows what will be the end.

For the reaction of the demons, Ada was quite satisfied. After a slam, he took the lead and took the lead. He chased the past in the direction of Lu Xuan’s disappearance. The mainland of the enchantment was so big. He didn’t believe that he had all the Xuan’s family. The power of the people can not find Lu Xuan. This was defeated by Ling Shang, and he was already counted on Lu Xuan’s head.

When the magical soldiers began to search for the traces of Lu Xuan in Fengmingshan, Lu Xuan had dragged the injured body to find a quiet and hidden valley, and a burst of emptiness could not help but hit the chest. The painful moment is stimulating him, and the weak left arm is pulling on his chest. At this moment, his state is already in a state of incompetence. He does not need the strongman of the level of Ada, even if he is a high-order magician. The emperor is enough to make him unable to eat and walk.

Now he urgently needs the help of Ling Xiao. Although Ling Xiao has been injured under the sneak attack of Ling Shang, it is already much better than Lu Xuan’s current state. More importantly, he is against the magic. The mainland is not familiar at all. If you have been hiding here, one day it will be found by the people of Canaan.

Ling Xiao and Ling Rou, who were uneasy in Taiyi Ding, suddenly felt an irresistible force coming, and then a dazzling white light flashed. They had already come out of the strange Taiyi Ding space, and they flashed. It appeared at the side of Lu Xuan.

Ling Xiao’s eyes swept swiftly around, and soon he noticed the pale, tired Lu Xuan. She immediately stunned and quickly ran over to support Lu Xuan: "Xia brother, how are you? Xuan Canaan?"

"I'm fine." Lu Xuan slowly sat down against the stone wall, closed his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. This continued: "Ling Shang died, I lost the Xuan Canaan and took the opportunity to escape. However, Xuan Canaan will not give up easily. He should now search for our whereabouts."

"Is the second uncle dead?" Ling Xiao’s self-talking, although Ling Shang did make a wrong thing, but it is undeniable that at the last moment he finally realized that if there is no firm station On their side, I am afraid that Lu Xuan has tried his best to escape the Tianluo network under Xuanjiananbu. For Xuanjianan, it can be said that it is also a business, and it is also a business.

"Ling Tongling, I don't have much combat power now. We must find a way to get out of here and find a safer place to hide. Otherwise, it will fall to Xuan Canaan sooner or later." Lu Xuan’s painful scream After that, I reminded Ling Xiaodao that it is not the time to feel sad.

Ling Xiaowen revealed a bitter smile and gently shook his head: "Although Xia Xiong broke their round-up by their own power, there is really no good place to go. The Ling family has completely collapsed. Almost all fall into the control of Xuan Canaan. Unless we leave the mainland, we are nothing more than a group of mice hiding under the cat's claws. Sooner or later, they will be caught."

At this time, I don’t know if it was stimulated by Ling Xiao’s words, or the injury of Ada’s punch broke out completely. Lu Xuan couldn’t help it anymore. A large mouth of blood spurted out and coughed.

Seeing Lu Xuan’s injury, Ling Xiao was taken aback. He quickly took a handkerchief from the soft hand to help Lu Xuan wipe it, just rubbing it, and Ling’s movement gradually slowed down until it stopped completely. Her eyes revealed an unbelievable look, staring at the blood stained on the handkerchief. This blood color is red.

At this moment, Lu Xuan also realized what it was. He resisted the cough and looked at Ling Xiao. The gaze of Ling Xiao also just moved over. The four eyes were opposite, and both sides understood it for a moment.

Lu Xuan laughed at himself, gently shook his head, closed his eyes and slowly leaned against the stone wall at the back. I didn't expect to hide it for so long. Finally, it was still stuffed. (To be continued~^~)

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