Sword Spirit

Chapter 1087: Reach out

Lingrou, who was on the side, didn't realize what was going on. He came over and wondered: "Hey, what's wrong with you?"

When the voice just fell, Lingrou saw the blood on the handkerchief of Lingxiao. The moment was a sudden glimpse. I was used to the green blood of the Mozu. Suddenly I saw a bright red blood, no matter who would be surprised.

Ling Xiao held the handkerchief's hand tightly and tightly, giving a slight shake. She stared at Lu Xuan tightly and took a deep breath. She shuddered: "You are not a demon, you are not a demon, right?"

When I heard Ling Xiao’s question, Lu Xuan just closed his eyes and did not answer. This question, answer and no answer can't change anything. Maybe Ling Xiao wants to hear a negative answer from Lu Xuan, but in fact, Ling Xiao has already understood everything.

"You talk! You say! You are not a demon, right?" Ling Xiao finally angered out.

"You have already had an answer in your heart. What is important if I don't answer it?" Lu Xuan whispered openly, Xu was touching the injury, and it was a light cough. The bright red blood stains spilled out from the corner of the mouth again. Once Lu Xuan did not need to cover up anything, but took the initiative to take the handkerchief that had been blood-stained from Ling Xiao’s hand and wiped it. The punch of Ada was really hurting Lu Xuan’s heart and lungs.

Without paying attention to Lu Xuan’s movements, Ling Xiaoqiang endured anger and bit his teeth and nodded gently: “So, you have been lying to me? Your identity of the Mozu is fake, and the identity of the Tianyu messenger is even more fake! ”

"It is true, you are not wrong." Lu Xuan faintly opened.

"Why!" Ling Xiao's hysterical roared up: "Why you want to lie to me! You deceived my Ling family and dissipated, and deceived my uncle and uncle to die. Is this what you want?! ”

Lu Xuan heard the words silently. Indeed, this result can almost be said to have been caused by him. But this is not his original intention. He only wants to protect himself, but he does not really want to kill the family. However, it is useless to say anything now, and the wood has become a boat and cannot be changed.

"Why... why do you want to lie to me..." Ling Xiao’s body squatted for a while, his hands covered his face, and the voice of a crying cry came out. This strong female demon leader was finally hit the most vulnerable in the heart. The place, even if she faced the ambush of Xuan Canaan, she did not show her a little bit of arrogance, but she could not hold this kind of blow.

"Fake, all are fake... What Tiantian messenger... What Lingtian Emperor... What brought us back to Tianyu, all are fake... Hey, why are you cheating me..." Ling Xiao’s shoulder Unspeakable, the sound of sobbing continued to spread.

"Commanding..." Lingrou put a hand on Ling Xiao's shoulder with a trace of compassion, and wanted to comfort her, but did not know where to open.

Looking at Ling Xiao’s appearance, Lu Xuan’s heart was soft and a hint of enthusiasm rushed into his heart. “I’m sorry, Ling Xiao. I’m sorry to say sorry, as you think, I am indeed a human being, and it’s a day. The people of the sword continent. But today's ending is really not what I want. I have come to your enchanted continent inexplicably. I am facing the inexhaustible demon. I can only find a way to protect myself."

"It can be said that everything is wrong. I only said one lie at first. I just want to hide my identity and not become a target. But a lie requires countless lies to lie, I can only step. The deception of the steps, I really did not expect that things will look like this... Sorry."

Ling Xiao looked up and smiled sadly: "I'm sorry? Sorry useful? Sorry, can I rebuild the Ling family, can I let the two uncles and three uncles come over? Can I get back to the Tianyu? Can we complete our Ling family?" The wish of the ancestors for thousands of years!"

Listening to Ling Xiao’s mention of returning to Tianyu, Lu Xuan suddenly turned his face into a correct way: “I can’t do anything in front of me, but the last one, I can!”

Hearing the words, Ling Xiao’s tears suddenly stopped, and he said: "What are you talking about?"

"I said, I did say a lot of panic to you before, but the only thing I did not lie, I can take you back to Tianyu. On the whole Tianjian continent, I can take you back to Tianyu. And only me!"

Ling Xiao seems to have been stunned by Lu Xuan’s news. She is determined to look at Lu Xuan’s face, but then she is upturned and reveals a sneer, slowly standing up and saying: “You thought I would still believe. You? Do you think you cheated me not enough?"

Slowly walked around Lu Xuan, Ling Xiao once again said: "I know what you think, you want to stabilize me and save your life. After all, you are seriously injured, it is not my opponent. Now, I can Killing you easily, revenge for the Ling family and the second uncle!"

As soon as the voice fell, Ling Xiao suddenly attacked, and the fingers were clasped into the throat of Lu Xuan, and the eyes were full of killing! With her strength, it is only necessary to forcefully grab it, and it will be able to cut off Lu Xuan’s throat in an instant.

"Commander!" Lingrou exclaimed and quickly stepped forward two steps.

"Don't come over!" Ling Xiao screamed: "Today, I will kill him!"

"But... killing him will not help, maybe the summer messenger is really true?" Lingrou tightly squatting at the corner to help Lu Xuan break away, she did not know what would be good to kill Lu Xuan, but She knows that one person today is definitely better than one person.

"Enough! Summer messenger, hey, even his name may be fake. I will never believe anything about him anymore, I don't want to be deceived by him again!" Ling Xiao stared at Lu Xuan's eyes. Out of voice, the strength of the hand gradually increased.

"Oh..." Lu Xuan’s throat made a hoarse voice. He didn’t expect Ling Xiao to hate him so much. He didn’t even believe anything in his own words, but in his current state, there is really no Any way to resist Ling Xiao, Ling Xiao, it is even stronger than Xuan Canaan and Ah Da Ai!

But Lu Xuan really didn't want to die so unclear, and finally escaped from Xuan Canaan's hand. If it died like this, it would be too wrong, feel the power of Ling Xiao a little bit worse, breathe more and more The more difficult, in a hurry, Lu Xuan directly embraced his hands, one of them will hold a full of Ling Xiao.

Lu Xuan’s action was really a big surprise. When the power of the hand was suddenly loose, Lu Xuan felt that his breath was smooth, and he quickly took his neck out of Ling’s hands and took a deep breath. .

"You give me away!" Ling Xiaodao, when even reaching out to hold Lu Xuan again, but Lu Xuan will let her do what she wants, fight for the last strength of the whole body to hold Ling Xiao, a turn over will It is directly overwhelmed under the body.

Lingrou was surprised to see the two men huddled on the ground and stunned for a while. (To be continued~^~)

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