Sword Spirit

Chapter 1088: I really didn't lie to you.

"I don't let it go!" Lu Xuan whispered, and he didn't know where he came from. Maybe it was the survival instinct that came out of life and death. He was already seriously injured. He was holding his hands at the moment. She can't move at all.

"You let me go!" Ling Xiao roared again.

"I won't let go!"

In a flash, the two men had already returned to the ground for four or five laps, until they hit another stone wall and stopped. Ling Xiao desperately wanted to break free, but Lu Xuan was getting tighter and tighter.

Ling Xiao double manual bomb can not, in a hurry, directly hit the head with a violent force, one on the forehead of Lu Xuan, even if Lu Xuan body is strong enough, this is also a little dizzy by Ling Xiao The strength of the hand can't help but relax.

Although Ling Xiao feels dizzy, but after all, it is expected that the rare opportunity to seize this is to get rid of Lu Xuan's claws. It’s just that she underestimated Lu Xuan’s survival. Even if there was a moment of dizziness at the moment, Lu Xuan’s body was firmly carrying out the obsession that had to be trapped in Ling Xiao.

I felt that Ling Xiao’s hand had successfully broken away from his bondage. Lu Xuan had no time to catch it again. Without any hesitation, Lu Xuan’s body suddenly pressed down, but this time, he It is directly attached to the red lips of Ling Xiao...

The height of the two men is not much different, so close face-to-face contact, it is too normal to have such an accident. The soft eyes on the side are bigger and bigger, and I look at this scene with sorrow. Others don't know, but she knows that Ling Xiao used to have some thoughts on Lu Xuan.

Ling Xiao’s free-handed hand was already about to be buckled on Lu Xuan’s back neck. Unexpectedly, this was caught up by Lu Xuan, and the action on his hand was once again, and the hand could not be caught.

Lu Xuan also broke free from the dizziness at this time, and fixedly looked at Ling Xiao’s eyes. He could easily feel Ling Xiao’s slightly breathing, with a sweet smell on his face. Hot, wet.

Sucking a sip, Lu Xuan slowly, carefully reflexing his hand, holding Ling Xiao’s hand that was wrapped around his back, and then gently reincorporating it into his arms, the movement is extremely soft, as if afraid of alarm Ling Xiao is generally, and Ling Xiao does not seem to feel the general movement of Lu Xuan, but he is allowed to re-trap himself, without the slightest resistance.

I am dying, two interest rates, three interest rates... I don’t know how long it took, Ling Xiao suddenly turned his head and got rid of Lu Xuan’s hot lips. He didn’t look at Lu Xuan and gasped and said: “Let me go.”

Lu Xuan’s tone was not as firm as before, but he still shook his head: “I will not let go.”

"Let me go, I won't kill you."

Seeing Lu Xuan still hesitating, Ling Xiao once again turned to hate and stared at Lu Xuan: "Do you still believe what I said?"

"That... well, you are a leader, you can't lie to me." Lu Xuan said, finally slowly loosened the arms that hugged Ling Xiao.

Unexpectedly, Lu Xuan just had a relaxation. Ling Xiao immediately killed a carbine and suddenly reached out and buckled Lu Xuan’s throat.

"Hey... you said... no hands!" Lu Xuan struggled to squeeze out a few words from his throat.

"Hey!" Ling Xiao snorted aloud, and looked at Lu Xuan, but actually let go of Lu Xuan, stood up from the ground and took the dust on the clothes.

Seeing Ling Xiao’s words and beliefs, Lu Xuan was finally a big sigh of relief. This is a slap in the face. Since Ling Xiao has not killed him, it should not be done any more.

Now that this is relaxing, Lu Xuan suddenly feels a sense of emptiness and fatigue. He just wants to lie down and sleep well. Thinking about it, Lu Xuan is too lazy to get up, straight back. The same, lying on the ground casually can not get up.

Ling Xiao turned and turned his back to Lu Xuan. "You said it before, is it true?"

"What is it true?" Lu Xuan asked lazily.

"Of course, you can take me back to Tianyu!" Ling Xiao suddenly turned around and looked at Lu Xuan Road: "You have to dare to lie to me, then the new account will be counted together!"

"Oh... you said this." Lu Xuanqiang stood up and said: "Of course it is true, the whole Tianjian mainland, only this one, no semicolon."

"Well, you will take me back to Tianyu now. If it is, the previous grievances will be written off!"

Lu Xuan heard a sneer, once again lying down on the ground, said: "Do you think this is an easy thing? If I can really go to Tianyu at any time, you think I still need to stay in your magical continent for so long, Compose a variety of lies and worry about your life?"

"Then you are still lying to me?" Ling Xiao slowly approached Lu Xuan and asked.

"Please, my commander, I just said that it is not so easy. I said that I can't bring you back to Tianyu?" Lu Xuan said without words.

"Then you hurry, how can I take me back, otherwise, I don't guarantee that when I am not happy, it will take your life!" Ling Xiao stared at Lu Xuan.

Lu Xuan sighed and sighed again and explained to Ling Xiao seriously: "First of all, what is the situation of this magical continent? You also know that I have the ability to break through the outer enchantment of Tianjian mainland, but temporarily to you. The family has nothing to do with the seal of the enchanted continent. Therefore, if we want to return to the celestial domain, we must first leave the enchanted continent."

Ling Xiao sneered: "You are lying to me."

"I didn't lie to you." Lu Xuan waved his hand impatiently.

"That's good, then I tell you, I have a way to leave the enchanted continent!"

Lu Xuan heard a word and immediately said: "Is this true?"

Although the endless huge force of the squadron of the mainland has made Lu Xuan very incomparable, it has made his body strength soaring, and even his body strength has greatly improved, but he has lost the endless vitality of Tianjian mainland, and also let Lu Xuan Very uncomfortable, in comparison, he naturally wants to go back, because there are many people who care about themselves and themselves on the Tianjian mainland. I have been disappearing for so long, I am afraid they will be very worried.

"Nature is true, as you said, I am also on this magical continent, there is only one person who can leave the enchanted continent without breaking the seal." Ling Xiao took a little proud, then she again Yan Xiang Lu Xuan said: "Now your first condition has been completed, then you can take me back to Tianyu if you leave here?"


Seeing Ling Xiaoxiu's eyebrows and worrying, Lu Xuan even said: "Now can't, because my strength is not enough, as long as I have enough strength, it is enough to break the enchantment of Tianjian mainland, leave here, go to Tianyu."

"Do you think that I am so deceiving? Are you thinking that you are worthy of trust? Are you waiting for your strength to recover, when I can't take you?" After three consecutive questions, it has almost roared.

Lu Xuan stretched his hand and felt a little headache. It was really not an easy task to win the letter. Although his words are indeed doubtful, he really did not lie. (To be continued~^~)

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