Sword Spirit

Chapter 1089: Believe and not believe

The two were silent again. Lu Xuan was thinking about how Ling Ling felt that he was not cheating on her. After Ling Xiao calmed down from the previous stimulus, he couldn’t help himself to kill Lu Xuan. I think, in fact, Lu Xuan did not have any slightest malice against her.

If Lu Xuan said that he would kill her, with the strength of Lu Xuan, there are countless opportunities in the castle of the Ling family, not to mention that Lu Xuan has just resisted the magical army of Xuan Canaan by himself. Focus on the injured body with her escape from birth.

Think deeper, think about it, and change the position. Lu Xuan’s actions are not difficult to understand. If Lu Xuan does not fabricate the identity of a Tianyu messenger at first, I am afraid that Ling Xiao knows that Lu Xuan is a human race. Will kill him. Later, she completely planned the return of the heavens. Lu Xuan could not stop her when she could not reveal her identity.

Thinking of this, Ling Xiao was a bit discouraged, she is not an unreasonable person, can only say that the consequences of today are entirely due to some wrong.

At this moment, Ling Xiao cautiously said: "The commander, the summer messenger, I don't think you should fight anyway. No matter what, now our situation is the same. Now Xuan Canaan has almost controlled the whole magical continent, if we Fight, I am afraid it can only be cheaper for him."

Ling Xiao snorted and slammed Lu Xuan: "Even if it is cheaper, Xuan Canaan, I don't want to be a big liar."

Lu Xuan Chang Shu breathed a sigh of relief: "Well, since the words are now open, you know the truth, then I swear to God, then I will never lie to you anymore?"

"Re-recognize, you said it right before, summer night is indeed my pseudonym, this is the name of a friend of mine. My name is Lu Xuan, from Tianjian mainland, a few months ago, because of Tianjian mainland A big force to chase and kill, inadvertently broke into a Jedi, and passed an unknown transmission array, which came to you in a confused way."

Lu Xuan finished, very friendly, Ling Xiaoyan extended his hand and motioned her to shake hands.

However, Ling Xiao directly pointed his head and ignored it. He did not look at Lu Xuan’s words: "That said, you are only suffering from the injury, not because of the lower bound, but because of being Hunting?"

"Indeed, but when I came here, it was true that a sneak attack by a Yinmo was true, otherwise it would not be discovered by you." Lu Xuan admitted.

"Since you can be chased by a big force in Tianjian mainland, then you want to come to Tianjian mainland is also very important?"

"Hey, we are in peace talks. How do you seem to be interrogating me?" Lu Xuan was very upset about the tone of the trial.

Ling Xiao is also a cold voice: "You are a liar, I am asking you what happened? Say, you do not want to gain my trust? Naturally, I ask what you answer, do not understand the details of me. How do you believe in you? Hey, you can give me an honest point. If I turn my face and suffer, but you are discovered by Xuan Canaan, I can’t die, but you are sure to die.”

Being so threatened by Ling Xiao, Lu Xuan suddenly recognized that people under the roof had to bow their heads and looked up and sighed: "Actually, my experience is quite legendary."

"Oh, you have a legendary experience?"

Lu Xuan smiled and couldn’t be denied. Since he said that he didn’t lie, then he didn’t have any concealment. He recalled it slightly: “I used to be a trivial ordinary person, maybe even a charm here. The devil can easily kill me, but in order to protect my sister, I have to fight against a nobleman in our town..."

Lu Xuan slowly talked about his own affairs. At first, Ling Xiao was still frowning and prepared to count down and said that he was not interested in Lu Xuan’s break. However, Lu Xuan just said a few words, Ling Xiao was attracted to it. Although it is completely impossible to say that these things are not legendary, it is quite interesting. She has been pampered since she was a child, and she knows what kind of grievances happen at the bottom of the human race.

Of course, Lu Xuan did not mention anything about Jian Jing and the Emperor of Heaven. He just said that he had got some small adventures. Although he did not say it, he was not a scam.

As Lu Xuan said that the more in-depth, Ling Xiao and Ling Rou began to stare at Lu Xuan, and completely immersed in Lu Xuan’s own story, said Lu Xuan, who was nervous and subconscious, pinched his sweat and said When you are in a hurry, you can't help but show a smile.

Lu Xuan said that it was enough to say that it was almost an hour. With a tired body to say so long, Lu Xuan also feels a bit dry, but unfortunately there seems to be no source of water.

After Lu Luxuan finished, Ling Xiao re-examined Lu Xuan. Now she believes Lu Xuan, she will not think that Lu Xuan is compiled, no one can compile such a complete story in one breath. If Lu Xuan is true, then he is not really a bad person, a person who can not care for his affectionate love and friendship, and where can he be bad?

"So...the girl you want to save is the one you met in that mountain?"

"Yes, but I have already let my friend bring back the yin and yang, and it’s been a long time... I want to come, she should have woken up yet? It’s quite lucky, I thought I would die, I didn’t expect Still came alive here, although the future is still uncertain."

"Your friend? Are you talking about the beast?"

"Of course, I never thought it was my beast. I completely regarded it as a friend, including the deep sea giant. If there is no help from them, now I am dead and I don’t know how long, where is it again. Have the opportunity to live to the present."

"Well, I have some believe in you." Ling Xiao nodded lightly: "The girl is also very lucky, and you are so personally willing to die for her."

In the speech, Ling Xiao did not notice a hint of envy, she never had, and did not have the opportunity to experience this feeling.

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "Because she can also be born and died for me, now I am still alive and dead, I am afraid she is very worried, and my parents, friends. So, Ling Tongling, if you can really take me to Tianjian mainland If you want, you can take me back. I really didn't lie to you. I really have the ability to take you back to Tianyu, but I need to upgrade my strength to an extraordinary situation, which is equivalent to your realm of demon."

"Why can you break the enchantment when you reach an extraordinary situation? As far as I know, the enchantment of Tianjian mainland is a true human being, even if we are a demon, we need a magician to take it."

"This... I can't tell you."

Ling Xiaoxiu's eyebrows are picking up, and Lu Xun quickly said: "Whoever has some secrets? I said not to lie to you, but did not say that I need to tell you everything, and then we are a cooperative relationship. It is not a subordinate."

Ling Xiaowen suddenly suppressed the unhappiness in his heart. Lu Xuan was able to say so many things, and he was already very sincere, which is equivalent to his understanding of Lu Xuan’s life.

After thinking about it, Ling Xiao looked at Ling Hao on the side.

After waiting for Ling Xiao for so long, Lingrou naturally knows what she means. At the moment, he hesitates: "In fact, I think that the words of the land ambassador should be convinced."

Lingrou couldn't change his mouth for a time, or he was habitually called Lu Xuan as a messenger, although he already knew that he was a fake.

Hearing Lingrou said, Lu Xuan suddenly rushed to her and smiled. Lingrou was able to help himself. He was very grateful. At this time, maybe a gentle sentence would be enough to add enough to Lingyi’s and unbelievable balances. The weight of the chip.

After a long time, Ling Xiao finally nodded slowly: "Okay, I believe in you."

However, Lu Xuan has not had time to be happy, Ling Xiao is also out of the channel: "But I don't want to make any more accidents. According to what you said, you are not a small person on Tianjian mainland. The younger lord, this identity can be no less than me. If you go back to the Tianjian continent, you will become guilty, then I can do nothing for you."

Speaking of this, this is also the point that Ling Xiao is willing to believe Lu Xuan. If Lu Xuan really wants to lie to himself, then naturally he will say that he is worthless. Even if he returns to Tianjian, he will not pose any threat to himself. Xuan did not have this, but told the truth.

Lu Xuan nodded and said that he understood it very cheerfully: "I can understand you, come on, what is the prohibition for me, or do I have to take the only poison that you have to solve the drug, or Anything else, as long as it can alleviate your suspicion, I can accept it, of course, if you have to give me up before I take you back to Tianyu."

I didn't expect Lu Xuan to go on the road. Ling Xiao didn't tweak it. He took out a black box directly. Lu Xuan saw it at a glance. It is estimated that he had prepared something "good" to let himself eat.

"Don't look at me like this, this is a good thing." Ling Xiao snorted.

"Of course, I know it's a good thing." Lu Xuan deliberately bit the sound on the good word.

"You!" Ling Xuan Lu Xuan said: "I have not lied to you, this is a big tonic, but it is a big tonic taken by the Mozu, to the body of the Terran in your area, can not bear, if it can not be digested The effect of the drug will be destroyed within seven days, unless I resolve it once every seven days. ”

"These effects are enough to make your physical strength rise to another level. If you didn't lie to me, then when you send me back to Tianyu, if you lie to me, then I will die, except me. No one can resolve the power of the Taiyin people who practiced the Ling family."

Lu Xuan bit his lip and smiled: "Don't forget that I also condensed your sun and sun."

Ling Xiao heard a sneer: "As far as your rumors are concerned, I don't have the secret skills of my Ling family to solve the effects. I advise you not to try it easily. Otherwise, I won't get it in time. If you die, don't blame me. Ok, since you are all ready, eat it."

After all, Ling Xiao handed the black box to Lu Xuan. (To be continued~^~)

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