Sword Spirit

Chapter 1090: Before returning home

Lu Xuan took the box and opened it. A longan-sized blood red medicinal herb was presented in front of him. He gently picked up the medicinal herb and sniffed it. He also had some rumors about the refining. This taste is indeed not like a poison. As Ling Xiao said, it is more like a big tonic.

Without hesitation, Lu Xuan simply swallowed the medicinal herb in the face of Ling Xiao, but he was anxious to eat, and could not help but cough, and the mouth became more and more dry.

When Lu Xuan completely took this medicinal medicine, Ling Xiao finally nodded with satisfaction. With this medicinal medicine, even if Lu Xuan played any slick, she was not afraid, unless Lu Xuan was really desperate.

Seeing Lu Xuan coughing badly, Lingrou quickly took a pot of clear water from the storage ring and handed it over. As a maid of Ling Xiao, her storage ring is naturally equipped with various emergency items. Don't talk about water, even food.

Taking a sip of water, Lu Xuan felt much more comfortable, and long sighed with a sigh of relief: "So now we can talk about going back to Tianjian mainland? Can the people of Xuanjianan be afraid to use it for too long?" Our traces are really nowhere to go, and there is no door to the ground."

Ling Xiao nodded, she also knew that the matter was slow, and it was safer to stay in the magical continent compared with Lu Xuan.

"When the ancestors of our Ling family led a group of demons to the mainland of the demon, in order to prevent the Ling family from decaying one day, they were taken over by the people, so they laid a backhand and left. Mastered by every member of the Ling family."

Lu Xuan said that he nodded. "If I didn't guess wrong, your backhand should be the one that I came here to send."

Ling Xiao’s appreciative look at Lu Xuan’s eyes: “It’s true, it seems that you are not stupid.”

Lu Xuan smiled and said: "In fact, I had some doubts at the beginning. It is reasonable to say that your Mozu fled to the Enchanted Continent to prevent the killing of the Terran Powerhouse. How can you leave a transmission array that can lead to it? But you continue to stay, it must be intentional. What makes me very puzzled is that it seems to be a one-way transmission array. There is no corresponding transmission array on your side, so how do we leave? ”

Ling Xiao smiled: "Who said that there is no transmission array, but this transmission matrix is ​​not fixed."

After all, Ling Xiao stretched out his hand and took out a delicate crystal ball that emitted this light blue light.

"Transmission of the array in this crystal ball?" Lu Xuan looked at the crystal ball that was constantly flowing, curiously asked.

Ling Xiao did not answer, but he raised his hand on the top of the crystal ball and did not know where it was moving. A burst of blue light suddenly projected and sprinkled on the ground.

Lu Xuan looked at this scene with amazement, only to see that the blue light reflected, it is a transmission array! He suddenly became stunned, and his heart secretly praised the delicate structure of the Mozu. I did not expect that they could hide the transmission in a crystal ball and release it when needed. In this way, in addition to getting the crystal ball. And anyone who has mastered the method of opening up, no one can use it.

"This crystal ball is called Magic Crystal. It is the treasure of my Ling family. I am not afraid to tell you that at the beginning, our Mozu can absorb all the qi of the Tianjian mainland and move it to the mainland of the enchanted magic. It is relying on it." Ling Xiao said quite proudly that he could absorb all the power of the mainland's Qianyuan, and it is indeed worthy of her pride.

"That said, you can now re-absorb the qi of the enchanted continent and re-deliver it to Tianjian mainland?" Lu Xuan asked in a row.

Ling Xiao looked at him with vigilance and said: "What do you want? You want Tianjian mainland to regain the qi of the scorpion? Hey, what good is this for the benefit of your human race? Although I am indeed I hate Xuan Canaan, but I am not so angry that I am angered by the entire Mozu of the Devil's Continent. I have no qi, and they have no choice but to wait for death."

Lu Xuanyuan smiled. He really thought so. Without the enthusiasm of the Yuan Dynasty, the refining genre of Tianjian mainland was completely abolished. However, if the power of Qianyuan could be restored, it would not take long to be used. The human body constitution of Tianjian mainland can be greatly improved, and the veins of the refining will gradually rise again.

Then Ling Xiao said: "In fact, even if you want to do this, there is no way. The energy of the magic crystal ball is almost consumed when the last time you absorbed the power of the Qianyuan. In the past few years, it has not been enough to supplement. It can't do such a big thing at all. Now its energy, I am afraid, can only support a person to start the transmission array and leave here."

"One person?" Lu Xuan asked in surprise. His eyes swept over Ling Xiao and Ling Rou. There were three people here.

Lingrou was also taken aback. She knew nothing about the magic crystal. She did not expect to have such restrictions. She opened her mouth and tried to say something, but she stopped talking. Finally, she spoke up and bit her lip: "Let's lead, you take the land messenger, maybe the magic crystal ball can support the strength of two people. I, I will stay here again, anyway, anyway, I can't help you any more..."

During the speech, Lingrou kept pinching his own clothes corner, almost tears, asking who would not want to live, but if three people must abandon a person, it can only be her.

Unexpectedly, Ling Xiao smiled and turned his head and touched the soft hair. "What do you say, how can I leave you? Although there is only one person to leave the energy, that is enough, but it depends on it. We are the land messenger."

"Rely on me? Hey... I understand." Lu Xuan was so stunned that he knew what Ling Xiao was playing.

Ling Xiao put away the crystal ball and said two steps slowly: "If I didn't guess wrong, what you had hidden with Lingrou before, should it be a rare space treasure that can be accommodated? For the young master of Tianjian mainland's top sect, how can there be a few good babies on hand?"

Lu Xuan smiled, and Ling Xiao really took the idea of ​​Tai Yi Ding, but this kind of thing is not something that Jiu Huameng can take out. Even in the sky, Tai Yiding’s treasure of this level is not More common. But what she did not say is that with Taiyiding, she can indeed earn Lingxiao and Lingrou, and then leave with the magic crystal ball.

"It seems that you have planned for the magic crystal ball."

"Of course, if I don't see your space treasure, I won't tell you this at all. Even if I want to go, I will go alone."

"Reassured, I can really leave you with you, this you are not worried." Lu Xuan gave Ling Hao a ticket.

Ling Luo heard a smile, a feeling of hell, from heaven to heaven, it is really good.

Everything is ready now, only owing to the wind. Lu Xuan turned to look outside, there is still no trace of the pursuit of soldiers, it seems that the hiding place he chose is still relatively secret.

Lu Xuan then turned back and looked at Ling Xiaodao: "In the vicinity of the transmission array left by your ancestors of the Ling family, there is an endless strong suffocation, and the force of tearing through the space that needs to be transmitted through the array is very powerful. The current state is not suitable for immediate departure, I need some time to recover."

"No problem, I will pay attention to the nearby movements, and wait for the people in Canaan to come over and we will not be mad." This time, Ling Xiao did not sing against Lu Xuan. After all, the person who passed the transmission array was Lu Xuan. Once Lu Xuan had a problem, she could have both of them lost in the turbulent flow of space. With her strength, I am afraid that when the space is turbulent, the time will be torn into pieces.

Lu Xuan did not waste time. He immediately sat down on his knees and recovered his strength. He did not expect to recover any powerful strength. As long as he could support the transmission channel, it would be enough. There are ways to deal with it, after all, that is what the Ling family left behind.

Sitting down and adjusting the interest rate, Lu Xuan opened his eyes again and looked at Ling Xiaodao, who leaned against Taniguchi. "This recovery is too slow. Have you just given me a big tonic? Come over and help me. Promote the efficacy of the drug, if there is a drug to help, I will be able to restore strength faster, so as not to have a long night dream."

"You are wondering if the medicine I gave you is fake? If so, then I will make you feel at ease." Ling Xiao snorted and walked over, since she knew that Lu Xuan had been cheating her all the time. She always looked at Lu Xuan a little dissatisfied.

Lu Xuan is too lazy to refute, and now it is the most important thing to restore strength. She thinks how to think about it, and when she returns to Tianjian mainland, she will find opportunities to upgrade her strength to an extraordinary situation, and then send Ling Xiao back to Tianyu. If you are fulfilling your promise, you will not see each other again. In the case of Tianyu, if I really want to meet again, I am afraid that it is an enemy or a friend. If this is the case, it is still not good.

Ling Xiao came to Lu Xuan and sat down on his knees. A pair of jade hands were gently printed on Lu Xuan’s back. Then Lu Xuan felt a familiar sun power of the sun and infiltrated him in his body. With the arrival of this force, the power of the previous drug was finally mobilized.

Although it is said that even without the help of Ling Xiao, the medicinal herbs will continue to dissipate strength, but this will undoubtedly accelerate the exertion of the efficacy. Lu Xuan gradually felt that a hot stream began to import his own Dantian, and suddenly no longer distracted, began to fully operate the Taiyi Guiyuan, greedily absorbed this power, filling his empty body.

Taiyi Guiyuan took the medicine from the medicinal herbs and could not help but flow through the meridians, repairing the body damaged by Lu Xuan and restoring his strength. After about an hour, Ling Xiao Chang opened his eyes and slowly withdrew his palm. Now the effect of the drug has been enough for Lu Xuan. More, she is worried that Lu Xuan’s body can’t support it.

Lu Xuan has been completely immersed in the state of cultivation. He has not noticed what Ling Xiao’s actions are, and the sky is dark and bright. This cultivation is a full day.

Exhaled a suffocating gas, Lu Xuan slowly regained his strength and was severely injured by the big chest. Now the pain has been greatly reduced, although some dark injuries have been left, but it is painful compared to the previous breath. The status is already much better. (To be continued~^~)

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